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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Binty wrote:
Binty offers Mathius, a Plantain "Have one" She'd smile, trying to lower tension-

He smiled and took the plantain. He would cut it up, fry it, and drizzle honey over it and started eating it.

Azumi sniffed the honey and ran towards Mathius, her tails wagging rapidly.

"Sugar! Gimme!" She said happily.

He had a super smile on his face. He put Azumi in her papoose and started feeding her sweets.

"Are you ready to be an aunt again?"

Azumi went "mlem, mlem, mlem" on the candy that Mathius fed her.

Then there was the sudden mention of her being an aunt...
"Wait, what? An aunt?" Azumi beamed up at Mathius "You mean to tell me Ren will have a cousin? How sweet, I did not know you considered my part of your family, Mathius!"

"My wife is pregnant!"

"Ohhh~? So you did the ol' cha cha slide? The ol' didgeridoo? The ol' rankelous flip? The ol' flibbertyjibberjabberwithanohmygodigottagetouttahere?" She said, appearing behind Mathius and nudging his shoulder.
Kazehiki (played anonymously)

Kazehiki overheard Gekiyaku talking to Mathius and hid his face, "Oh my gosh.." He squeaked, embarrassed by his supposed sister, and just the entire subject in-general.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish is mostly just been in shock by the news since it was mentioned, literally freezing up in the corner-
"I'm gonna have a new cousin to play with!"
"Yup. That's right, Fumizuki. Wish, come over here, son"
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Yup. That's right, Fumizuki. Wish, come over here, son"
"You know, for a god you don't have many kiddos"
"My wife is pregnant!"[/quote]

"Ohhh~? So you did the ol' cha cha slide? The ol' didgeridoo? The ol' rankelous flip? The ol' flibbertyjibberjabberwithanohmygodigottagetouttahere?" She said, appearing behind Mathius and nudging his shoulder.[/quote]

Insert a suddenly menacing aura from said goddess herself as she appears behind the small chatter box. "I believe it is none of your business...."
Silvera wrote:
"You know, for a god you don't have many kiddos"

"Everyone's different."
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish might be genuinely tweaking-

Eventually he got up, still barely comprehending this news "Yes father?-" he'd say, the gears visually turning in her head-
"I mean, I've been a parent nine times with various hosts."
Saria (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Fascinating." Being the sciencist and one of the founders of Rhine Lab LLC...yeah.
OLiver walked in, and sat down at one of the tables, he grabbed a beer to help with his hunger for blood, he took a sip taking a deep breath and calming down, alcohol helped vampires relax better, that way he would go into vampire mode and hunt, he could make friends.
Gekiyaku wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Binty wrote:
Binty offers Mathius, a Plantain "Have one" She'd smile, trying to lower tension-

He smiled and took the plantain. He would cut it up, fry it, and drizzle honey over it and started eating it.

Azumi sniffed the honey and ran towards Mathius, her tails wagging rapidly.

"Sugar! Gimme!" She said happily.

He had a super smile on his face. He put Azumi in her papoose and started feeding her sweets.

"Are you ready to be an aunt again?"

Azumi went "mlem, mlem, mlem" on the candy that Mathius fed her.

Then there was the sudden mention of her being an aunt...
"Wait, what? An aunt?" Azumi beamed up at Mathius "You mean to tell me Ren will have a cousin? How sweet, I did not know you considered my part of your family, Mathius!"

"My wife is pregnant!"

"Ohhh~? So you did the ol' cha cha slide? The ol' didgeridoo? The ol' rankelous flip? The ol' flibbertyjibberjabberwithanohmygodigottagetouttahere?" She said, appearing behind Mathius and nudging his shoulder.

He smacked her over the head with a spatula "Don't be vulgar. My wife can delete you from existence"
Wish wrote:
Wish might be genuinely tweaking-

Eventually he got up, still barely comprehending this news "Yes father?-" he'd say, the gears visually turning in her head-

He hugged Wish "don't worry. You will always be my first child, and first to take up space in my heart, my son"
Astoria Lotus wrote:
"My wife is pregnant!"

"Ohhh~? So you did the ol' cha cha slide? The ol' didgeridoo? The ol' rankelous flip? The ol' flibbertyjibberjabberwithanohmygodigottagetouttahere?" She said, appearing behind Mathius and nudging his shoulder.[/quote]

Insert a suddenly menacing aura from said goddess herself as she appears behind the small chatter box. "I believe it is none of your business...."[/quote]

He looked at his wife
Astoria smiles innocently. "Hi Mathius."
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Still confused, but happy?? He'd hug his mother, very gently, happy to see her for once-
Astoria Lotus wrote:
Astoria smiles innocently. "Hi Mathius."

He gave her a warm smile. All he was missing now was Soki, Mutt, and Drael, and his entire family would be here. Matt, Soki, and Drael were likely fighting another multi-galactic horror; Mytt was releasing a torrent of powerful blasts, Soki would be speed-blitzing, and Drael was doling out knuckle sandwiches if he wasn't slicing and chopping. That didn't matter. His beautiful wife, his first-born, unborn child, and the embodiment of cuteness herself, Fumizuki.
"Hopefully, the baby looks like us both just like Wish does. Fumizuki, are you happy you'll be able to help me take care of a baby?"
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

She would grab out her cigar and light it

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