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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Cryptic Symbol (SOLVED)

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Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congrats on solving this symbol! The answer was "toss me a dozen eggs".

For those of you wondering how this answer could be arrived at, here's a quick explanation. :)
Heimdall, designer of this riddle wrote:
The symbol, as well as the use of ciphers in the clues, leads towards Gravity Falls. The three clues together obliquely reference the episode "Little Gift Shop of Horrors," wherein Stan loses his hands to a witch and tries to pretend like nothing is wrong. He goes to the supermarket, where a grocer pops out and asks "Hey Mr. Pines! Should we play 'toss me a dozen eggs' like we always do?" Stan drops the eggs, slips, and falls.)

The clues are in ciphers used in the show, and they're also very common/simple ciphers overall. (First one is A1Z26, second is Atbash, third is Caesar-3.)
Ilmarinen Moderator


HAHA, good riddle! That stumped me for a while. I knew it was either related to Ford or Stan, but for all the wrong reasons. It was so much simpler than where I was going. XD

That last clue helped so much, it led me to the episode and clip I needed:

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