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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Never mind the Sabaton tank hanging around too.
Shade Waker (played by Shadeslayer45)

"hey isn't that the tank belonging to the Swedish heavy metal band sabaton?"
Yorktown (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Does it matter either way?”
Noble Six (played by Shadeslayer45)

"thats a relic if i've ever seen one err i'm referring to the tank not you mam"
HMS Revenge (played by Gottmituns)

"Right, right, you're not calling her old..."
Tessa Kourtier (played by randomentity777)

"Showing off our weapons, are we? Then in that case, I have this!" She gestures to her Armiger Knight Warglaive, Triumphal.
Noble Six (played by Shadeslayer45)

he pulls out a spartan laser and probably had a scorpion tank out somewhere
Jeez, you lot certainly do make Shay‘s arsenal look small, but that’s okay, you don’t see Shay complaining.
She did a shrug nobody could see, considering she was inside of the mech. "This weapon is wonderful... if you don't fall over.*
Noble Six (played by Shadeslayer45)

he just walks up to her in a mantis
Excalibur Umbra (played by Shadeslayer45)

and he walks up in a voidrig necramech
She turned around, her KV-1 turret switching between the two mechs.


Was all she said.
Excalibur Umbra (played by Shadeslayer45)

"older then my warframe first weapon used against the sentients as bright as a bag of hammers but extremely strong"
"Huh, it looks like a beehive."
Excalibur Umbra (played by Shadeslayer45)

he transferences out of it
"now that you mention it it does look like that what were the entrati thinking when they built these?"
"Well, if you bother a bunch of bees, you usually regret your decision fairly quickly."
Excalibur Umbra (played by Shadeslayer45)

"i guess in a sense the sentients were like this and this was meant to be the exterminators before the tenno entered the battle"
She nodded. "It's still a good looking weapon."

Klara looked at her.

"Oh Klara, your weapon is good too."
Excalibur Umbra (played by Shadeslayer45)

"i must say her weapon isn't half bad looking deadly yes to humans to warframes no"
Postal Dude- Goin' Postal (played by MangoNekros)

"You sure like flexing all your fancy gizmos on a guy who uses cats as silencers" he said.

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