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Forums » General Roleplay » The Secret Revolution (Open to all)

Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Eli, when are you gonna stop defending them?" Lonnie was tired of him making excuses for the caretakers.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" When you can prove that they killed someone. Solid proof, not just a few snatches of conversation and Chase not being able to see us." He crossed his arms glaring defiantly.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Fine" Lonnie said and walked away.

Later that day, Lonnie took a voice recorder and snuck up to the caretakers lounge. She put her ear and the voice recorder up to the door. "Eli almost found us out. We can't let him figure out that we killed their parents and now we wanna kill them." The caretaker said. That was enough proof for Lonnie and she hoped it was enough for Eli.

When Lonnie found Eli she handed him the voice recorder. "Go on, listen to it."
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

He listened studiously. He nodded," Ok fine, you got me." He rolled his eyes," So,what do we do now?" He asked
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"I don't know! My first objective was to make you believe me." Lonnie said as she sat down on a couch.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli rolled his eyes," Wow! Such a great objective!" He began to walk off.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli rolled his eyes," Wow! Such a great objective!" He began to walk off.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Eli, wait!" Lonnie said a little louder than intended. She lowered her voice "We need to figure this out. Together."
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli glared," Fine."
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Thank you"
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" Ok, So what's next?" He asked.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"I don't know. We should probably brainstorm ideas for a plan." Lonnie suggested.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" Like..." He prompted.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"I don't know. Let's think." She said, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli shrugged,"So, We can't kill em that'd make us just as bad as them. We can't just run away and leave the younger ones."
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Okay...we could tell the younger ones, but then again, they would be terrified and totally give us away." Lonnie said looking at the blank piece of paper.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli looked at the paper," And we can't write it down case they find it."
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Oh, right." Lonnie put the pen and paper back.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" So now that we've discussed all the things we can't do, what can we do?" He asked seriously.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"I'm not sure at the moment. If you have any ideas let me know otherwise, we should sleep on it." Lonnie suggested.

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