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Forums » Looking for RP » A Court of Thorns and Roses

So I’ve been in the mood of trying a rp for the A Court Of Thorns and Roses series. If you’ve never heard of this lovely series, it’s basically fantasy with modern aspects in summary, you’ve got faeries, winged warriors, high lords and their ladies, the higher Fae all have some kind of magical power based on where they live in the realm of Prythian which there are 7 courts as follows
1. The spring court
2. The autumn court
3. The summer court
4. The winter court
5. The dawn court
6. The day Court
7. The night court

If this sounds like something you’d like to try out, shoot me a DM

Also side note: I would PREFER you to be 18+ but this is open everyone after it failed in exclusivity, the story would just be altered to be PG-13 at most


1. Do not ask if I have a discord unless you intend to actually rp there and not leave me hanging and wondering if you’re still interested because I will no longer give it out freely after a few of these incidents in the past

2. Do not ghost after I send a starter or before I send a starter or while discussing things. That’s just rude.

3. PLEASE tell me if you won’t be on for a while especially if we are speaking ooc because I have experience too many people ghosting after I try to make friends with them and it leaves me scared I said something wrong and they hate me or don’t want to rp with me anymore. We can work on a quick-system that'll say what needs to be said without taking time to type it out. Example: 1 - “can’t reply right now, somethings come up.”

4. Do not ignore what this rp is supposed to be (fandom/fantasy) and start trying to suggest irrelevant stuff after you tell me you came from this ad. I.e do not try to bring in Anime canon characters
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 50%
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Romance 80%
Romance will be a major feature of this plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.

LittleMouse Topic Starter

LittleMouse Topic Starter

I loved this series!! Would you want a 1x1? If so how would this be structured, are you looking for a female? A male?
((I'll shoot you a dm too ;) I just noticed that's what you asked for.))
LittleMouse Topic Starter

I’ve never actually heard of the franchise, but I’m interested to at least hear more, if not start a role play.
LittleMouse Topic Starter

Arcol wrote:
I’ve never actually heard of the franchise, but I’m interested to at least hear more, if not start a role play.

I dm’ed you
Read the series, didn’t finish it though for my own reasons. I’m interested in the rp concept though.
LittleMouse Topic Starter

Raider-jack29 wrote:
Read the series, didn’t finish it though for my own reasons. I’m interested in the rp concept though.

LittleMouse Topic Starter

Happy to try it out. But would love to learn more about the story and I have two characters i can use
LittleMouse Topic Starter

Hi, I haven't read the series but I'm interested!
LittleMouse Topic Starter

RebakaCarter wrote:
Hi, I haven't read the series but I'm interested!

LittleMouse Topic Starter

hello? still alive or should I leave?
LittleMouse Topic Starter

Akami (played by Demonvixi)

I've never read the series and I'm new-ish to rp but I am interested 😊
LittleMouse Topic Starter

Not necessarily bumping but this needs to be said:


1. Do not ask if I have a discord unless you intend to actually rp there and not leave me hanging and wondering if you’re still interested because I will no longer give it out freely after a few of these incidents in the past

2. Do not ghost after I send a starter or before I send a starter or while discussing things. That’s just rude.

3. PLEASE tell me if you won’t be on for a while especially if we are speaking ooc because I have experience too many people ghosting after I try to make friends with them and it leaves me scared I said something wrong and they hate me or don’t want to rp with me anymore. We can work on a quick-system that'll say what needs to be said without taking time to type it out. Example: 1 - “can’t reply right now, somethings come up.”

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » A Court of Thorns and Roses

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