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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Return of the Al'Shadye (Invite Only IC)

Ace Dark (played by Tugboattom)

Ace looked wide eyed at being chosen to head one side of the oars. Then he shrugged,it didn't really matter. As he rowed he felt the old muscles burn again. He smiled. Old. He now thought of them as old after just a few hours of freedom. He continued to row for quite a while.

As he rowed he thought of his old life, oh how he missed seeing his little sister playing on the beach. Or the cow he use to milk. Or the horse he use to ride across the fields to herd the sheep. He missed his old life.

He worried a green stone he had found years ago. There was a small indent in the middle of the stone where he had rubbed his thumb across it. He chewed his lip as he wondered what the princess would choose. Then he tilted his head. Perhaps if she got away without the slaves then they could run the ship on their own. Or they could go on foot to their old homes after the princess had left in the airship.

He walked to the princess and bowed,only slightly less clumsily than last time," Princess, if you left I think we could fend for ourselves, atleast for a while. Especially if given weapons to fight off enemies."
Isendur (played anonymously)

He smiled a slight smile on his otherwise stoic features as he was met by Tanesha and saw familiar faces. There was a couple he did not know but if they tried anything the runes had been laid into his sword. Some words were exchanged between himself and Tanesha and the others. Oh how it would be to see his Eternal Treasure again. How long had it been since the King had taken them in. It would be nice he had traveled far. In all his years he was still trying to figure out humans. They were nothing like his people and why they had many flaws they also had many strengths. He waited patiently on top of the ship while the oars were rowed and looked at faces of the once former slaves. While a few looked capable of holding the strength of a blade now others still looked like they were in shock from the turn events. How long till they got back he wandered. He was not impatient but for some reason he could not wait to be next to her. It had been far to long.
Tanesha (played by Kattilyn)

After ensuring Isendur had been well fed and was warm and comfortable Tanesha returned to the Captain's cabin.

She could hear the rain and wind from above and it made her feel chilled. "Not another storm" she thought to herself, "and at night when all I want is a good sleep".

She detested being on the ocean and did not at all like being on small ships that rocked about like a leaf on the rough waters, making her feel giddy. She belonged on land, the warm lands of her home is where she felt the happiest and her true self.

She went to the cot with its soft plump mattress and slid onto it pulling a big bear skin rug up over herself, she curled up and sighed as she snuggled in and felt comforted by the warmth as it crept through her body.

In no time at all she was in a deep sleep regardless of the rocking, the creaking timbers and the crashing of waves on the hull.

The storm had passed, sun shone in through the porthole directly onto Tanesha's face, disturbing her from her sleep. She could here seagulls screeching and felt her spirits lift as she realized it means they are coming close to land.

Hurriedly she tidied herself, pulling her long braids up onto the top of her head and securing them in a knot as she made her way on deck.

She could see some of her guards looking out to the distance and Kafele standing proudly with his brass scope to his eye. She stood next to him and reached for the scope, taking it from him she peered through it out over the ocean as he spoke to her.

"I will need to confer with you all at what is best to do Kafele, I don't feel it would be wise for us to split up, we have Bo'manja to return to my father and all the slaves to think of," she replied him, "and it is of most importance that Isendur gets home safely." she added.

Valens stood nearby, her gaze was held on him as she spoke, she looked at him admiringly as Ace stepped forward and gave his suggestion.

"Thank you Ace," she replied, "that is something I will consider."

She moved over closer to Valens, for some unknown reason she felt a trust in this man. From his stance and his posture, the strong features of his face, she thought that he may be of royal blood.

Her hazel brown eyes reflected bright golden tones as the sunlight shone upon her face and looking into his silver eyes she asked, "And you Valens," she paused, "do you think we will do well separating or does this not concern you, do you just wish to continue rowing this boat ashore and get your feet onto dry land?"
Valens (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

Valens was resting on the deck, but he could hear everything said. When his eyes opened that was when he found contentment in his thoughts. Shortly after, Princess Tanesha came near him, placing her tender gaze upon him. He could not help but smile at her words; it was hard to believe that she had sought his very council.

Akil did not like this. His jealousy was quite obvious, the way he spat whenever the name Valens was mentioned. The other Sentinel’s had softened up. Kafele especially. He and the man had a good conversation about his favorite dishes. He mentioned a dung beetle recipe that tasted as good as chicken—if prepared right.

“I think we should take our chances at the Port City. We are all tired from our journey. Splitting up will only complicate things further. If they have an inn and warm beds at least will be able to rest and decide our next move.”

“I agree with Valens.” Kafele said.

“You would agree with him.” Akil growled. “Forgive me your grace, but it is obvious that Kafele is not thinking clearly. He is soft, always has been. I say we dump the slaves and take Bo’manja and the elf in our airship. We should leave for Zephia at once! Afgaria is far too dangerous!”

Kafele did not want a fight with Akil. But Valens was not afraid of any man or beast—he had slain more vile things for lesser offenses. When the Snow Elf was mentioned, he looked above to see him hanging on the pole mast as if it was a tree. He was impressed.

Then a hard thud was heard. They had hit shallow sea. “Anchors!” Akil took command of the rudder to ease it into position. “And lower the gangplank. For those who have never seen the desert before; welcome to Aceba!” The slaves began to work together, some working the anchor and others manning the plank.

Many would witness a vibrant port city. The smell of sausages, meat pies and fresh bread was smelt. Sailors ran the coast nearly naked throwing their nets for an early catch of fish. Children danced in the streets, begging for candy and greedy merchants haggled newcomers and sailors to spend their coin. This was Afgaria. Valens being from the north had never seen anything like it before. The housing and building structures were crafted of mudbrick and copper piping. They had running water that flowed through the city like a river—nourishing everyone. The scent was fresh and the women smelled as sweet as honey.

Lance’s Galleon was anchored on the docks being repaired. He watched from his scopes waiting to see if Tanesha would bring Bo’manja out of hiding. Then he smiled wickedly seeing Isendur hanging on the mast pole like an animal. He was not willing to give up his hunt so easily. He would follow them. Valens being observant recognized the ship and brought it to the Princesses attention.

“It seems the Royal Navy decided to join us. It may get more interesting as the days go bye. But we all agree that the elf Isendur is sticking with us. If he is your friend, Tanesha, I will let no harm come upon him. You have my word.”
Ace Dark (played by Tugboattom)

Ace watched as the world spun around him. Everything had shifted quickly. He set his mouth in a thin determined line. He would survive this. He was sure of it.

He smiled seeing the children, they reminded him of his little sister. He reminisced for a moment before snapping back into reality. So that ship was coming back for the snow elf. What was so important about that elf? Ace wondered.

He shrugged, setting a scimitar by his knee just in case. He looked to the princess for permission before lowering a little boat to the water. The raft hit the water with a spray of water. A pair of the people on the ship began to to A towards shore. The Royal Bavy' s ship was getting closer.
Isendur (played anonymously)

Isendur looked over the mast studying the situation, he had said very few words to others on the ship. His stoic features mostly unreadable for those hoping t get a hint of his thoughts. He was used to the rock waves and was able to quickly find his balance.. Most of the passengers gave him odd looks except for a few who were quick to greet him which he offered a simple friendly replied but otherwise didn't say much more. He had been waiting for this for a long while to see his eternal treasure. Hopefully fate would bring him better news than what he had heard lately. On his journey he had found no others of his kind. It truly seemed they were the last. Now to see what Fate lied ahead of him, he himself did not have a clue as to any of the hints that life seemed to give.
Tanesha (played by Kattilyn)

The word had spread through the streets of Afgaria that the royal airship could be seen approaching from the north. Excitedly the people ran towards the docks hoping for a closer look at the magnificent flying machine and to see the Royal visitors that it brings.

The warm winds of Afgaria were welcomed by Tanesha as their boat came into dock. She smiled, happy to see its citizens running to and fro waving at the Airship as they had not yet noticed the slave ship that it hovers above nor the Princess on board it.

She was not concerned about Lance's presence as she knew the people of Afgaria and her royal guards would protect her if he and his navy tried to make any moves against them.

Upon hearing Valens words of protection for Isendur she thanked him. "Very kind of you Valens." she said, again pondering about this man, how long he had been held a slave on this ship and where does he call home?
"Pay no heed to Captain Lance," she continued, "it would be foolish of him to try anything, he knows the Kings military guard along the coast from air and from sea."

"Isendur we are going ashore if you wish to come along, Valens here has pledged he will protect you, as will my guards." she called to him while looking at Valens with a grin and a raise of her eyebrows. "I do understand if you wish to stay aboard though, it may be safer here for you with my Sentinals then to mingle with those crowds that are gathering."

Noticing Ace place his sword by his knee, "You look like you know how to handle that scimitar young slave," she said to him, "keep it at hand and follow along with my guards, but let's hope you don't need to use it."

Ordering her four closest guards to accompany her, she made her way along the wharf to a busy market square.
The street was filled with people cheering, they recognised her and bowed handing their Princess gifts of fresh flowers and fruits.

Akil, Kafele, Ebonee and Hasina marched either side of her, keeping their hands close to the hilts of their swords, ready to protect her should anyone make any sudden or aggressive moves towards her.
Valens (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

At the moment, when they found the lively market square, Lance and his naval entourage was momentarily forgotten. Valens looked behind him and he could no longer see the great Galleon—the sails looked like small scarf’s in the distance. He wanted to kiss the sand, but there was so much of it. He would rather find a sweet woman to kiss instead. When he looked up he noticed that Tanesha gazed at him, as if she had read his dirty thoughts. He smiled.

A hue of pink showed on his face.

“Governor Moni, take us to the nearest tavern. Also...keep an eye on the white man that leads that Galleon. We don’t want him to follow us.” Akil said.

“Yes, Lord Akil. The Princesses security is our main priority. We promise to keep her safe in Afgaria.” Moni said.

The Governor, she was a Zephian, by right, thus she inherited this fief of Afgaria long ago. When Írime the Snake Queen was defeated 30 years ago, this fief was giving to Moni to govern, as a gift from Wamukota The Light. Today, security was maximized.

Valens felt comfortable and for the first time in a long time he blended in with this culture. Everyone was dark skinned like him. He looked at Isendur and Ace and did not want to isolate them, but make them feel welcomed.

“Governor also make sure to give our friends good treatment.” Valens winked at his paler companions.

“Shut it slave!” Akil raged. “I do the talking.”

“Hold on. His voice and face it looks slightly familiar.” Moni said. “Your grace, Tanesha, who is this man? He reminds me of someone.” She thought aloud, intrigued, as were all the ladies in her circle. Akil felt embarrassed that Moni would side with an outsider. Akil and Moni were long time lovers so Akil shut this conversation down as quick as possible.

“He is no one! Valens is a slave like the others. Take them all to a local cottage but not the royal inn where my Princess will stay.”

“Valens, hmm. I know that name. It is famous in the north. He is a Knight of King Henry. I thought so. Welcome to Afgaria Valens. Tanesha you found yourself two gems today. First an ancient Snow Elf, then a Knight of a royal family. I envy your desire for adventure.” Moni finished.

“We should have a choice!” One of the female slaves spoke out. “We are free now. Free to go as we please. There are no chains on us. I am taking the oarship and returning to my home. Who is with me?”

A dozen of the former slaves all followed, some scattered and found their own path. Valens would stay next to the Princess.

“Sadly, I have no home to return to. If you will have me as your personal guard, M’lady, I will do my best not to disappoint.” Valens said.
Ace Dark (played by Tugboattom)

Ace looked between the slaves that were going to go back to their homes and Valens. He bit his lipped as he remembered his old home, and his little sister. How he had laughed with her as they shepearded sheep through forsests and how she had squeeled when he had splashed her in the sea nearest to his home. He needed to get back to her to take care of her and protect her. Then a new thought entered his mind, what if she didnt need him anymore? His head drooped at the very real possibility that she would no longer need him to take care of her.

Ace looked back up at the Princess with a new resolve in his eyes. He sighed, this would be his home and his family for a while. Atleast until he found who he was without his little sister to take care of. He nodded as if confirming this new information to himself. He looked over and watched as Valens stated that he had no home to return to and yearned to reach out and console him, but he knew how little Valens would appreciate it, and it didn't appear to Ace as if he needed to be consoled.

" I will stay here. With you, I will fight for and hopefully with you until I find a place I wish to stay." He pledged as he stood up and walked nearer to the Princess and Valens. He turned to look at the other slaves and looked into their eyes to apologise to them for his lack of support.
Isendur (played anonymously)

Isendur didn't say a word as he followed along. He was quiet and silent and seemed to blend in with the crowd rathering than standing out. A trick he had learned long ago. He was barely noticeable, and followed behind Valens, Ace and the Princess. When the slaves spoke out he had giving it little attention, his eyes seemed to be cloudy as if lost in thought. A brief look of eagerness passed across his features but for those who had seen it, they were skeptical as if it there minds playing tricks on them.
Tanesha (played by Kattilyn)

Hearing that the slaves wanted to take the oar ship to use to make their way home with, Tanesha offered it to them. It will be theirs now to do with as they wish, she and her Sentinals no longer have a need for it and the slaves had already been through enough and deserved a chance to be able to return to their families. The joy on their faces at this news filled her with happiness.

Tanesha asked Ebony to escort them back to the boat and to ensure they have everything they need. "I wish you all a safe journey to your homelands." she said to them.

She then asked Kafele to return to the ship, and along with the Sentinals that had remained on board, to take Bo'manja to the local cell, she instructed him to leave two guards to watch the prison house and to return to her with the rest.

Tanesha welcomed Valens and Ace's decision to stay with her. She had noticed all along that Valens had a noble look to him, she had been intrigued by him and was truely amazed and surprised to learn that he is a Knight of King Henry.

She wondered what he had been doing to get himself into the situation of being taken and chained as a slave by Bo'manja. "Was there more to it," she thought to herself, "what could he have been up to?"
She looked forward to getting to the tavern and having a chance to converse with Valens hoping to find out more about him.

"Lead the way Governor Moni, we shall all go to the tavern, a well deserved rest and meal is needed by all, tensions seem a little high amongst some." she said with a smile looking at Akil.

Feeling relieved that their rough journey at sea was over, but at the same time thoughts of Captain Lance's presence had not been forgotten, she followed on behind the Governor and her guards through the cheering people of Afgaria towards the tavern.
Valens (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

Bo’manja was escorted through the crowd of the city and everyone watched him, uncomfortably. He was famous in Afgaria, but he was also an outlaw now, wanted by the King. Perhaps it was greed that kept him alive so long. Or maybe he knew that he could no longer survive the seas as a pirate and finally met his fate. Either way, the man was taken to the nearest cell and locked inside it with the local prisoners.

Later that night, Valens relaxed at a table in the Sun Moon Tavern. The Princess and her elite Guardians had joined him. Ace and Isendur also joined their company. Cold ale was brought forth by the barmaidens; along with a bowl of salted fish, dill cheese, boiled crab legs and butter; with okra and pork stew. The pub was lively and grand tonight. Musicians played on the stage, with dancers who performed for Tanesha and her entourage. In the north, Valens was used to dull bards, but this was the first time his eyes had ever seen live dancers. Valens decided to make the first toast with his goblet of ale; it was a Knights custom.

“I may not know you all very well, but in my land, in the north, they have a saying: men and women who fight together, dine together. Cheers our survival and to our good health.” He smiled.

Akil hesitated at first, but instead of causing a scene he lifted his goblet with a stubborn smirk—perhaps he now thought Valens was alright. His girlfriend, Governor Moni could not take her eyes off Valens though and Akil’s jealousy was well noticed. All the ladies seemed to stare at him, Ace and Isendur; the three being exotic here in this nomadic desert. Moni raised her glass of ale after the Knights fine words.

“Cheers! And let the inkeeper know that everyone who sits before us tonight, eats and drinks on me. I hope you enjoy our hospitality, your grace.” She smiled at Tanesha. The crowd roared with glee when they heard that supper was free.

“So tell us Valens, what is the north like? They say that Orc’s live there and there is a war between them and the Elves. This true? What of dragons? Are there really dwarves that ride dragons in the north?!” A barmaiden asked

Valens looked upward, his silver hues distracted by Tanesha’s perfect gaze. He smiled at her, charmingly and did not want to be the focal point of the feast; but he was far from rude. The Knight turned to the barmaiden and would attempt to answer her questions.

“There is a war yes. As for dwarves and dragons, let’s just say no one has seen either for centuries. They are more east.”
Ace Dark (played by Tugboattom)

Ace followed Valens and the party, but only stared at the ale. He had been taught that he shouldn't have ale, atleast not for a while. Then he tilted his head, he didn't even remember who had taught him that, so perhaps it would be ok. Perhaps, he thought as he eyed the ale. Perhaps.

He watched the dancers with no small amount of interest. It had been quite a while since he had seen someone dance. He smiled sadly to himself, the last time he had seen someone dance was when his little sister had danced among the sheep to feed them. A small tear rose to his eyes, but he wiped it away with a slight sniffle.

Ace looked up at the rest and blushed, he hoped they hadn't seen him tearing up. He wasn't supposed to be crying, he should be happy that he was free but he couldn't bring himself to be happy. Not until he could go back to his little sister, although he didn't want to go back on his word so he had to stay with the princess and Valens.

He did raise his glass in toast with Valens, although he didn't tip it back and drink from his cup. He still hadn't decided if it was ethical for him to drink alcohol or not. Perhaps he would have to ask someone. Yes, he would ask Valens before they went to their next pub.

When he noticed that people were looking at him he stooped his head and blushed, he had never wanted to be the center of attention, and he never had been. His eyes flicked between the people nervously,hoping that he could just disappear and no one would notice him. He wished he could vanish.

Ace' s eyes lit up slightly as he heard someone ask Valens about his home. He listened attentively and leaned his head on his hand so he could focus on Valens. After he heard that dragons were rare he nodded to himself as he stored that information.
Tanesha (played by Kattilyn)

It had been many days since they had all eaten well and Tanesha enjoyed the lavish food that was bought to their table. She raised her goblet of Ale to Valens, acknowledging his toast and nodded at Moni as she made her announcement of food and drinks all around.

She relaxed as she listened to Valens tell about the North. He had all the attention of the barmaids and young maidens in the tavern, like excited little girls they began to gather around him, giggling and fussing over him, hoping for his admiration.

A handsome young man approached Tanesha and offered her a goblet, "Try this My Lady, it is one of the finest wines we have to offer, made from the finest grapes we could import", he said calmly to her.
She looked up at him and smiled as she took the goblet, "How kind, please tell the Inn keeper I say thank you," she said to him. She watched him hurry away as she took a couple of sips of the wine. She put her gaze back towards Valens and continued to drink the wine not noticing it to be anything special.

As the night went on the music became louder and more hypnotic, more and more were dancing rhythmically around the room, men and women swaying together, circling around the room, laughing and cheering and drinking as the air filled with music and aromatic incense from burners all around.

Tanesha grew tired and wished to retire to her room, she was beginning to feel quite hot and clammy in her tight leather armor. Longing for a cool bath she ushered to Ebonee to come to her and escort her to her room and help her out of her leathers.

As she stood the room began to spin...she could not balance herself, the music was pounding in her loud. She reached out to Valens, then collapsed to the floor. She could see him looking at her as he lent down over her, but his face was a blur and the room around him was spinning.
"The wine"' she murmured, "something in the wine". Was all she could say before everything went black.
Valens (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

At first everything seemed joyful, the mood right. Thus when the handsome lad came to offer wine, Valens frowned and wanted to voice against it. He had a bad feeling about it. Tanesha was after all a Princess and for such, he knew in his land there had to be a rightful cup bearer. Perhaps it was a different custom in this land. Maybe the people loved her in Afgaria and no one would dare hurt her? Valens said nothing more of it and went on to eat and drink the wine on the table, as if there was no concern at all. Then something strange occurred. Tanesha begin to look unwell. Akil pushed Valens out of the way, the first to hold her steady. Even though Akil and Valens both knew the truth, the lad who served her wine had already fled the pub. Akil cursed him. Valens could see nothing but the sweet, gentle glare of Tanesha's eyes, when she gazed upon him; it was like the purest gems, seeking his affection. Akil may have held her, but she reached out to Valens...

"The wine," she murmured.

More was said, as she was laid down, but Valens was more focused on her survival now. Tanesha was out cold and the pub went into panic.

Blades were raised.

"It was the navy men from the north who followed us! They are your friends, no?” Akil accused Valens.

"Lance has always been loyal to my father. I believe he is only here for the criminal Bo'manja, not to poison a Lady. Besides, poison is not his style. That's a woman's weapon," Valens said.

"What are you trying to say?" Akil growled and lifted Valens by the collar.

"He's right," Moni said.

Akil softened a bit when he heard his wife's voice. He let Valens down, thus his face was in turmoil.

"My love, what are you saying?" Akil said.

"I am saying, I poisoned her. I paid the lad to give her the wine laced with an essence of nightshade," she confessed.

"Why my love? She trusted you. She always spoke good of you!" Akil cried.

"Yes, she. It was always about her. Leaving your family to serve her army, using our coin to provide for her family, only for her to take you back to Zephia and leave me here alone. You loved her more than your own life with me. That is why she will die before dawn."

"Well, now you just committed treason and there will be no good future for us. The King will probably have you rot in a dungeon, or better yet, have your head put on a spike. All our work, our family business gone because of your jealously."

"I grew tired of living alone without you! I love you! I did this for us, my husband. Let us go away from here. We still have time. Tell your men to ride with us," she twitched, her face covered in nervous sweat.

"Arrest her," Akil ordered. His men took her and had her put in chains.

Moni wailed and screamed in madness.

"What of the Princess? We need to find her a medic, or she will die?" Valens said in sadness.

"Its on you now, sir Valens. Maybe the elf can save her with his potions or magic. My prayers are with her. But I need to deal with my wife," Akil said.

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus