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Forums » Smalltalk » STOP THE BULLIES

okay so im seriously tired of all the bullies out in the world. today in class theres a girl who is always making fun of me and my friends , saying " we need help" and "we need to go to a mental institution" just cuz we are emo... yea we cut ourselves but we have reasons , reasons she would never understand, But that isn't what made me angry. What made me angry is what she said to our teacher. " i would never bully anyone , everyone needs to be treated equal, no one deserves to be bullied. i was so angry i had to ask to go to the bathroom just to calm down. but anyways i found this video online and it really struck me in the heart , i really encourage you all to watch this and spread it around.

I know what you mean. Ever since i moved to Ohio, which was over ten years ago, i got bullied. I didnt do anything to them and they made me feel lower than dirt. It sucked. It took me until high school to stick up for myself, and ive never felt better.
Sanne Moderator

Cutting yourself is a serious problem, and I don't think it's a good thing to speak so casually about it. I strongly urge you to find some help. Please read this page and reach out to someone to help you with your issues. If you don't address your issues now you will run into a lot of difficult situations that only escalate later in life.

As for the video, I saw it a couple of weeks ago and found it to be very moving.
I do agree with Sanne, cutting is not a light issue. I used to think light of it but I myself have been in an out patient program. I was bullied and neglected to the point of atempted suicide. It is going through the experience of haviing to go there. Bullying is a pain but we all need to know how to take care of it without self harm. I never broke skin but I did scratch up my wrists. Don't go through the situations I and the friends I made there had to go through. Stop for yourself, there are other things. And I know you don't want to hear any this, trust me, I really know this, I just care. You seem like a really cool guy. There is the little slice of life very few know about me. If you really ever do need to talk about that stuff I'm always on rpr and other places you can contact. I've been through all the yada yada and can pass on whatever I was told/taught if it helps you.

As for the bullying: They suck! And let's be honest, the little programs they did when we were kids never help now-a-days. As long as you don't let yourself me surrounded and cornered without any help you'll make it kid! I can't hear the link but I can share one of my own (I'm watching hockey with my family).
That is one of the most insperational songs I know of! Hope you enjoy it!

With eternal care,

Similar experience here. I was tired of being picked on so i tried to kill myself in a garage fire. But, through all of that, seeing the pain i caused, the pain i was in, i not only didnt want to die, i got help and now i talk to people in the same situation, trying to inspire hope. If you,or anyone on here going through some trouble, i will be more than happy to help. Thats really what i needed, and i believe thats what everyone needs.
Trust us when we say you aren't alone in this. Everyone before me is speaking the truth, cutting yourself is nothing to take lightly. You do need to seek help, but it's none of my business so I won't lecture you. I will let you know, though, that being an overweight and socially awkward individual, I have been bullied all my life.
In my experience, you have two options: react the way you are right now, letting it get to you and under your skin... or you can let it roll off your shoulder. Think about it: if in the entirety of your existence, the only thing they can find to poke fun of is [subject], you must be doing pretty damned good for yourself.

This brings up a very under-discussed psychological phenomenon. The only reason we react in the former manner and take seriously the thoughts of others whose opinions we later realize to be more insignificant the fruit fly that witness our first baby steps before dying at the ripe age of twelve hours is because of our own hubris. (I know I ranted there for a sec, sorry, I'm watching Pulp Fiction for the first time and when something takes my attention I tend to add "filler"). I mean really, and we are all guilty of this but, we are a proud specie, to a fault. This does tend to wilt later on but it does seem to remain with us for the entirety of our lives. If we could shed this hubris, this undeserved sense of holier-than-thou, and ultimately stop giving a damn what others think of, we'd be better off altogether. We would be happier, and probably live longer.

I think I'm going to stop here, ending with this: Stop letting the bullies get to you, their words are worthless and only have as much power as you give them. You can choose to cry about it, or you can choose to laugh at whatever joke they make and maybe, just maybe, make one back.

Disclaimer: If you think about making a joke back at them, make sure to survey the situation first. Conflict is a natural human instinct and we do share a lot with other pack animals. We all want to be dominant, and if you try to tear that away from someone they might try to take things to a physical level -- be prepared for that. I am not condoning violence, but I don't want to hear about you getting hurt either. Just, use situational awareness. If you can, remain near authoritative figures and keep whispering to yourself, letting yourself know, that you're better than them. In every way, you are better than they are -- smarter, and if you can kick the cutting you will definitely prove yourself to be stronger.
There's a peculiar thing about bullying (and really, harassment in general) that kind of goes unspoken in threads like these, and that's the old adage of 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'.

I was watching a video the other day, some episode of Kitchen Nightmares where the restaurant owner couldn't take criticism and sounded as though she had never in her life been ridiculed or told she was wrong. She was obnoxiously self-righteous and overconfident, firing a girl simply for asking a question about her judgement during a day full of management mistakes. A lot of other people watched the episode and probably laughed at the restaurant owner or wrote her off as a (expletive), but I sat down and thought about what sort of person she must have been growing up and what she may have faced during that time to produce such a vicious and closed-minded adult. After a while, I decided she probably hadn't suffered enough or, if she had, she didn't have friends to help her through it and built her own reality where she was never wrong instead of facing reality and drawing strength from her hardships.

She is an extreme case of dysfunction, the kind I don't have the college degree to diagnose, but she got me thinking. After all, she is not the only person like her.

There are so many shallow, thoughtless, self-absorbed, empty people in the world today, that I wonder if maybe they weren't tested or bullied /enough/ as youngsters. That sounds terrible, I know. But think about it. What happens on a given day when you get bullied (or experience any sort of trauma/hardship)? You feel insecure, you feel fear, and maybe you go looking for a friend or family member or someone who 'gets' you and let out your feelings. Maybe you go online or write in a diary, but you vent and you pour out all the pain somewhere so it doesn't just sit in you. Maybe you even cut to let it out (not the best idea, by the way).

Do you know what happens after? You gain experience. You suddenly know how it feels and can use that knowledge to comfort someone else. With enough determination, you can even comfort yourself and learn to appreciate days that most people would take for granted. It is easy to fall into the trap of depression when it comes to being harassed, but without even realizing it, you are building a stockpile of experience, insight, and inner strength.

So let's hop forward out of high school and out of college when you're an adult and no one remembers any of the names they used to call you. Where does this strength get you? Well, your boss being a pain in the butt probably seems a lot easier than having your face pushed into the mud at recess, for one. For another, you're probably a more compassionate person, having had so much pain of your own earlier in life. A friend's pet dies, and maybe you're the only one in their circle of friends who actually cares.

You will be genuine, because you have faced deceit and lies. You will be alive, because you know what it feels like to be dead inside. And you will be strong, because you know what it's like to be told you're weak.

So, tl;dr: Consider bullies and other life crisis situations as high-level enemies that give great XP.

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