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Forums » Forum Games » Roll Dice: The Cloakening Returns (Closed!)


Let's see if I get lucky first roll!
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 16.

Nicely done, for those of you that have won. ^-^
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 20.

Somnom wrote:
Why are the dice so fickle!?!?! XD

New Rule: You can roll once an hour! Everyone can go ahead and reroll before resuming the once an hour time rule (meaning there needs to be an hour between each of your rolls). :D

Other rules still apply.

Happy Change of Years, friends!

Okay, I lied. One more giveaway before we go into 2020!

Confession: I was trying to nab me a multi-colored cloak (because why not)...and as a result, I have lots of cloaks to giveaway now!


Let's make this quick and clean, so winning is easy! Roll a die with 20 sides (1 d20)...and if it lands on 20, you win a cloak of a random color that will grant you the warmth of an additional character slot! Yay!!! The first ten people to roll a 20 and follow the rules win. :)

Winner Winner Cloaky Listy

1 - Tusitala2017
2 - StaticNightmares
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -

Cloaks! Cloaks! Get your cloaks!!


1. Roll as your player account (no characters/anonymous chars, please) in this thread.
2. You can only post/roll once every hour (I am the Crosscheck Queeeeeen!)....but there's no limit on how many total times you can roll.
3. You must roll a 20 to win.
4. You can only win ONE prize, so please stop rolling once you’ve won something.
5. New Rule - Quote me in a comment on this thread if you win so I can see it! If you don't quote me, you won't get the prize.
6. Game ends after all the cloaks are gone.


Okay, go roll now.

Somnom, The Prize Potato


Rolls the dice
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 15.

dang three twenties...
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 14.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 7.

Wow! Three winners since I was here last!

Edit... and I roll the wrong die....
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 70.

Throws the correct one...
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 5.

im guessing a hour?
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 8.

1 hour and ten minutes
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 16.
Nearly the New Year for me here. So here, have a New Years roll!
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 4.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 10.

Note: Probably one of my last rolls

Its been an hour i think?
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 4.

25 minutes to 2020
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 18.

Waiting for the next bunch of twenties.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 19.

After-nap roll.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 7.

Happy New Year!!! :D Hope you all have a great year!!!
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 19.
New cloak for the new year? :)
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 15.
Happy New Year everyone, wherever you are in this world :)
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 5.

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