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Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara finished eating and listened to the conversation around her. She was not from this area so she was unfamiliar with the terrain, but she naturally felt at home in the forest.

When everyone stopped at Rypa's words, she felt the wolf tense under her. She sat up a bit straighter listening to the noises around her. Once again her fingertips began to tingle as she readied to use magic... just in case. She felt her breath become shallow as she naturally stilled her whole self, not moving her head, but darting her eyes back in forth across the trees in front of her.
Rypa (played anonymously)

The elf scanned the forest she was sure there was something out there but she could not get a beed on it. She closed her eyes and focused on the sounds of the forest. There was creek to her left. She tensed and call on the spirts of the forest and leapt an unnatural distance into the forest.

She drew her swords in mid-flight and landed ready for a fight. The goblins were less so. There was a dozen or so of them those were odds she would not have liked if she had been on her own. The others were a variable she did not want to consider.
Glaring at the goblin that seemed to be in-charge she said "Run"
Ton clenched the pole of his axe as tight as glue while the little beasts came into view. Although Rypa demanded they flee, Tonaf felt a desire to stay put and defend himself, stumbling back a few steps to ready his own nerves. The nonchalant atmosphere just a few moments ago seemed unreal. He tensed himself, holding his axe forward.

There were indeed more of the creatures than the group could face, but the Woods were his home. Not even the metal wearing tallfolk could deter him when that was on the line.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

Bearing his teeth, Getsurei took a step forward. This was the kind of prey that he fought on a regular basis. One paw before the other, his muscles willed him to fight but he needed to consider the one on his back now.

He noticed the dwarf was also ready to fight. An idea ran through his seemingly reckless mind. " Tonaf, I can cut their numbers greatly. How many can you handle?"

There was still the matter of Kara, he needed to be mindful " Remember what I said about the gates of hell?" He said as his eye sparked with magic. " Don't let go of my fur, no matter what."
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara quickly counted the goblins and was also aware that they were outnumbered. "Ok," she replied to Getsurei's comment, digging her hands into his fir and holding on as tightly as possible, no longer worried about accidentally pulling on the fur. The last thing they needed was her to go flying off in the middle of a fight. She took a deep breath and focused on the rune of shielding. She felt the energy surround herself. She may not be the best fighter, but her defense was fantastic. She attempted to spread the energy to surround Getsurei but she didn't have quite the focus right now. She was a bit too nervous. "Sorry," she mumbled under her breath even though she wasn't entirely sure that he knew what she was apologizing for.
Rypa (played anonymously)

The goblin leader chittered something in its own language before reaching for its weapon.
"Do you kiss you're mother with that mouth?" Said Rypa not allowing the weapon be drawn plunged forward.
Her blade cut into the leaders flesh making it reached for its throat.
The spear thrust sent her staggering.
Tonaf reared his head to the Wolf. "I'm not a fighter, but by God I'd never let any rascal just walk over me." He replied, raising the blade of his axe further in the air as one of the green creatures charged forth with a gutteral screech. "I'll take any of them on!" The Dwarf yelled, stumbling back toward Kara's shield like it was some looming beacon of hope, even if he could not be defended by what spell she'd casted on herself.

The Goblin's leap across the branches was unnerving, but too bold for the stake wielding sniveller. Governed by nerves, Ton raised his axe into the air and cleaved the creature's skull like a sliced melon. This did not seem to deter the others, however, nattering closer in strange tongues. Ton stuttered, his heart beated faster as the conflict refused to fade. He fended away some the harassers with the of his axe handle. But still they hissed and whined, spears drawn.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

" Not a fighter? More for me then" He felt Kara's magic tingle through the fur closest to her. It mattered not if he was protected or not, as long as she remained safe he would be happy.

He let out a howl that was otherworldly, resembling a dragon's roar more than a howl. Flames danced between his jaws and his eye now glowed like a beacon.

No more time to lose, he bolted forward and grabbed a goblin by it's neck. Keeping it held tightly, his ghostly figure weaved in and out of the trees. Chains of red magic reached out from his body to grab another goblin that he rushed by.

The one in his jaws shrieked and clawed at his snout as his hellish breath burned it. More shrieks joined the dreadful symphony as he captured more. Once he had captured seven goblins, a portal of fire opened before them. Without hesitation he jumped through with the goblins in tow.

No longer in the normal world now, he slid to a stop, tossing the goblins before a towering, black iron gate. It was as menacing as it was elegant. Crimson runes ran up each side. Surely only a dragon could open the gate.

He howled once more and the shadows began to dance. Three sets of fiery eyes appeared and the shadows gathered around them until the legendary Cerberus stood before Kara and him. A massive black wolf with flaming runes adorning each head.

The goblins trembled and stumbled over themselves as they tried to run. The dog was much faster though, snapping them up before fading away once again.

The others were surely waiting for them to return or even still fighting. Getsurei opened the portal once more and returned to the forest.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara held on tightly as the wolf ran. She wanted to shoot a few goblins with magic but with the speed he was running it was safer to just hold on.

As they jumped through the portal, Kara looked around wide eyed. She wasn’t sure where they were but she felt it best to ask later. When the massive black wolf appeared she abgab to shake. She was definitely way out of her comfort zone. She concentrated on staying on the white wolf and hoped they would leave soon. She would definitely have some questions when this fight was over.
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa spund with the blow using the momentum to power her blade through the goblin's neck. A couple more steps, a flash of blade and another goblin fell to the ground.
Turning slowly she scanned the area. The dwarf was in trouble so the elf leap to his aid. Two goblins fell before they noticed her arrival.
"Ton, you ok?" Asked Rypa as her blade bit into the flesh to another goblin.
She had gotten herself between the dwarf and the goblins when she noticed that they were alone on the field of battle.
"Where's Kara and the wolf?" Demanded the elf as she kept the goblins at bay.
Ton stumbled again as the goblins in front dropped to the ground in a flash, causing him to flinch and heave his axe back. When he regained himself, he saw his saviour in front. Panting, he nodded toward Rypa.

"T-thank you..." He said, lowering his head in humility. "...I'm fine, there's no way a rag-tag group of Gobbos scares me." Ton continued, scanning the green bodies that lay dead between them both, almost camouflaged by the lush flora. He'd barely enough time to regain his barings when Rypa asked the whereabouts of Kara and her Wolf companion.

"They disappeared!" Ton shouted in the midst of more chittering and snarling, striking down another of the oncomers with a struggled but sure swing across the vermin's chest. "A bright light just came over them both and the Wolf beamed away, that's all I saw!" He explained, swinging himself back and forth in fear of an ambush.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

Another portal of fire opened in the forest nearby. From it Getsurei lept out with Kara safely on his back. He kept a quick walk as he looked around for more trouble.

Passing by a tree, he saw the panicking dwarf. Not a fighter struck harder than ever and regret filled him. " I think....I should have stayed by him"
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara was focusing less on the ones around her and almost solely on the wolf. However, at his comment, she looked up and saw the dwarf. "Hmm... maybe." She looked around for Rypa as well and saw her continuing to fight the goblins. She knew Getsurei could move faster without her. She jumped off the back of the wolf and did a tuck-and-roll on the forest floor. She quickly looked up and told the wolf to go help Rypa. She then quickly made her way up the closest tree she could climb. High ground was her advantage. Having grown up in the forest she was an excellent tree climber, even with her pack still on her back. From her vantage point, she could watch the fighting. She wasn't going to be much help now, but she did know several healing runes, so she stayed safe and prepared herself to help afterward.
Rypa (played anonymously)

The bodies kept hitting the floor. Rypa kept spinning like a dancer giving the performance of their lives. Her hands were becoming slick and she worried that she might loose her grip. She notice with relief when Kara and the wolf returned. She hopped that the wolfs return would scare off the last few goblins because she was not sure how much she could fight.
A wave of relief massaged across Ton's spirit when the Wolf and his rider returned, and the muscles around his arms relaxed when the odds began to look in their favour. He wasn't a trained fighter by any means, but the Wood Dwarf knew how to use an axe -- whether the means being for cutting down large oaks or slaying these hapless, nattering vermin. He swung the blade across the body of another Goblin -- the Dwarf's strength was enough to send the skinny creature flying across a log beside it's shaken brethren. Their numbers and spirit dwindling, Ton no longer feared for his own safety; with Rypa and the Wolf taking the lion's share of kills, the few discouraged Goblins that stayed were as child's play.

"Get lost!" He taunted his enemies with a half smile creeping over his beard and a beat over his barrel chest. He hoped to see them flee back into the forest like frightened deer.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

The air reeked of fear but it was not enough. Trembling beasts at the edge off tipping into terror. He knew how to end it now. He broke into run once more as he heeded Kara's words, a ribbon of red trailing from his eye.

He slid out of the way of Rypa's daggers when he drew close. They looked like they would bite deep. Once clear, he lunged forward to take another goblin through the fires.

He returned quickly only to leap over the dwarf. Massive paws trampled the first goblin into the dirt. The second vanished with Getsurei through another portal. The few that remained were stumbling in terror of their combined strength.

Getsurei returned once more with fire coursing through his veins. His once submissive stance replace with one of dominance as he stood by Rypa and Tonaf. " Run while you yet live." He said as he raised his head higher still and howled once more. The remaining goblins scattered like rats.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

As the goblins scattered, Kara slid down from her perch in the tree. She walked over to her companions, hands starting to glow with healing magic.

"Anyone hurt? Even just a little?" She gestured with her hands for them to come towards her so she could heal them.

"That was..." She stopped herself. She wasn't even sure what to say. She felt her ears turn red as her embarrasment grew over her lack of help. "Sorry I didn't... ummm... do more..." she mumbled.

Once she made sure everyone was in good shape, she grabbed her pack and waited to see what they decided to do next. She was definitely not the leader in this group and gladly took the role of following what others suggested.
Rypa (played anonymously)

As she saw the goblins Rypa allow herself to drop to her knees.
Running her hands across her body she checked to see if she was injured.
"No Kara not everyone needs to be a fighter. I'll be find just need a moment."
She cocked her head to look at the wolf.
"What in the name of the Severn-fold are you?" She asked breathing heaverly.
Tonaf shook his head at the question. "No, I think I'm good too..." His sentence quickly becoming replaced by a sudden 'Youch!' when a stinging senstation coursed over his right arm, red dabbings coating the edge of his fingers. He checked the side of his arm with a concerned gulp and noticed a long, shallow wound streaming across his arm from the edge of a Goblin's spear. He'd hardly felt the nip of his flesh in the thick of a fight, now the dripping cut throbbed as immediately as Ton had noticed it. He sat upon a levelled stump, thrusting the blade of his axe into the ground so he could clutch at the pain.

"Bloody vermin." He cursed in frustration. "Hope I got him back, too."
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

" I'm sure you did" Getsurei said with a slight smile. He watched the dwarf for a bit before flopping to his side. The ground felt so nice now.

His snout was crimson from the first goblin clawing at it. Used to being alone, he simply licked it clean.

Rypa's question caused him to twitch. Eyes were distant as he looked at her. " I guess you could say I am a hellhound....though it's more complicated...."

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