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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The tale of the two fates

Verla had woken up early and walked to the inn, she walked in just as someone asked if anyone was there. She put her red hair in a ponytail, walking past him. She put her waitress apron on and bit her bottom lip as she got things ready for the probably busy day.
He woke up suddenly, not recognising where he was for a bit.
Diesel (played by Diesel84923)

I walked into the inn. And as i did, i noticed an argonian looking at me. I hadn’t seen one of them since I was a pup. Something about the argonian threw him off for a bit. Why was he focused on him for a moment in time. The. I remembered. Argonians had a keen sense of smell. He most likely could smell me coming from a mile away.... great... I decided to head to a table slightly adjacent to The argonian table. I saw the waitress get ready. She looked tired. I was hoping not to be a huge burden on her. I kept glancing over at the argonian and the human who couldn’t be anywhere near of age. Why was he here?
Neemus Xercles (played by Arcol)

It didn’t seem like the lycanthrope had yet caught on; the pale scales, the fangs hidden behind his mouth, the red unholy light dimly shining in his eyes. But he was not about to make himself known to him, even indirectly. He shifted his focus quickly to the newcomer, a woman in obvious distress; or at least obvious to him, as no one else seemed to be alerted to her presence. He turned his gaze, the red light dimmer than before, to the boy at his table, though he said nothing, resisting the temptation of his nature.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

Aleem sneaks out of the back window of the inn in the morning and runs to the tower
She looked at the two people, she sighed, not knowing if they needed anything, and so she waited. If they needed something, she was sure they'd tell her. She moved her back toward him as she washed some dishes behind the bar. She hated that she helped that stranger, he was probably clearing out her house right now. If he was, she'd kill the people who took her stuff like last time and take her stuff back. She had to know how to handle herself in this town, she could take care of her self.

Her red hair must've made her stand out in the room. And she avoided speaking. Her scottish/southern accent led people taking it hard to understand what she was saying. If they wanted to talk to her, they would, and she'd talk back, but until then, she was mute.
Diesel (played by Diesel84923)

I looked towards the waitress “excuse me. Could I get a glass of water?” My gaze shifted back to the one who had looked at me earlier.... his scent finally caught my nose. He seemed to have a sort of death smell encircling him. His aura was dark red. What was he exactly? I needed to know. It was at that moment that I had decided I would trail him to figure out what was going on. And why he was being a little strange towards my appearance. I kept my head down but my ears and nose attuned to his scent and sound. And his alone
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

Aleem looks around then quickly enters the tower, the doors of it slamming shut with a loud BANG
"'Course" she said and got a glass and poured some cold water into it, then walked out from behind the bar and gave it to him, slightly keeping her distance. She went back to what she was doing, and kept her ears pealed. When she heard a loud bang, she knew it was the door to the towers, some other fool decided it was time for a suicide mission "good luck." She said softly.
Diesel (played by Diesel84923)

After I heard a loud bang, I did t know what it was but I assumed it had something to do with this tower thing everyone seemed to be talking about. I then noticed the kid was gone.... I sniffed around and noticed his scent went outside. I chugged my water and left a tip on the table and went up to the waitress. I then said “here is the payment for a room. I will be back In a bit hopefully. I want to check something out”. I then smiled and nodded to her and went outside giveing a quick glance to the argonian.

Once outside, I followed the boys scent. Not too far out I came across a rather large tower. The language on the door was.... foreign to me. It had been awhile since I had seen that language. I then shifted to my true wolf form. Standing up on my hind legs. This place gave me an eerie feeling and I didn’t feel like being vulnerable. A rob encompassed me with the sword originally on my waist now on my back. I then placed my paw on the door and it opened..... I stepped inside against my better judgement to where the boys scent was..... the doors then began to shut. I looked back as the closed with a loud bang.... “Great...”. I said to myself. I then created a minor fireball on my hand just enough to see around me. “What have I gotten myself into...”
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

There was torches along the walls, lighting up the whole room. The room was 50m x 50m x 5m in size The ground of the first floor was made of 0.5m x 0.5m tiles. The scent of blood lingered in the air and there were 20 soldier remains on the walls with spears in there chest. there was a lever facing up on the left wall and an open door on the far wall, which when you stepped into the tower there was a click and the door closed with the lever falling into the down position.The boy was on a tile near the lever and when the door opened He yelled"HEY...I JUST PULLED THAT LEVER"Then turned and faced the doorway
Diesel (played by Diesel84923)

I looked up to see the boy and then to the lever and back to the boy. I don’t know hey but I was relieved the boy hadn’t been hurt yet. I didn’t know why but I was drawn to help others and make sure they were ok. Not normal for a lycan. “I’m sorry” I said with the fire in my hand “I’ll put it back for you. Since it seems that when you pushed it up no traps activated”. I then walked carefully to the lever following the fresh scent of the boy basically seeing his path to make sure it was safe. I reached the lever and placed it up. When the lever was moved up, the door opened back up that the boy was talking about. “There... good as new”.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

On your way over to the lever a tile beneath you clicks down and a spear launches at you from the wall
Diesel (played by Diesel84923)

crap. I thought to myself. I Brooke the fire apart in my hand and engulfed the sprear stopping the momentum of the spear a s causing the tip to fall to the ground smoldering in front of me. “Well... that was interesting. “. I then followed the boys scent to see his steps and reached the lever this time without a problem. I then lifted the lever back into the up position. Opening the door
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

The boy nods at you"thanks, the lever resets every time the main door opens, or it could be the tiles right infront of the main door"He makes a round a bout way to the door and goes through it
Diesel (played by Diesel84923)

“You’re welcome”. I then see the boy turn to the door and I said “wait for me!” I then close my eyes a s follow the path the boy took. It was a long winding path that took him on safe tiles away from the spears or whatever taps were being set. He finally got to the door and passed through it as well “so boy... what is your name and what brings you into the tower? I am extremely new to these towers”
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"new to towers? are you from a different world or something, they are scattered over the whole world..but I'm aleem skyla, and I want to climb up this tower to find any magical books up there"
Diesel (played by Diesel84923)

“Yes new to towers. I have seen them but lived extremely isolated from others with my.... family”. I then looked down “anyway I heard that you were goin into one and wanted to check it out. I hadn’t ever suspected what was in them. “. I then kept an eye out for anything unusual. Even to me”.
Verla decided it was time to test her power since she hadn't used it in a while, last time she used it, it was quite powerful. She felt she'd have no problem clearing this tower, she wanted to move and get out of this town and move somewhere safer. She walked over to the tower, and activated her powers to make sure they were strong enough. She opened the doors with a movement of her hand slowly. She peaked inside, not knowing what was in it before she stepped inside and saw two people there.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

There was a spiral staircase going up what looked like 3 floors, the steps on it were switching between stone, aquamarine, wood, and ruby

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