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Zoe (played by KingdomOdd1) Topic Starter

"Um, home?" She shrugged, "Or anywhere with Zee Zee, he knows where to go, he is my guide."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 18.
Let's see...

Huh, I'll pick question number 17. I'm sure there are probably some really glorious ones that I've heard second-hand, but one that comes to mind is... "You're pretty, I'm cute, together we'd be pretty cute!"
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 20.
Lone 'Wolf' Silverlance (played by MasterWinter)

Side 12: Your biggest lie/s?

The Russian would rub his bearded chin in thought.

"The biggest lie being one dat I used to tell mine self. Dat I wasn't jealous of mine older brother, Nikolay, when we were growin' up. He managed to stay out of the attention of the humans, who ended up being cruel and abusive to me when finding out what I was. We was brought up to support one another as family, to love one another how we could. I tried to ignore my jealousy, and kept lying to mine self that I was not jealous. I know Nikolay knew of mine jealousy. But Nikolay never resented me for it. Eventually I, officially, knew it when I gave in."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 12.
Oron (played by LeftScout)

rolling for question
Oron (played by LeftScout)

Oron wrote:
rolling for question

Side 13: Who is your best friend/s? If you don't have a/any best friend/s, who is your favorite person or who do that admire? You don't have any best friend/s, favorite person/people, or person you admire? That's sad...I will be your friend.

Well I don't have a best friend but someone I admire is one of the nobles from my homeland, he is a good family friend and has always treated us well!
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 13.
Angel of Death (played by MasterWinter)

Side 13: Who is your best friend/s? If you don't have a/any best friend/s, who is your favorite person or who do that admire?

"Ooohh! That's a super easy answer! My best friend happens to be the Master of Death herself, Moarte Grim. Don't ask about the last name, it's what my writer came up with. Or part of said last name. Anyways! Moarte has been not only like a bestie to me, she's been like a sister to me. She knows what I've been through, knows my struggles, knows almost everything about me, and rarely does she judge me. Plus I can get away with a short joke/comment/nickname now and then with her. The poor Master's human form is very vertically challenged."

Adrian would soon cackle a bit about Moarte being so short.

"I'm sorry but she's just so adorable with her height. She's short and a bad @$$ for certain. Love that woman."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 13.
Rebecca Savage (played by Rogue-Scribe)

May as well play some dice now that I’m out of rehab....

“A pickup line? I’ve heard so many... said a few too. But the best is ‘let’s go swim to the moon’
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 17.
Lone 'Wolf' Silverlance (played by MasterWinter)

Side 1: What's your favorite food/s?

"Good Mother Russia comfort food. Pelmeni – meat-filled dumpling, Pirozhki meat-filled bun, and Shashlik – skewered and grilled cubes of meat."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 1.
Angel of Death (played by MasterWinter)

"For once I believe I will answer a different question."

Adrian goes over the questions and picks one out: Side 9: How are your feeling this very moment?

"Surprisingly tired. Then again most of us OC's at times channel our writer's feelings and the like. So Winter is tired, and I'm tired. But then again I've also been very busy lately doing...stuff. That's it, stuff. I'll probably go curl up and sleep for a bit, with my cute little plush of that mystery woman in black who hangs around my shop."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3.
Valentine (played by KingdomOdd1) Topic Starter

Valentine held up his notepad with shaky hands and an awkward look. Notepad: Nervous...
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3.
Hot Shot (played by JetStorm)

"What do I notice in a person I just met?...I would have to say it depends if they are either autobot or decepticon...if they are decepticon..I'd blow them to pieces." he says with a smile.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 4.
Kamoi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“My favorite hair style...? Um...I like it long, actually...Doesn’t really matter...But I’ve heard princess cuts are nice!”
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.
Lone 'Wolf' Silverlance (played by MasterWinter)

Side 10: What's your favorite song/s, music band/s, singer/s, and/or type of music genre/s?

" Arkona. It be a Russian folk metal band. Their lyrics be heavily influenced by Russian folklore and Slavic mythology, und their music incorporates several traditional Russian musical instruments. The name of the band "Arkona" refers to the last Pre-Christianized Slavic city-castle."

Volya paused in thought.

"I not sure on others. Wait, I lie. Nightwish. Cannot forget dat one. Mine writer loves that band so much, nearly all us modern characters of Winter's know de band and their music. Also Dragony, Powerwolf, und The HU. Okay. Now I think dat be it."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 10.
Grant Mckinley (played anonymously)

"Nutrition cubes" Grant answers robotically "They have no taste, and that's what i'm used to" the bulky man explains further
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 1.
Sans (played anonymously)

"nat 1, just my luck. 'least its a good question"
He took a moment to think...
"unless 'all food' counts. the clear winner is fast food, anything covered in sauce and grease"
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 1.
Angel of Death (played by MasterWinter)

"Since I already answered this question, I will pick a different one to do."

Side 2: What's your Zodiac sign?

"I'm a Virgo." Tilts head to the side. "Not sure if that's a good thing or not." Shrugs.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.
Rykando Bishop (played anonymously)

Ryker seems hesitant "there was this one time I told a girl that I was gay just to get away from her" he lets out an awkward laugh, "yeah i think that's it, i don't lie often" he shrugs
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 12.
Lone 'Wolf' Silverlance (played by MasterWinter)

"As I've already answered dis one, I will pick one to answer."

Side 13: Who is your best friend/s? If you don't have a/any best friend/s, who is your favorite person or who do that admire?

"Mine older brother, Nikolay. While I may 'ave, for a time, been jealous of him for his fairly easy upbringing in life, Nikolay always looked after me. Und he still does. He say it matter not hold old I get, as mine older brother he look out for me. He very patient with me, like our parents. Always keep head on shoulders. Make perfect leader and head of family. He may put me to sleep with his lectures, but I still care for him."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 18.
Clover (played by KingdomOdd1) Topic Starter

"Sharp objects, they could cut me, and I run away automatically. I was made that way, for survival reasons."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 10.
Angel of Death (played by MasterWinter)

Side 17: What's your favorite pick up line/s you have ever heard or said? If you don't have a favorite pick up line, then what is a random pick up line you know/have heard?

"I don't have any favorites of those silly things. But one I've heard is: "If I get hooked on you, will you hook up with me?" "
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 17.

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