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Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Landon sat there for a minute before Sarah passed him another fruit and he cracked it open. He offered more peach-like food to Liliath, with a gentle smile still. His eyes looked honest, and when he spoke his tone was clear and gentle like his smile, also portraying his honesty.

Liliath shoved it all again in her mouth. It tasted so good that she couldn't help to say "This is amazing!" she giggeld. 'no don't show them any kidness , they will trick you!" she thought so she stopped giggeling. She didn't feel the horrible feeling of being hungry anymore.

She stood up as she stood up , she realized how could she was. "Cold."she simply said
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Landon chuckled at her happiness, smiling brightly. "I am glad you enjoy our fruit." Landon stood up as she did, tilting his head as he seemed confused. At this point Sarah was back with Alan and Nivar, hiding behind Alan. "Cold? ....What is.... cold?"
"Cold."she repeated , it was clear that Liliath didn't knew how to talk normally or that she simply was to lazy to talk normally. Then she noticed Alan and Nivar . Liliath wasn't sure if she could trust them so she decided to have a better look , she walked over to them and then noticedshe noticed Sarah . She walked back and hide behind Landon
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Landon didn't know what cold meant; they didn't have changes in heat, or at least their kind never noticed because they were permenantly cold. When she hid behind him he couldn't help but chuckle. "Do not worry little one. Do not go near them for now; the white-haired man has made an inappropriate move on one of our females so that tall man," He pointed to Alan, who was in front of Sarah, "Is dealing with his behavouir. It is best you don't get mixed into the fire, okay? I will keep you safe."
Liliath frowned a little angry , if he was acting inappropriate she should show him what would happen with people who act that way. She didn't care what Landon said , she stormed over to the white haired man. "If you do innaproyet -Liliath didn't know how to pronouce it so it propbably sounded funny- again i -what should she say what would make him scared?- kill you!" It was maybe a little dramatic for a kid her age , but for Liliath it was very important to say. Violence made people always scared , atleast it made her scared.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Landon quickly rushed over and scooped Liliath up in his arms, quickly jogging away from the violent scene and into the forest, still carrying her carefully. "Do not do that, okay little one? We do not need children getting caught in the middle of gunfire."
Liliath started screaming , she couldn't help it but scream. Touching Liliath could either go fine or it could go terribly wrong. "Let go!"she yelled . Liliath felt scared , they tricked her! She felt like she wanted to vomit. 'violence makes people scared hit him' yes if she would hit him he would get scared ofcourse! "Let go or i hit you"
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

He stopped running, but did not put her down. He looked down at her; a slap wouldn't effect him. "Little one, I am not going to hurt you. I just do not want you to get shot by mistaken, alright? Listen to me- You may hit me all you like, but I need you to understand that you cannot go and do things like that... It will get you killed."
She started trying to hit him in his face "Let go or i do it again!" she then listen to him "if you don't put me down , i kill you."again it was a very dramatic thing to say. She started thinking about the girl , what if that man would act innapropiate again against to her. Someone should protect her right? Someone like Liliath. Liliath protecting someone would be the most dumbest thing ever , but Liliath thiught it was the best thing ever who was a better protector then her?
"i protect girl" Liliath sighed tired , she got exhausted from screaming.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

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Landon chuckled quietly as he looked at her in his arms. "You want to help protect that girl?" He smiled a little. "You can. But not now. It's dangerous over there right now. So you have to wait, okay?"
Liliath shook her head "No now." Liliath did seem to calm down , but most likely it was because she was tired. And after some minutes keeping her eyes open was impossible so she felt asleep. She was exhausted of this long day and now she finally could rest
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Landon just laughed as she fell asleep. Not knowing whether to take her to the village, he walked back to the beach. He gently set her down against a tree and took his jacket off, covering her with it carefully. He then began observing everything and everybody else once again.
Conversation is briefly cut off by a sound like a thunderclap followed by the roar of some kind of engine as a wingless jumbo-jet sized vessel appears in the sky over the island in a flash of light. It slows its flight as it passes over the beachfront, gently setting itself down in the water as sound of the six large thrusters mounted the struts extending from its roof spin down to silence.

Once that is done, a hatch in the side opens, and a sheet of some kind of force extends from the base of the opening, allowing six creatures to walk out on long insectoid legs.

In the center of the groups is a blue carapaced individual close to six meters in total length, but in a centaur-like stance with only two of her four pairs of limbs being used to walk. She seems the most purposeful of all of them, looking directly ahead at the island's landscape in front of her, clicking her beak-like jaw slightly as she watches.

To her left is an individual similar to her, though much smaller at around four and a half meters, with a gray body and a bulkier mouthpiece.

To her right and in front of her are three much smaller individuals with shiny green-gray bodies, each about two meters long and walking on all eight limbs. They seem the most alert, their heads turning in all directions, their four antennae waving constantly. They have some kind of small SMG like weapons strapped to their backs. Their movements are oddly deliberate and slightly un-natural seeming

In the back is one as large as the blue creature in the center, but much broader and bulkier, and wearing thick grey armour. It carries some a weapon about the size of an assault rifle, but scaled up to fit its body, and has something heavier slung across its back. It too has a slight strangeness, and even stiffness, to its motions.

Once they reach the shore, the bridge disappears, and the vessel spins up its engines again, lifting into the air before speeding off and disappearing with a sound like the one it appeared with.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

With Alan busy with Nivar, Landon observed this new creature silently. Why all of a sudden were strangers appearing on their land? Now they were all outnumbered and he wasn't sure what to do. Sarah quickly jogged over to his side, looking up at him. Landon nodded and drew his two pistol guns, while Sarah got her bow and arrow.

They both approached the new creatures with caution. Sarah aimed her bow at the one in the center, while Landon focused on the many surrounding the middle creature.

Sarah spoke with confidence, or at least tried to.

"Y'oie." She commanded, though didn't expect them to understand considering no one else so far had. "Y'oie l'eio b'auo."
Liliath woke up as she noticed that Landon wasn't around , she decided to sneak away to Sarah. Liliath couldn't help but smile a little as she grabbed his jacket . She started dancing a little when she walked to Sarah , she felt excited. She would protect her.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Sarah glanced down at Liliath as she kept her bow aimed at the new creatures before them. She didn't speak to her though, instead turning her attention back onto what, so far, she was deeming a massive threat to their native land and people. "Y'oie!" She commanded again, and Landon glanced down at Liliath. He let out a soft sigh before he shook his head and looked back at the group of newcomers.

"Sa, u'oei v'lai." Landon commented to which Sarah's gaze hardened. Despite her short height of 4'7, she sure could be intimidating.
As they approach, all of the small creatures abruptly rise to the more upright stance, their weapons being swung forward. The large one in the back does the same, its upper arms bringing the assault rifle up, the larger lower pair swinging the heavy weapon forward, as it begins to spin up with an ominous whine.

A "voice" seems to hiss into their minds. It is less words and more ideas, but seems to naturally translate fairly clearly, "We are not here to cause harm. This place is twisted, strange, and must be watched. While here, I, Quarantiner Tsi'ka-ul will provide aid. Medicines lack here. I will assist with correcting this."
Liliath wasn't sure what Sarah was saying. Liliath saw a bow and she jumped away as she saw it. Bows where weapons , weapons made people die. Something Liliath didn't like , but she wanted to protect Sarah or at least do something about the white haired man.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Sarah went to speak. before Landon spoke for her in a better english. "We do not wish for your assistance; this is our hand and our home. We are fine how we are. We are the protectors of it, sworn to make sure it's natural ways and cultures are not tainted by those of others."

Unlike before, his voice was not soft and gentle. It was stern and confident.

"V'eol y'ai." Sarah muttered under her breath, which made Landon sigh.

"Nothing here needs 'correcting'. We are perfectly able and steady as we are." Landon stated again.

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