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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The dungeon

Amaru (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

Amaru sat up yawning as he raised his arms up in a stretch. He looked over at Drake in confusion"W-why are you looking at me?"
He lowered his hands to cover his face with them as he looked through the crack between his arms at Drake.
Drake (played by Fairyfriend)

Drake blushed. "Sorry." He clears his throat. "We were discussing a dungeon dive. You should join us."
Amaru (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"Hm" Amaru flicked out his tongue for a moment and pulled it back into his mouth. He quickly looked away and scratched at the scales under his right eye with his right hand as he thought.

"Well uhm is-is there a reason I sh-should come?"
Drake (played by Fairyfriend)

"It could be fun and we would appreciate the help."
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli shrugged," Dunno, might be fun. Besides I'm sure you'll get some money during the adventure if that helps."
Amaru (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

He looked at Eli and Drake"Shouldn't I...go get permission from my parents before I go?"He sighed"And they might not let me go and if that's the case then you might not get the help...b-besides won't it be dangerous?"
Drake (played by Fairyfriend)

"I'm sure we can handle whatever the dungeon can throw at us."
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" Ooh... Parents... Yeah they might be a problem." He shrugged," Well, I'm sure if you grab anything in the dungeon you could make some money and they would be appreciative."
Amaru (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

He looked at drake"Really? What are you able to do that makes you so confident-"He shook his head and looked over at Eli"Yeah...So should we just try to go without telling them?"
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" Dunno, up to you. I don't want to get in the middle of your family. I don't want to cause problems for ya." He shrugged whistling to a nearby bird, not the one that had babies, he put his arm out for it to rest.
Drake (played by Fairyfriend)

"We don't want to pressure you." Says Drake to Amaru.
Amaru (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

The nearby crows cawed a Go away (insert explicit word here) to Eli then went silent again
Amaru nodded to Eli"Yeah...I think they would understand, my dad sometimes tells me about the world and how big it is so he would probably like me taking the initiative?"He didn't sound too sure of what he was saying.

He looked over at Drake"Thanks"
Drake (played by Fairyfriend)

"No problem."
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli nodded to Amaru,"Alrighty then, we've gotta go talk to him. Or rather you do." He smiled awkwardly. Then he sent a glare up to the crows quickly.
Amaru (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

" I have to"He sighed as he looked down and quickly looked up at Eli's eyes"Cause I'm sure I could either lie and get away with it or convince him later...after all asking for forgiveness is easier then asking for permission?"

The crows didn't respond to his glare and the murder of crows flew away after a minute.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli shrugged," Its your family I ain't gonna tell you what to do. Just make sure you know what your doing." He advized.
Amaru (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

He sighed and nodded"I should probably go tell them, where should we meet up, how about we just meet up here?"He offered and looked between drake and Eli

The mocking bird flew back now that the crows were gone and landed on it's branch again.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli nodded," Yeah this would work well. The rock is a good land mark." He said chirping musically to the mocking bird in greeting. Then he resumed his human speech, although a little higher pitched than it had been before, but by the end of a sentence he had gotten his voice back to normal," So what kind of abilities do you have? Besides being glittery I mean." He asked
Amaru (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

The mockingbird returned the greeting, it's voice had traces of panic in it.

"Glittery?"He tilted his head confused for a moment then straightened it"Ooooh you must mean my scales...well I have a few abilities besides being scaley, first off I'm flexible"He leaned over and easily touched his toes to make the point. Amaru straightened up and gestured at the chipped, curved knife at either hip"I have quite the bite and"He held out his arm and Eli felt pressure of something light landing on his shoulder and the light thing coiled around his arm. After a second a small brown snake became visible wrapped around Eli's arm as it's tongue flicked out.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli nearly yelped, but restrained himself in case that would frighten the snake into biting him. He breathed deeply trying to remember snake speech. Finally he hissed a grerting, although it was a rather shaky one and not very fluent at all.

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