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Forums » Smalltalk » What was the stupidest part of your day?

I just spent quite a ridiculous amount of money on a... giant Pokemon plush. I even purchased stuffing to go inside it, but now I'm wondering if I should have gone with beanbag filling instead. XD *imagines a room full of polyester stuffing that I'll end up not using*

Why am I so awful for impulse buying wacky things.
The stupidest thing I did was stay up all night.
In my physics lab today, my group had to restart part of the experiment several times because we kept messing up the radius measurement procedure. Two times we had to restart because of the limitations of the equipment we were using, one time we had to restart because we'd misread part of the instructions, and two times we had to restart because of the memory limitations of computer program we were using to record data. (The computers in the lab room still use Windows XP...) Yet we were still one of the first groups to finish.

And then I continued to chew food on the side of my hurting wisdom teeth, because I hate pain less than I hate chewing on the other side of my mouth.

I, uh, tripped on a random chair today, in the lobby of my apartment. Fell down and all that. Painful, and somewhat embarrassing, though the only witness was some unknown elderly lady.
My friend hiccuped and I said “Bless you.” And then “You’re welcome.”
Does that count as polite?
I was stacking small boxes into medium sized boxes, then those boxes into big boxes and lastly, I put them all into bigger boxes, which made me start making terrible box jokes for almost an hour, but it was still fun. 😁
the fact that i spent +45 mins under the sun waiting for a damn bus when i could've walked five streets to the train station but i tried to take a bus bc, precisely, it was too hot to walk those five streets.

The fact that i bought a family-size package of honey cookies when i got to go to the nutritionist like this friday.

And the fact that i'm here instead of studying for the exam i've got in less than 10 hours.
The most stupid mart of my entire day was when I didn't listen to the natural cues of my body and continued to walk on my foot that was aching, and now I cannot step on it because it feels broken.

Not to worry, it most definitely is not broken. You see, I have an autoimmune disease that attacks my organs, and my joints. If the weather changes (we just had snow, now it's nice outside again) or if I become stressed ( a coworker just quit in the middle of a shift and I had to pick up the slack, and will until we hire someone else) my body likes to react like a jerk and send proteins into the synovial fluid that creates inflammation and causes major friction between the bones, causing them to feel broken or sometimes worse than that.

So, because I thought no, I'll make it, I'm fine like I always do, I can't walk anymore today.

Go me.
Funny story. I had a bowl of soup and we have a baby gate to block the dogs from going upstairs. I was trying to stretch over it with said bowl but my nightgown got caught on the corner and the gate tipped over. The soup was okay and I didn't get burned or splashed but I fell on the stairs.

Also, I added MORE SUGAR to presweetened Koolaid not knowing it was presweetened.

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