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Forums » RP Discussion » Furcadia and RP

Howdy, y'all. Just found this place via the wife and think it's great. But that's not what you're talking about, is it?

My advice for finding an RP on Furcadia, and this is something that I honed over my years of playing until I stopped about 4 years ago, is to pick fights.
I mean it.
Pick a fight with someone. Call them out, call them every nasty little name in the book, take a swing at them for no reason at all.
Another method of doing this to to pick a fight with yourself. Have your character absolutely lose their shit. I'm talking full on bipolar-rage-epileptic-seizure-danger-to-themselves-and-others temper tantrum. A variant of this is to have a friend you know do it with you. One of my most successful characters of all time in regard to number of RPs I became involved in was a guy by the name of Dade Sylviano. My friend played his counterpoint, Corbin Cordova. And when we 'rolled in' to the bar, no matter what bar we went to, we had everybody's attention within a few minutes, simply by being brutally over the top and 'in your face' about everything, and our language was a great tool in that. F- this, F- that, F- you, you F-ing C-bucket! Shut your F-ing mouth before I F- S- on the counter and beat your F-ing face in it. Shut up, B- or I'll stick my D- in your mouth and shut you the F- up like they used to.
Be nuts. Because if you're nuts, if you're out of control, and people can't stand to have you around and start talking back, then guess what? They're talking to you! And alot of people on there can't stand to be out of character, so they do it in character, so they are RPing with you.
And you never know, some of the people that you pick fights with wind up becoming some of your best friends, both in character and out.
RPR is much more sophisticated than Furcadia.
But more RP happens on Furcadia than on RPR. xD (Sorry <3 It's true. I have done maybe two RPR posts in the course of four days, whereas I have at least three or four RPs per day on Furc)

Also, Imaginarium is where I always am. Imaginarium, or any dream there. That's where I'm at. I usually toss a random alt in Imag and seek out RP from random people. It's how I met some of my closest friends :D

I stay away from TGT, I know there's plenty of good non-sexual RP there but more often than not, people I see on Furc with 'TGT' in their descriptions are big-chested skanky women. (no offense to you guys, really I do understand TGT has good RP happening). Soooo I tend to stay away from that, since I'm an FTB person.

If anyone wants RP, I swear to you all I have dozens of characters with various time periods and would be more than happy to pick one to fit your RPing needs. :) My main alt that I have on prettymuch all the time (if I'm online, then this alt will be online) is Anastasia Meier. So hit her up and see if I have an alt that would fit some RP with you :)

My phone has a low txt limit and no linebreaks so pardon if this takes a few posts. There was a time that furcadia seemed awesome to me. I knew some young Dreamweavers and quickly learned dragonscript, bringing to life my favorite rp setting, serpents isle, with custom spriting. we set up event days, rp days, ooc days and all was cool. Before even that i became a host for a huge pokemon game ripe with bots and challenges. I loved it. But short of dreams where i knew the better part of people (and sometimes even then), i found rp to be lacking by my tastes. Often the ic/ooc line was vague, bordering personas even when not intended to. I tired of people wanting an ooc romance or similar because characters started mingling. And as i waded through the quagmire, i found it nearly impossible to find an rp that i felt actually meant anything. And, like many before me, i too became disenchanted with furc rp and became an ooc dweller, looking for that one person who could show up and bring back my spark. It never (c)

(pt 2) it never happened for me. Try as i might the time and effort i put into sorting through the filth burned time i could have put into tk, or any number of other places i could have found rp in. I stopped going years ago, around when squirrels were the hottest new commodity. I've been much happier elsewhere. Yes, you may be able to jump into a furc rp quicker but quality guarantee is low at best. furc has as many users online at any one time as rpr has users registered, period, so of course it'll be easier to find someone actively dropping a paragraph. Now the question is what weird kink or cyber expectation do they want, or how often will i have to see their orbs, tresses, or upturned labia as descriptions? Seriously. Some idiot kept using it for lips to sound smart. I would rather sink time into forum posts here and wait for the quality than burn three hours actively hunting rp and five hours doing nothing that adds to anything on furc. It isn't to say furc has no qualities. Dreams can make great (c)

-situational dungeons or minigames. If you have the right tightknit group of friends you can do something great, but that statement applies anywhere, even here. Know their schedules, long on, launch chat and go at it. But for rp, i'd rather just not rp than waste my effort on something random in furc. If i want random, i'd rather go to the keep, troll infested or not, as it is far easier to browse through and find proper activity. ...and thats my two cents and three paragraphs.
Sanne Moderator

JayBird wrote:
Howdy, y'all. Just found this place via the wife and think it's great. But that's not what you're talking about, is it?

My advice for finding an RP on Furcadia, and this is something that I honed over my years of playing until I stopped about 4 years ago, is to pick fights.
I mean it.
Pick a fight with someone. Call them out, call them every nasty little name in the book, take a swing at them for no reason at all.
Another method of doing this to to pick a fight with yourself. Have your character absolutely lose their shit. I'm talking full on bipolar-rage-epileptic-seizure-danger-to-themselves-and-others temper tantrum. A variant of this is to have a friend you know do it with you. One of my most successful characters of all time in regard to number of RPs I became involved in was a guy by the name of Dade Sylviano. My friend played his counterpoint, Corbin Cordova. And when we 'rolled in' to the bar, no matter what bar we went to, we had everybody's attention within a few minutes, simply by being brutally over the top and 'in your face' about everything, and our language was a great tool in that. F- this, F- that, F- you, you F-ing C-bucket! Shut your F-ing mouth before I F- S- on the counter and beat your F-ing face in it. Shut up, B- or I'll stick my D- in your mouth and shut you the F- up like they used to.
Be nuts. Because if you're nuts, if you're out of control, and people can't stand to have you around and start talking back, then guess what? They're talking to you! And alot of people on there can't stand to be out of character, so they do it in character, so they are RPing with you.
And you never know, some of the people that you pick fights with wind up becoming some of your best friends, both in character and out.

First off, welcome to RPR! :D

That seems like quite a harsh way to go about it in my view. If someone approached my character like that ICly, they'd... either get up and leave, or get into a rather pointless fight only to never want to interact with them again. If someone approached me like that OOCly, well, I'd put them on ignore.

I'm not sure how it works out for you, especially if that's an OOC approach. Provoking people into an insulting argument with you... I wouldn't recommend that to anyone, because you're bound to make more enemies than friends.

There is of course a difference between OOC and IC, so if it's solely IC then that's something else. :) But not every character has the same personality, and not every character would start off with badmouthing another. Do you only play one or two characters that are very alike? What would you suggest to someone who has a character with a timid or just friendly personality, one who doesn't fit with this approach?

And yeah... I wouldn't really advise the starting a fight philosophy either. One, it can't work for every character. Two, do it in the wrong scenario and you're likely to have to accept potential of your character being killed, unless you're one of those people who just assume they're untouchable because of some level of awesomeness... which is always frustrating and not worth someone's time anyway. I'd be more likely to have one of a few responses to that style:

1) My violent characters, like Rudianos, does engage and attempts to kill.
2) My pacifist characters, which are among the many, cock an eyebrow and walk away.
3) My in-between characters... still walk away, may or may not call the police or other authorities, in which case they continue to walk out and I hope the person the cop is called on is responsible and plays the police force to some extent. If not, they probably weren't the kinda person I wanted to play with anyway, so you could have fun playing with NPCs I indirectly brought in... and left.

Really... that wouldn't work on... most people that I know. Maybe complete wingnuts, like a certain jackarse named Czar I once knew. But then you're just RPing with wingnuts.
Everybody's got their own approach to things. Mine worked out remarkably well for me. And if you've got a shy little flower that you're trying to promote, you could put him/her right in the middle of it. Have your 'mouth' start picking on them, and see who comes to the rescue. Another tact is to keep it up, stay in the same place until people get used to you, then change direction. A loudmouth walks into a bar six nights in a row and the same ten people are then, then on night seven when he walks in and is quiet, then there's curiosity. "Why isn't he shooting his mouth off again?"

I dunno. If I want to get a bunch of my characters into a situation together, I can write something more fruitful than a fight without ultimate purpose. The great thing about involving multiple characters you all write is that you can ensure every action has a true purpose and can fulfill itself as it would in a novel. I really can't see myself bothering with that tactic. If I'm that desperate for character interaction I'll go back to writing my novels.
That's great. You can do it your way, all you want, all day long. I was offering an alternative. Thanks for making me feel welcome. You're a peach.

The sarcasm is neither cute nor becoming. You voiced a solution and myself and another user stated why we might not suggest it. It's true: you may get attention. You're also just as likely to drive away rpers you could have a much better future with. I wouldn't wonder "why isn't he shooting off his mouth". I would more likely bemoan to myself the troublemaking character's entry and either find reason to leave or just not hold my breath over a following disturbance. You voiced your solution, i pointed out how it could make more problems and disassociation, as well as what i would do instead. No need to be upset.
Maybe you're right. But the fact that I merely offered another option and now feel both incredibly angry and alienated from this site because one person can't seem to respect another's opinion is why many RPs fail in the first place.
So I'm not going to fight. Pat yourself on the back and think about how superior you are. I'll be over here, trying to have fun.

By the way, so that everybody is aware, I know I'm a jerk. Doesn't mean that others aren't. You're RPing for fun, so why not experiment with how you do it? You might be surprised.

I'm not trying to do any of that, and if you read it in my words you misunderstand. The thread founder wanted solutions for sparse rp and you posted yours; however, i feel i have the right to disagree and voiced why: it would drive me and most of my friends away. Conversation has two sides. Just because i do not agree with your opinion doesn't mean i don't respect it. Some days your views will be corrected. Some days mine will. I don't think anyone will view you as some sort of pariah now. That's not the rpr way.
Minerva wrote:
I don't think anyone will view you as some sort of pariah now. That's not the rpr way.

This is quite true. RPR folks are always understanding. But for us to be understanding, just keep in mind that you must be understanding too. :) If you treat others with respect, they will respect you back. :)
o.o wow... totally got way off topic from what the main topic was there. Hi. If you are having issues with rping in Furcadia, there could be ways to resolve it.
--Dream hop. see if something catches your eye.
--Simply post in, and like Dylan said, try boldening the name of the char you're rping with. :D Posting in and waiting feels like forever, yes, but you never know, some days you gt lucky, and some days you don't.
--I don't think it matters if the char is "interesting enough" or "doesn't fit to one's standards" most times I have noticed that there are a few on there that are just on Furc to chat, maybe rp once in a while.. etc. Again, it just brings me to the first suggestion.. to dream hop and sit around and watch how the continuity might be on some.

I'm hoping that things get better for you in the future. :)
Sanne Moderator

JayBird wrote:
That's great. You can do it your way, all you want, all day long. I was offering an alternative. Thanks for making me feel welcome. You're a peach.

I'm certain it wasn't Minerva's intention to get on your bad side! I hope you'll consider sticking around regardless, as it's always refreshing to have someone with a different opinion who can express it so nicely.

I think both sides got a little caught up in expressing their preferences and probably read a tone in the plain text that wasn't intended. Text can be tricky, I struggle with that quite a bit myself. :)

What it boils down to is that the approach JayBird wrote about can really work well on a certain target audience, but Minerva brought up a good point that the approach will specifically cater to that audience only and has potential to alienate other groups. There are people who will be ecstatic about a fight, but some characters may not fit the part and to some people the approach may be boring after a couple of times. It really depends on the person and the situation and the people they're trying to reach.

From what I gather the approach is also entirely IC, I wasn't sure if it applied to OOC conversations as well. Seems pretty clear to me now though. ;)

Thank you, Sanne. In a way i've tried this already. a user named loki recently joined our forum. For years they hated me, because i was part of a group that was seen as starting a fight "just cause". It actually had ic reasons, entire forums dedicated to background rp, but i've personally witnessed the sheer -hate- you can garner by that kind of approach. Eventually that kind of rp lost its charm to me. And even then it was never by pure boredom to antagonize a situation. As i got older i watched other people, groups who bickered like this. Among their select own they are lauded, but (especially after head admining at one site) it was easy to see the general concensus was they were avoided troublemakers. I didn't mean to tick him off or anything.
Haha Minerva, I did really hate you for ages(but it's okay now <3) It's true though, for years I would only rp in 'private' settings regardless of if the situation needed it or not, because of the rp Minerva was talking about. I'm sure that harsh approach works for some, but for many like myself it would totally alienate and drive people away. Not sure what type of rping goes on here, I only just joined up yesterday, but I'd just simply suggest that one be careful on who they try that method with.

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