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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The tale of the two fates

Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

There is a smithy shop near the inn, and when he get there he sees a very diverse selection of armors and weapons
She walked over to the orb that stuck out to her, and it started to float and absorbed itself inside her chest. She knew she got what she wanted, and now her magic was even more powerful. She looked at Aleem, then at the other ones and read them.
He pulled a small coin purse out of his pocket, looking at the options.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

There is heavy armor, light armor, and there is a very expensive looking armor in the back
He picked out a longsword and a set of chainmail armor, looking at them appraisingly. "How much?"
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

((the orb has something you need to do with it before it powers you up))
The blacksmith look at what you picked up"1000 braill"
((nakon you can barter if you want)
((Do explain then))

She didn't feel it begin to work, so she took it out and held it "I have no clue how to activate this thing." She sighed and looked at it.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"7,000"He looks at you like you are crazy"deal"
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

((not explaining cause its up to you to figure out)) ((700 you mean?)

Aleem looks over at verla"which book should I get"He placed down three books, one a general study book, one about the different types of magic, and one that was too dusty to see the cover of
"I meant 7000 for the set in the back, and the sword."
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

the blacksmith looks at him"for the set in the back? no"
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"800 for the long sword and, but the set in the back is worth atleast 15,000"
He whisted. "Geez, that set must be incredible." He handed him the 800. "Pleasure doing business with you.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"incredible?Its a dragon scale armor"He takes the braill
"Take them all." She said and shrugged and began to walk out of the tower as she put the orb in her bag.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"ok..."he grabs all three books takes a step, stops moving and throws the books"GAH"
She looked back at him. "What?"
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"I heard yelling in my head..."He goes over and picks the books back up

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