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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Land of Draconia

Sikher (played by ZaHee) Topic Starter

Sikher was very well-known throughout his home village of Nackryn. Not only would he go on vigilante adventures to see those who committed a crime be punished, but he was also a half-dragon, which are quite rare. Currently, he was walking into the local marketplace.
"Good day, Sikher!" the owner David said. "What do you need?" "I need 25 pounds of prime meat, and two bottles of fine red wine," Sikher replied. "Okay," David said. "That'll be 20 gold pieces." 20 gold pieces would normally be the price of the red wine alone, and 25 pounds of prime meat would easily fetch 60, but David gave Sikher discounts in exchange for him stopping the occasional robbery.
David went to the back of his marketplace to get the many cuts of prime meat Sikher requested, and began to wrap them individually with cloth. While he was gone, Sikher noticed two hooded men, and saw one discretely slip the other something he couldn't discern.
After a few minutes, David came back with a sack full of the prime meat. He then put the wine into the same container. Sikher took the bag, handed David a pouch containing 20 gold pieces, said his farewells, and began to walk back to his residence. On the way back, he passed by the house of his friend Bymarra, so he stopped, let himself in with the spare key Bymarra had given him, and set one of the bottles of wine onto a table as a gift. After doing so, he exited the building, making sure to lock the door behind him.

After another 15 minutes of walking, Sikher finally reached his house. The road, which was nothing more than dirt, stopped here, and trees completely surrounded the area. It was starting to get dark, so Sikher went inside. First he got a wine glass, poured some of his wine in it, and drank it. Then, he unwrapped all of his prime meat, set it on a large plate, and started eating it raw. Because half-dragons are... half dragon, they have to consume large quantities of uncooked prime meat to avoid starvation. Normally, Sikher would hunt for his food, but he was just feeling lazy this day. He was just finishing his dinner when he heard a scream come from within the forest!
"You have to be kidding me!"

The archer kicked a tree. After screaming to get rid of any irritation that rattled in her body, the feeling was quickly replaced with frustration, and it didn't help her anymore than it would have in the first place. It was surprising that she had even made it this far into the forest, but she regretted knowing she had, in fact, come this far for nothing but disappointment and building fury.

After spending two hours gaining control over her Latvian horse, Duke, Cyrene has decided she would continue with the chores of the elderly woman she lived near. One of which was fetching a meal. Since Cyrene didn’t have money of her own and could never bring herself to ask the elder for a coin or two, she decided she would hunt. She felt like it, anyways. So, she eventually mounted Duke with the battered saddle and reins and began making her way through the town, keeping her eyes out for any dropped coins as she did so.

Of course, this side of the forest wasn’t as enchanting as the elderly woman made it out to be, for it was just.. a forest. A forest with towering, lushly growing trees and tall grasses with a variety of bugs. A very large, surprising variety of bugs.

Cyrene had prowled in the grass in search of anything that would please and fulfill the expectations of the elderly. After thirty minutes of searching, the archer spotted her target; a rabbit who was devouring a plant of some sorts. It was helpless, and she was hungry. She knocked an arrow onto her bow, aimed the tip for the rabbit’s thigh, and drew it back. Only, her arrow was thrown off it’s pinpoint when a frighteningly immense beetle stumbled onto the archer’s personal space, landing directly on the left side of her cheek. Startled by the creature, Cyrene leapt back and whipped her arrow towards the ground while flicking the insect off of her face. Though, she wasn’t the only one who seemed to be startled.

After realizing the rabbit had gotten away, Cyrene was left with a furious scream and an injury on her foot after kicking the tree. She huffed, turning in a circle. “Well, bud,” She sighed, picking up the useless arrow and walking towards her horse. “Let’s start heading back. Whichever way ‘back’ is..”
Sikher (played by ZaHee) Topic Starter

Sikher calmly stood up, exited his house, and began running toward the source of the scream - he was used to saving idiots. But something seemed... off about this scream, like it wasn't out of terror but from frustration. But he was a vigilante and practically ran this forest, so if someone was in trouble, it was his obligation to rescue them, as well as driving out any threats to the wellbeing of his forest.

After a few minutes of running through the forest, Sikher spotted the silhouette of a person. It was dusk by now, but that didn't matter because Sikher can see in the dark. The half-dragon could see the person swinging their hands at something - surely they were in trouble! Sikher drew his two shortswords and ran into the opening, but stopped when he saw that there was only a person - a very surprised one!

Sikher immediately stopped running as soon as Cyrene screamed out of fear, who then nocked her bow and aimed at him. Sikher quickly sheathed his shortswords and said, "Hey, I don't mean any trouble. I just heard a scream coming from here!" Cyrene slightly lowered her bow. "Now just put the bow down, and tell me what's going on." Cyrene replied, "I was hunting a rabbit in here, but the stupid thing got away." She still didn't stop aiming the bow at Sikher. "Now why don't you leave the forest and let me get on my way?" Sikher calmly said to Cyrene, "This is my forest. I go hunting in it whenever I need food. I know it like the back of my hand - er, claw." He was starting to get annoyed by this human who thought she could just go into his forest and order him to leave it!

Cyrene could tell that the half-dragon was starting to get annoyed. Even though Cyrene was an exceptional archer, she knew that half-dragons could exhale the breath weapon of their draconic parent, and green dragons could exhale poison. If the half-dragon that towered over her decided to use his breath weapon on her, she would certainly be knocked out in seconds! Even trying to take him on would almost certainly leave her at his mercy, so Cyrene reluctantly put her bow down and said, "Fine, I'll leave. I was supposed to be going before you showed up. Could you tell me the way out?" The half-dragon replied, "Sure. It's that way," and pointed in the direction of the setting sun. "But you said that you were hunting and your prey got away. Would you like to come by my place? I could give you food if you want." Cyrene decided to take the half-dragon on his offer. She was getting hungry after all! "Anyway, what's your name?" The half-dragon asked her. "I'm Cyrene. What about you?" "I'm Sikher."

When the two of them reached Sikher's house, Sikher gave Cyrene a sack of meat he had been saving, as well as a bottle of wine and a bag of steed feed for Duke. "You can always come by my place if you ever need anything, and you can use the forest to hunt," Sikher said to Cyrene, and she went on her way.
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias walked into the little town of Nackryn he had seen on his way by. He walked in and found an inn to spend the night.

on his way in he found a nice woman who seemed to know her way about the place. he asked for a room and played his fee in the coins of his people, the elves. the woman looked at him very oddly, but gave him the key to his room. he teleported up and slept on the bed.
The archer nodded and muttered a small, confused thanks before making her way back to Duke with the items Sikher had gratefully given her. She hooked the sacs onto the sides of her horse's saddle, but she decided that it wasn't her time to leave quite yet.

Cyrene pulled Duke by the reigns and made her way around the half-dragon's home without a second thought. It happened to be her first time seeing a creature such as him, so she was interested in learning a bit more about his ways of living and such. The woman circled the back of the house like a shark, curiosity flickering across her eyes.
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

outside of his window Tobias watched the woman circle around someone's house. His curiosity peaked and he grabbed his bow as he teleported down. He shook his head trying to dislodge the tiredness that plagued his body. " Excuse me madam why would you be circling this fine establishment?" he said remembering his political training.
Cyrene whipped her head around towards the voice, narrowing her eyes. "Shush! Do you wish to be caught?" She pulled her feathery hood off of her head, gesturing to the home. "There's a dragon- well, a half-dragon- resting in there. This is how I plan to gain more information about him." The archer continued moving forward. "I will admit, I am not that common with the sightings of creatures like this, so this is a bit of a surprise and an excitement."
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias raised an eyebrow in question " A half dragon? I suppose I haven't met anyone that was familiar with half dragons. Why are you spying in him though? Doesn't he deserve his privacy as much as you or I?" Tobias queried quietly.
She snorted, placing a hand on her hip as she straightened her posture. "I'm guessing you weren't raised on the streets?" Cyrene furrowed her brows with a small smile. "Of course, he deserves his privacy, but I'm confused on the reason why he was so generous. It's not everyday you exchange the worth of a meal or two." She rolled her shoulders into a shrug. "Besides, someone's got to be able to tell a good story. If he comes out here, I'm planning on possibly taunting him and potentially getting chased. Of course, it sounds ridiculous as I say it aloud, but it'll make the kids in the town go wild!"
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias looked at her confused " And why would you want to be chased just to entertain some children? And what's so horrible about generous people? Isn't that a good thing?"
"Entertaining those children means distracting them. Distracting them means ignoring their potential worries. It make us seem equal to one another. Besides, it sparks imagination. What's so wrong with that?" A smirk creased the edges of her lips. "And nothing's so terrible about generous people. It makes them stand out, and, when someone stands out, it makes someone else curious. For example, me." She chuckled, patting the elf's shoulder. "Of course, nothing exciting seems to be happening, so I'll have to.. come up with something, I suppose. Like I said, it's simply sparking some forgotten imagination. Nobody will get hurt, and nobody will be too bothered, right? It's just some harmless fun."
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias looked quite bothered at the idea of entertainment for no reason. He had been risen to believe that you should never let yourself be entertained because it might lead you to laziness. However this human archer didn't seem lazy. As a matter of fact it looked like entertaining herself was how she stayed fit. "Alright" He started slowly" I guess it's ok as long as no one gets hurt."
Sikher (played by ZaHee) Topic Starter

Sikher was locking up his house when he heard a rustle coming from outside. He went out, and thanks to his darkvision, he saw two people quickly dart behind a bush. "Who's there?" he called out, and began to walk to the bush. Whoever was hiding behind the bush got up and ran. Because half-dragons can see in the dark, he could tell that one of the two people was Cyrene. The other person, however, he didn't recognize.

As soon as Cyrene could see Sikher approaching the bush, she quietly shouted "Run!" with a smile on her face, and both her and Tobias started running. However, Tobias tripped, and Cyrene didn't notice. As soon as his face hit the grass, he realized what a bad idea this was.

When Cyrene and the other person started running, Sikher immediately started chasing after them. When he saw the stranger trip, Sikher stopped running and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Who are you and why were you snooping on me?" he aggressively inquired, and was amazed that the stranger didn't even flinch. "I'm Tobias," the stranger calmly said. "I was only out here because some archer told me that it would be fun to spy on you and get you to chase us." Sikher let go of him and gave him a closer look, which caused him to notice his pointed ears. That explains why he didn't flinch, Sikher thought to himself. Elves were raised in a strict environment, so they were not easily intimidated. "OK, Tobias," Sikher said, "Since you're new here, I'm going to let you go, but only if you promise me one thing - Never snoop on me or anyone again!" Tobias nodded his head in approval. "Now, I'm very good friends with the town jailer - in fact, I bring criminals in for him. So you better live up to your word!" And with that, Sikher let Tobias good.

Sikher was pretty creeped out by Cyrene from what Tobias had told him. He had helped her, and now she was spying on him like a stalker! Maybe it would be best to report her to the town jailer - his best friend Bymarra! He would go warn Bymarra the next day, but for now, he'd go back to his house and get some sleep. If Cyrene didn't bother him again during the night, he'd only tell Bymarra to be wary of her antics.
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias understood the strange half creatures anger but he coulndt help himself after he agreed he winked at the creature and teleported off. " Is like to see you catch me!" he called out from the other side if the street. " I wanted to see what you would do,and guess what? You did exactly what I thought you would! Good job! But... whose gonna put me in jail now?"
Sikher (played by ZaHee) Topic Starter

Sikher had seen many things in his life, so seeing an elf teleport away wasn't that surprising. However, he decided to warn Tobias about what would happen if he broke their agreement, so he used his innate dragon magic to cast a simple spell that would take away Tobias' magic for a few minutes. Sikher took out a bola, winded it, yelled to get Tobias' attention, and threw it at him. The half-dragon snickered at Tobias' shock when he couldn't teleport away from the bola as it wrapped around him, immobilizing him until he could unwrap the bola.
"You're not the only one who can do magic, elf boy!" Sikher called out as he started to go back into his house. "Don't worry, you'll be able to teleport after a few hours, but for now, until you can get yourself out of the bola, you'll be stuck here! And don't bother me again, because next time, I'll take you to the jail like I said I would!"

Sikher knew he wasn't doing Tobias anything wrong; he was just teaching him a very important lesson - Magic will not get you out of everything! As well as to not go snooping on strangers!

After a few minutes of struggling, Tobias was able to get himself out of the bola. He had severely underestimated Sikher's capabilities - but then he realized that since dragons have magical abilities, and Sikher was half dragon, he could cast spells as well! However, because Sikher was only half dragon, Sikher could only cast spells that were watered down - he couldn't summon meteors from the sky like the most esteemed wizards and dragons alike. As Tobias started to walk to the inn because he couldn't teleport for the time being, he realized that he could probably take Sikher on if he could learn the restrictions of his dragon magic!
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

As Tobias thought about this new relegation he walked to the inn. then he shook his head. He had been trained yo only use his magic when needed, to never abuse someone's privacy, to never go against one's own words, and to never try to start a fight. He shook his head dislodging the thought. then he turned around to go find the Half-creature. He grabbed his shoulder ( although he had to get on his tip toes to reach it) and turned the dragon around. He extended his hand. " I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted that way and you have every right to be angry or throw me into the jailhouse." He sighed," I'm sorry" Then he smirked " but you do know I could've shot the bola out of the air with my bow. I've been training for the past 13 years, and I'm only 15"
Sikher (played by ZaHee) Topic Starter

Sikher was relatively surprised by Tobias' newfound humility. "I only told you that I'd take you back to the jailhouse if you bothered me again, you know," Sikher said. "And now you come back and brag that you've been training for 13 years. That's bothering me in my opinion." He started to smile at his own satire.
"You know," Sikher began, "If you're as good as you say you are, you could enlist in the town militia. My friend Bymarra, the town jailer, also happens to be the commander of the militia, and he pays a lot. He's also a lot nicer than me. I should know because I served with him in the Draconia Army 100 years ago when the Tyrants of Draconia rebelled. So I tell you what. You come back here tomorrow, and when I tell Bymarra about Cyrene, I'll introduce you to him - but as a trained archer, not a criminal."
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

((sorry I'm not really good at rping yet, it was suppose to be meant asa joke but I explained badly))

Tobias raised an eyebrow " You don't believe me. Hm... We'll fix that" he said, knowing he was going to regret it in a moment. In the blink of an eye his bow was loaded with 3 arrows and he sit each hitting a tree at the very edge of the village. Each in the same spot on their respective trees. " Normally I would've shot over there teleported caught it shot it this direction and teleported too catch it before it hit you. But someone's not as bad at magic as they pretend to be. And I'll have to turn your offer down... for now atleast. I'm suppose to grow up to be head of the Council of Elven Elders, but they treated me like a dog so as soon as I do become head I'll flip their government on its head and I might come back here. But at the moment um" he said as he pulled at his short exposing a collar that radiates negative magic. " I'm less than in control. I have to continue on my quest, or atleast appear like I am."
Cyrene had, in fact, engulfed herself in the excitement of running from Sikher, but she also held her breath when the elf had fallen. So, in order to make sure she hadn't accidentally brought someone to their end, she scaled a nearby tree after telling Duke make his way back towards the elderly woman's home. Seeing as the two were clearly threatening one another in a harmless way, she decided it would be best if she fled, as well.

That was, until she heard her name.

Who does he think he is? The archer thought to herself with a scoff. She furrowed her brows, tightening her grip on the branch as she moved to a higher ground. I've beene reported thousands of times, and this is another reason why? Ridiculous! If I'm going to be reported, it's going to be for an actual crime, not because I wanted to have a little fun around the ol' grump. She drew an arrow from her quiver and set her bow in place, drawing back the weapon as it made contact with the string. She aimed, fired, and climbed down the tree briskly. Hearing the shattering of a window's glass meant success, and that caused Cyrene to smile wildly as she dashed out of forest as quickly as she possibly could. She snorted as she pushed through the crowds in the town's streets. That was something she should be reported for, not messing around!
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

At the sound of glass shattering Tobias's head whipped around,"What was that!" He exclaimed. Tobias rushed towards the sound until he found the house with a broken window. "Hmm..." He started as he investigated from the ground. " Well, the glass went inwards which means that someone from outside broke the window. He grabbed at the smooth masonry as he began trying to climb and slipped doen. He glared at the wall in frustration.

Tobias walked around front and knocked on the door. When an elderly gentlemen with wide eyes opened the doors Tobias explained before the human could say anything," It wasn't me I'm trying to figure out who it was." The homeowner looked at Tobias for a moment before morning to let him pass. Tobias bowed his head in gratefullness. He walked up the stairs and found the window, bending dow
to find an arrow on the ground covered in glass. He tapped the arrow tip against his thigh as he thought.

He walked down the stairs and explained his theory to the elderly person. Then he tapped Sikher on the arm. " I think I've found our culprit."

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