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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Regeneration Symbol (SOLVED)

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Dragonfire Moderator

*drums fingers* Trenzalore was a blue planet. The Great Intelligence (and consequently Walter Simeon - for, I think, the third time) showed up there in "The Name of the Doctor". Madame Vastra (bless her, my fave) refers to Clara in the same episode as a "travelling assistant" so as not to offend River. (Although it's not the last we see of Clara, sort of. Kind of? Complicated.)

Now, as for the first we hear of the drawl...
Everything I know about this series is from ghost stories about the fandom, but nobody has touched this riddle for 20 hours and I have google.

Clue one is the third doctor, fair enough. As to "After he finally gets to the blue planet" the wiki says:
Metebelis III was a famous blue planet in the Acteon Galaxy. The Third Doctor attempted to travel to Metebelis III multiple times during his tenure as UNIT's scientific advisor on 20th century Earth, describing its unparalleled beauty. When he finally arrived there, he was met by some of the dangerous native wildlife. His interaction with radioactive material there later triggered his regeneration.
The episode is The Green Death, which apparently also is the first episode the audience hears the disembodied voice of the villain BOSS, and the final episode for an assistant who gets married and doesn't travel anymore. So I'm with AJ_89 and Dndmama in making sure that episode name gets into the hopper.
Dragonfire Moderator

\o/ You guys got it! Excellent work!
Sorry for the silence--I was trying to whittle down the mega monster so I can throw the guesses we'd had and hopefully narrow down our options. I rewatched The Green Death twice (as well as Planet of the Spiders once) and noted down the introductions of all the main villains to show up. Green Death is Jo Grant's last episode, and fits the bill of 'young assistant'. Liz Shaw doesn't really fit that description, in my mind--she was an accomplished scientist in her own right and not tied down to the Doctor. And obviously Sarah-Jane didn't leave at the end of Planet of the Spiders.

My first thought was Stevens' first line, but that didn't feel definitive, so then the first lines he says with malice.
"If he ever does arrive."
"Hinks. At once."
"Nobody must go down the mine."

Then ended up leaning towards BOSS' first lines.
"Stevens. Process him." (Which ended up being the winner.)

I had a notepad going of possible lines, including those from Planet of the Spiders from before the fourth clue dropped, of lines said while on Metebelis III:
"We are successful?" (But the Doctor hadn't returned there yet...)
"Let him approach." (First sinisterly uttered words after he returned for Sarah-Jane)
"Stop! Have you brought the crystal to me?" (final 'first sinister words' as he returned for his Final Confrontation).
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Amazing work AJ_89! :D
Ilmarinen Moderator

AWESOME job guys, I was a little worried this one might be too much, but you owned it. :D
Ilmarinen Moderator


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