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Forums » Smalltalk » Just Talkin' :)

I make their lives pretty miserable to not want to go out dramatically.
huh? who might enjoy what
im confuse
I make bad jokes, it's just part of who I am and you can ignore me.
Sounds like you put your characters through emotional stuff. Me too, Four!
*looks at velhein*
I make bad jokes too. :D
wait, knight have you read my guys
I checked one or two out. :D
Oh good, glad I"m in good company. Yes, any chance I have to do some emotional torment on the poor people that I've created, I jump on it.
Me three!
Velhein has gone through so much crap
lost all of his battalions, cut an arm off a god
his best friend and second in command died in his arms
Idk even know this character and that stabbed a little damn. Poor dude.

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