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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Dragon Symbol (SOLVED)

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Kim Site Admin

This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the Dragon Symbol in Epic Week 2021. Please stay on topic. Remember, these riddles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people brainstorming together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. Research is not cheating; it is expected!

Click here to visit the location of the Dragon Symbol
well I have something
this might have some thing

definition of watch
look at or observe attentively over a period of time.
exercise care, caution, or restraint about.

definitions of wher
Wher she be wise or sober or dronkelewe

I have no idea what the means though but I thought it my be good for the riddle
Ilmarinen Moderator

This one is definitely trivia from the Dragonriders of Pern series! :)
Ilmarinen Moderator

OH!! This is about the old Ruathan watch-wher, who died resisting one of the dragons ... I can't remember the exact context. I think Lessa was urging him on. Lemme see..
Hold not handler. Frozen bodies in the snow. Perhaps something to do with held in time? Frozen in time? Dragons Breath? Dragons Ice Breath? Something of that nature.
Heimdall wrote:
OH!! This is about the old Ruathan watch-wher, who died resisting one of the dragons ... I can't remember the exact context. I think Lessa was urging him on. Lemme see..

They never canonically named or colored him - I don’t think Anne had the lore then yet (it’d probably be ‘Lesk’ or something if she did) - but she definitely held him as he died.
Ruatha hold, lord Fax, lord Jaxom?
It could be that, Ruatha Hold.

I still think it has to do with time though. Or Dragons Hold or something of that nature, because it's stating in the notes recently how they dug up frozen bodies with actions still they were doing. Thusly my idea of frozen in time or something?
Ilmarinen Moderator

Ah, thanks Kim for unlocking that last clue! :3

Yes, I really think this is gonna be Ruatha or Ruatha Hold. Michonne, I'm not actually sure what bodies you're referring to?

And because Dragonfire hasn't weighed in yet, I also think she's responsible for this conundrum. ;D
Dragonfire Moderator

Who, me?

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Heimdall wrote:
Yes, I really think this is gonna be Ruatha or Ruatha Hold. Michonne, I'm not actually sure what bodies you're referring to?

I think Michonne was thinking this was a puzzle node and talking about the research library?
Ilmarinen Moderator

Ruatha, Ruatha Hold, and Ruathan Blood all didn't work! I also tried Fort and Fort Weyr, whose jurisdiction Ruatha is in. *chinscratch*
Ilmarinen Moderator

Hurrmm. Well, if it isn't a reference to the Ruathan watch-wher, who else was honored after his last act? The first clue might just be indicating that it's DRoP related, and not necessarily about the whers themselves.
Ah, guys, there's also a book called The Watcher which is about dragons! I think! I've never read it though. If anyone you know has, squeeze them for trivia! XD
Ilmarinen Moderator

Shinyrainbowlithogra wrote:
Ah, guys, there's also a book called The Watcher which is about dragons! I think! I've never read it though. If anyone you know has, squeeze them for trivia! XD

Oooh! I'm 100% sure this is about Dragonriders of Pern, though--the first clue is a poem from the series. :)
Ah okay. :D I haven't read all of those, so although I wondered about the poem, I don't think I have enough information to help. Lol. :,)
Maybe “Benden?” Just start plugging the major Holds in, hah. He was a respected guy!
Ilmarinen Moderator

Rigby wrote:
Maybe “Benden?” Just start plugging the major Holds in, hah. He was a respected guy!

I tried Benden and a couple others, haha! Alas, no dice.

Well sacrificer gripper...

I am sure that i'm wrong... but that's the best i can get with it.
Ilmarinen Moderator

MacieLightfoot wrote:
Well sacrificer gripper...

I am sure that i'm wrong... but that's the best i can get with it.

I'm not sure what you're referencing! Could you explain? :)

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