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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Sci-Fi Misadventures- Adults Only (Closed)

((Private game- not accepting new players

Gameplay rules:

1. Invitation only- No Kids, no exceptions (Players, not characters)

2. Please write IC posts in 3rd person, past tense.

3. Please keep IC posts in the IC thread and keep OOC posts out of the IC thread. Put your message in double (( )) to make it OOC. Unless the game is marked open, we are not accepting new players. New players must be approved before posting. If you are not part of our game, please do not post here.

4. No controlling someone else’s character or killing anyone else’s character (without consent)

5. Storytelling is a collaborative effort where players will advance the direction of the plot in their posts. We'll take turns playing off of each other.'s IC posts. There is no single DM/GM/Storyteller like in a system-based game such as D&D. We'll work together and will likely collaborate via PM or on the OOC board as we come up with ideas for the plot. This is free-form and we'll make it up as we go, although collaboration and planning OOC is welcome via PM or OOC thread. Light dice use is welcome to randomize outcomes a bit.

Setting: Welcome to the edge of the galaxy! The Space Bar, a floating space station that looks like a giant computer keyboard from the outside is an intergalactic pitstop for space travelers. It orbits a non-inhabited planet. The Space Bar is part restaurant, part seedy bar, part spaceport, part space rest stop, part space gas station... you get the idea... Here, those who need to refuel their spaceships, a space beer or space burger, or who are just utterly lost in space come to resupply and take a brief break in their journeys. Overuse of the adjective "space" is encouraged!))
The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

At the Spacebar:

2 men walk into a bar. It hurts. A lot. A woman in a work jumpsuit with a leather tool bag dangling from her hip and a briefcase in her hand ducked a moment later, avoiding injury, and entered the establishment walking past the two blokes that now had bloody noses.

"Ello, love," She says to the barkeep looking around. "I 'eard you have a broken space payphone?"

The bartender, a big furry brown creature with no discernable facial features other than a bushy, perfectly manicured black mustache pointed to the wall. There, beside a currently idle space jukebox, was a space payphone with a large yellow "Out of Order" sign affixed to the receiver. The woman made her way over to it.

The Operator removed the sign and popped open her briefcase. She hooked some diagnostic equipment to the phone after putting her headset on and began fiddling with it.
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

A small metal box on wheels rolled inside, missing the bar. It blasted a cloud of steam after making an obnoxious backfiring noise. Its eyestalks scanned the room slowly as if it is searching for someone or something.

"Hey buddy," the brown thing behind the bar yelled. "No smoking!" It pointed at a sign on the wall near the liquor.

"Sorry," the little box replied in a deep monotone voice. A moment later, it spied The Operator across the room working on the phone. The machine made a series of whirrs and beeps processing this information before it concluded with the ding of a bell. The flag on its "shoulder" raised and lowered and the red light bulb above its eyes came on for a moment.

It then rolled across the room and stopped at The Operator's feet. Its eyes tilted upward. "Mistress," it said awaiting her orders.
The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The Operator was busy working on the space phone when the small box rolled up to her. She glanced down when it addressed her.

"Yoo-nit, what are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay with the van. You're supposed to be the navigation system. How much navigatin' do you think I am going to need inside a pub? I'll be done in a jif! Now be a good lil computer and bugger off!"

She returned her attention to the phone and resumed her repair work.

The little computer made a series of noises and a bell rang. The flag bobbed up and down and the red light on the top again flashed as it processed her response.

"Ship," Yoo-nit corrected when The Operator referred to their transport as a 'van'. "I came to assist you, mistress. You may need help navigating after a few drinks… drinks… drinks… drinks…”

Yoo-nit began skipping as a scratched vinyl record would do when the needle gets stuck in the groove. It shuttered violently and one of its eyes popped loose, dangling by the wires that connected it to the stalk of its head.

"Don't argue with me you daft little toaster," The Operator retorted when the droid corrected her. She gave it a good hard kick when it began repeating itself. She then bent down to reattach its eye and tightened the screws so they wouldn't come loose again.

"You're the one that can't keep it together, literally! How are you going to help me? Ya haven't got any hands and I am NOT here to drink, thank you! I’ve got a job to do! I'll get this space phone working, and then we'll be on our way..."

The little computer sat quietly after The Operator gave him a good kick so he'd stop skipping then returned her attention back to the phone. She checked for a dial tone after reconnecting a few wires and dialed a test code. Everything seemed in order. Yoo-nit expected they would head back to the ship and be on their way as soon as she got the device reassembled.

Humans could be unpredictable, however. The Operator put the payphone back together but instead of gathering her tools and heading for the exit, she made her way to the bar instead.

"I need a drink," She said more to herself than the bartender, taking a seat on the nearest available barstool.

Yoo-nit again made a series of noises as it processed this unanticipated move. After saying she wasn't going to get a drink at the bar, that is exactly what she did. The small robot rolled over to the barstool she was perched on like a loyal puppy following its owner into the restroom. It tilted its eyes up to watch her but sat quietly.
Amelia Morgan (played anonymously)

Meanwhile on planet Earth, Solar System. Year 3621. City with mad scientist’s laboratory, Greenland, Europe.

The night was bustling with life. It was a Friday night after all, people already started enjoying a day off tomorrow. Happy chattering, laughs, and the clink of glasses bumping into each other resounded throughout the sector commonly referred to as ‘the party sector’. In that whole crowd was a young woman, who seemed a bit less cheerful than others. Her blonde hair was a mess and she had some kind of a stain on her t-shirt. It looked like a ketchup and it most definitely was a ketchup, as there was a big pizza next to her and a group of people that could be her friends. To say that the girl was drunk, would be an understatement. She was venting and complaining a lot to a young man sitting next to her. His facial expression clearly showed that he wanted to run away.

“I’ve been working for this idiot for over three years now! Three years, can you believe it? But no, he will not give me a promotion, because I am not a genius like him! That’s what he said, can you believe it? What a douchebag! He gave me a pay rise, but I want my career to develop, to bloom, I want to be something more than just an assistant!” She said partly crying, partly angry and called to the bartender, “One more whiskey please!” The man sitting next to her shook his head visibly worried. “Amelia, you definitely had enough…” “What? I did not,” she said, standing up, “I could go to that stupid lab and fix this machine of his to work even better! Actually… Let’s go and do that!” The man sighed and caught her the moment, she lost her balance. “Sis, please, let’s go home…”

She might have even agreed, if it wasn’t for one of her friends. “I would like to see that! Useless assistant fixing a genius’ machine!” The argument that followed almost turned into a fight. A few minutes later the three of them were on their way to the lab. Amelia really wanted to prove her friend wrong. The young man, that was in fact her brother, tried very hard to stop his sister before she would do something very stupid, but he was helpless.

Using her spare keys, Amelia opened the lab and got in. She knew the place perfectly and she led them straight to the machine. She started messing up with the machine. She had no idea what was she doing, but she had to look smart. “Okay! See, it’s more safe now!” She lied, as she really hadn’t done anything. Or at least she thought so. In fact, she turned the machine on, which none of them noticed, as it was quiet until the moment something was thrown inside it. “Prove it,” her friend demanded, not believing her a single bit, “If it’s so safe now, get inside!”

Before Amelia’s brother, the only sober person in the whole group, could say anything, she jumped in. She heard familiar buzzing and sobered up instantly. “What? Oh no, no, no!” But it was too late. The machine, being unfinished, could only transfer the thing/person inside it. Where and in what period of time, was unknown. There were no clues how to get back as well. And this was exactly a situation Amelia got herself in. Transferred somewhere by a broken machine.

She found herself in the air and fell onto the floor. “Ouch…” She said quietly, sat up and looked around. It looked like she was in some kind of a bar? But… The ‘person’ behind the bar was a big, brown, fluffy creature… With a moustache? Where was she? She wasn’t sure if asking would help. Would they know English? Did she have any other possibility? Amelia didn’t know. She knew for sure she had to get up from the floor. Wherever she was, sitting on the floor in public space, must have been weird. Her legs were shaky and she was still a bit dizzy from the alcohol she had had before. She walked towards the bar. Could that weird fluffy thing talk? Well, it was the time to find out. “Excuse me… Where am I?”
The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

“Excuse me… Where am I?”

Surprisingly, no one reacted much to Amelia's sudden appearance. The patrons of the bar all glanced at her for a moment and went on about their business. As she took in the room, it seemed that she'd stepped onto the set of a movie. There were not many patrons in the bar, but they all looked to be aliens or monsters save for the dark-haired woman sitting at the end of the bar who was obviously human. It was as if people randomly appearing from out of nowhere in the center of the room was a common occurrence here.

Scanning the room, she saw robots, a purple 3-eyed alien, beings with 2 heads, a giant lizard man... could she have stumbled into a costume party? Perhaps she was in some kind of a novelty restaurant with a science fiction theme.

"You're in the Space Bar," The brown furry being behind the bar said. "Uh, you orderin' something or what? We don't allow loitering here!" The being pointed at a "No loitering" sign below the no-smoking sign. The creature spoke perfect English surprisingly and the sign he referenced was also in English as well as several other languages.

"You look a tad, disoriented love," The human woman casually commented as the brown creature sat a drink in front of her. She stirred it for a moment and took a sip and then turned to make eye contact with Amelia. She had blue eyes and was wearing a headset with a mic that was tilted up out of the way. Her raven black hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head and she was dressed in a red jumpsuit; a work uniform perhaps?

"Had a tad too much to drink? It's not a good idea to teleport when tipsy, ya know! You have no idea where ya might end up. So, part of a bachelorette party and got tele'd to the wrong pub? Girls night out drinkin' and they gave you the wrong coordinates? Part of a sorority prank and yer mates thought it would be a laugh to get ya piss drunk and send ya to some random location? Not a very funny prank if ya ask me, love. So, where was it you were expectin' to be? From the look on yer face, I'd say not here."
Amelia Morgan (played anonymously)

Much to Amelia's surprise, the brown furry creature spoke English. It was some kind of a relief for sure. She felt weird and alarmed surrounded by the weirdest beings, but if there was a to communicate, there was a small spark of hope. She looked where the furry bartender pointed and quickly took a crumpled fifty euro bill out of her pocket. "Uh, can I pay with this?" She asked. "If I can pay with this, I'd like a whisky." She was too confused and dumbfounded to think more about her current position.

Hearing that someone other called out to her, Amelia turned around and seeing another human-looking person, she felt happy like never before. How could she have not noticed the woman earlier? This was the question Amelia herself couldn't find an answer for. Before answering her question, Amelia took a good look at her. Was she at work? No, probably not, if she was drinking. There was also a possibility that she just could drink at work.

Amelia took a seat next to woman's. "Hello. I'm Amelia." She introduced herself first, feeling that was what a proper thing to do. "No, no. The truth is, where I come from, we haven't invented teleportation yet. I work as an assistant of a scientist who works on a machine that would allow that, but it is not quite finished. We went out with friends and I got drunk and I argued with my friend and I got into the machine and... Well, I am here." Amelia sighed, feeling a bit depressed now. "I did not expect to be anywhere... Because I did not expect to be teleported in the first place. What do I do now..." She whined, as she finally understood the situation she was in and became worried.

Amelia was not a person to complain and worry. She liked to take matters in her own hand and find solutions to even worst problems, but now she could not think of any. She was in an unfamiliar place, didn't know its customs and traditions, had no money, no friends or a place to go to. As for now, she was sure she was doomed.
The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The brown furry fellow picked up the money the newcomer set down and examined it suspiciously. "What system is this from," it asked. "How do I know it isn't counterfeit or what the exchange rate is?"

"I'll cover her, love. Get her what she asked for," The human woman said.

Amelia took a seat next to woman's. "Hello. I'm Amelia." She introduced herself first, feeling that was what a proper thing to do. "No, no. The truth is, where I come from, we haven't invented teleportation yet. I work as an assistant of a scientist who works on a machine that would allow that, but it is not quite finished. We went out with friends and I got drunk and I argued with my friend and I got into the machine and... Well, I am here." Amelia sighed, feeling a bit depressed now. "I did not expect to be anywhere... Because I did not expect to be teleported in the first place. What do I do now..." She whined, as she finally understood the situation she was in and became worried.

"That's a lot to unpack, love," The Operator replied taking a sip of her drink. The brown alien plopped a drink in front of Amelia, although it was a light purple color, nothing like the whiskey where she was from. "I'm called The Operator. You've prolly heard me voice a few times when you've misdialed a call or tried calling an old boyfriend only to find his number doesn't work anymore. You know, 'I'm sorry, the number you dialed isn't in service anymore, please hang up and try your call again. This is a recording'. Well, that's me! At least it was me before the Linemen's Union went on strike. Those are the blokes that are supposed to be fixing the equipment around the galaxy... but enough about me!"

Amelia was not a person to complain and worry. She liked to take matters in her own hand and find solutions to even worst problems, but now she could not think of any. She was in an unfamiliar place, didn't know its customs and traditions, had no money, no friends or a place to go to. As for now, she was sure she was doomed.

"So, if I just 'eard you correctly, and I've not had that much to drink as this is only me first one, you said teleporation hasn't been invented where you're from," she repeated. "Don't take this the wrong way, love, but what sort of backwater place do you come from where you've not yet invented a teleporter? My follow up question to that would be why in the 9 Kappas would you step into a strange machine that hasn't been invented yet, not to mention not properly tested, not knowing where it would take you?"
Amelia Morgan (played anonymously)

Amelia sent the furry bartender surprised look. He didn't know euro? That was rather bad sign. However, his question was on spot. Maybe someone would know the Earth and even go there? But, as for now, she was not done crying over her fate.

When the bartender put the drink on the bar, just in front of her, she curiously studied it, listening to the woman whole time. The drink had an interesting color and smell. After a second of contemplating, she decided to try it. It was good. Even better than the one on Earth. She looked at The Operator interested. "Oooh, that's so amazing. I've always wondered how does the person who recorded that, looks like, and now I've just met her. " It was some achievement and definitely something she could tell to her friends. If she ever got to meet them again of course.

Amelia sighed at next The Operator's words. Now, she could fully see how idotic was her situation. "Yes, that's right. It's not invented yet, we were just working on it," she confirmed, smiling a bit at her new acquaintance's words. "Solar System, Earth. This is where I come from. We don't have teleporters, but we have... Other things?" Amelia sighed a bit. The next question was probably the most embarrassing one, so she took a big sip of her drink. 'I was sure it was turned off... But it wasn't," Amelia more mumbled than said it, so it would be no weird if The Operator didn't understand her. "Do you know this place? Do you think I can go back home?"
The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"I once had a bloke ask me for an autograph if you can imagine that," The Operator replied to the comment about her being the voice behind the telephone recordings. She laughed slightly. "Earth, huh? Mmmm, can't say it rings a bell off the top of me head, but let me see if I can look it up. Lots of planets and systems out there, you know! I'm sure I can give you a lift back to wherever you came from. I'll have it figured out in a jif!"

She pulled out a thick square object. It appeared to be an ancient book made from real paper that came from trees or other organic sources. Ameilia's ancestors had used this form of crude record-keeping centuries ago. Originally, manual writing was recorded on an individual leaflet known as a "page". A book was made up of many such leaflets bound together so one edge of the paper page was connected to a spine. Thicker leaflets, known as the cover, protected the thinner pages within the book by sandwiching them together, similar to the way slices of bread go on either side of the ingredients of a sandwich, although in this case, they were not eatable. Some decades later, books were printed on presses using primitive machines, replacing the need to handwrite information on the leaflets. Much later, this information was entered into computers although it was printed out on such leaflets and sometimes even bound into books. By the mid-21st century, paper products such as books had been largely phased out.

This particular book had the letters "ITC" in a red square followed by the words "Telephone Directory" inscribed on it. A symbol representing an ancient telephone took up the center of the cover between the writing. The Operator plopped the large organic-made book on the bar next to her drink and began to flip through the many pages. Her eyes skimmed over the characters. Once she found a specific section, somewhere in the middle, she slowed down and ran her finger down some of the writing, now turning the pages more slowly.

"Earth. Earth, Earth, Earth, Earth, Earth," She mumbled aloud as she flipped through her large primitive book. After a few minutes, she looked up. "I can't seem to find any listings. I wonder if it's outside Intergalactic Telephone's service area... Do ya know what phone company happens to service your planet? Could it be an independent? Your planet sounds like it is small and a bit primitive. Those are usually serviced by smaller independent communications companies, you know?"
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Maybe I can help," A robotic, monotone voice said from the floor. It resembled an antique toaster on wheels from ancient Earth. Its square body was covered in dials and lights. On one shoulder, it had a pole with what appeared to be a metal flag that raised and lowered via a chain connected to a gear inside the machine's body. The flag looked like an old railroad semaphore, probably from Europe used at the turn of the 20th century if not older. The other had an antenna. A pole with two eye stalks mounted to it made for the head. The robot's mouth was a cylinder between the rest of its head and its body. It could only move up and down as it spoke. Above the eyes was a red lightbulb.

The Operator glanced down at it. "Yoo-nit, what do you possibly know of this Earth," She asked.

"I am a highly sophisticated navigation system... system...system," The droid replied. It began repeating itself. The Operator gave it a good kick with her foot and Yoo-nit stopped skipping.

It made a series of computer noises, the flag on its shoulder swung in and out, there was a ding and the red light bulb lit up. It also backfired and let a cloud of smoke out of an exhaust port on its side.

"For the last time buddy, no smoking," The brown furry alien said, once again pointing to the "no smoking" sign. "If I gotta tell ya again, I'm throwin' ya out! Got it?"

"Sorry," the little computer replied. It tilted its eyes back to the Operator. "I have the coordinates for Earth!"

"What? You know where her home is," The Operator asked in disbelief. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as if she wasn't quite sure she completely believed her robotic sidekick.

"Affirmative," Yoo-nit responded. "I am a highly sophisticated navigation system."
Amelia Morgan (played anonymously)

"Oh, really? It's not so good to be famous in the end..." Amelia wondered at The Operator's words. She listened to her new acquaintance and was slowly losing all hope she had left. She nodded at the remark that the universe was huge. That was true, even if they, humans on Earth, hadn't had discovered any life in the space yet.

When the woman took out a book, Amelia's eyes became huge. He studied it curiously. "Wow, you still have these! I've seen it only in a museum before..." She said, half shocked, half amazed. She watched The Operator navigate in the, for her, ancient thing. Amelia thought that the woman must had been very smart to even know how to use the book. She wouldn't know. She had never touched one, they were only a relicts of the past on Earth. She was a bit worried that it would fall apart. The pages were so thin, and it didn't look durable in any way. She didn't want to bother The Operator in, what seemed to be extremely hard work, so she remained quiet, until the woman finished and spoke.

"Primitive?" Amelia thought for a moment. Was Earth primitive? They had nice, advanced things. Like, androids, that looked just like humans and did various kinds of jobs, holographic calls, flying cars, they even had a park with all extinct animals and dinosaurs in it, as they were brought back to life by scientists! But... "Yes, we have a few companies who provide us communication services... Some of them operate in many countries, but we definitely don't have a communication with other planets, as, well, we haven't discovered life outside of Earth yet..." She admitted, defeated. So that was it. There was no way for her to go home, because Earth was so 'primitive' nobody had heard about it before she came here.

She took a sip from her drink, feeling sad. "I just hope my brother will take care of my bunnies." She sighed. She decided to let herself be sad and defeated for two days, no more, and then try to start her life from the scratch, be it here, or another planet. She hadn't noticed the small robot earlier, so she jumped a bit on her seat, when it spoke and looked at it interested. It looked a bit funny for her. Very different from the robots on the Earth, but it seemed to be advanced... At least when it came to its software, as it could speak and answer questions. Amelia wanted to touch it, as she had never seen such a weird machine, but restrained herself for now.

She listened to the conversation between The Operator and the robot and gasped when the woman kicked it. "Oh, won't it break?!" She asked worried. The robots on Earth might have been very advanced, but were mostly very delicate, unless they were police or army robots, and such kick would break them for sure. Though, it seemed it helped the robot to unfreeze. The cloud of smoke shocked Amelia even more. "Wow, where did it come from? How is it powered? Is it burning inside?" She started asking questions and jumped off of her seat, to kneel next to the machine. "Can I disassemble it and examine how it is built?" Another question to The Operator. She also poked the robot with her index finger. Its words made her think. "Are you? You don't seem to be working to well, buddy..." She said and looked at the woman, She seemed suspicious too. "But, well, it won't get any worse for me, right?" She asked, as she stood up and sat back, finishing her drink. If she had money, she would definitely order another one, it really was very, very good.
The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Wow, you still have these! I've seen it only in a museum before..." She said, half shocked, half amazed.

"Of course! How else do you look up what you need? Oh, that's right you dial 0 or 411 and ask me," The Operator replied. "Well, you did... before I was sent out to do other people's work. Unions. Gotta love 'em!"

"Primitive?" Amelia thought for a moment. Was Earth primitive? They had nice, advanced things. Like, androids, that looked just like humans and did various kinds of jobs, holographic calls, flying cars, they even had a park with all extinct animals and dinosaurs in it, as they were brought back to life by scientists! But... "Yes, we have a few companies who provide us communication services... Some of them operate in many countries, but we definitely don't have a communication with other planets, as, well, we haven't discovered life outside of Earth yet..." She admitted, defeated. So that was it. There was no way for her to go home, because Earth was so 'primitive' nobody had heard about it before she came here.

"What? Multiple companies on the same planet? And you're not connected to anyone outside your world," The Operator asked. "You really must live in an obscure corner of the universe!"

She took a sip from her drink, feeling sad. "I just hope my brother will take care of my bunnies." She sighed.

"Oh, I'm sure they'll be fine, love! We'll get you home!"

"I have the coordinates for Earth!"

"What? You know where her home is," The Operator asked in disbelief. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as if she wasn't quite sure she completely believed her robotic sidekick.

"Affirmative," Yoo-nit responded. "I am a highly sophisticated navigation system."

She listened to the conversation between The Operator and the robot and gasped when the woman kicked it. "Oh, won't it break?!" She asked worried. The robots on Earth might have been very advanced, but were mostly very delicate, unless they were police or army robots, and such kick would break them for sure.

"Who? Him? Oh, he breaks quite regularly," The Operator replied. "Nothing a good swift kick won't fix, though!"

Though, it seemed it helped the robot to unfreeze. The cloud of smoke shocked Amelia even more. "Wow, where did it come from? How is it powered? Is it burning inside?" She started asking questions and jumped off of her seat, to kneel next to the machine.

"Burning inside," The Operator asked. "Oh, I certainly hope not! It wouldn't surprise me though if his little circuits weren't frying, though."

"Can I disassemble it and examine how it is built?" Another question to The Operator. She also poked the robot with her index finger. Its words made her think. "Are you? You don't seem to be working to well, buddy..."

The little droid tilted its eyes up to Amelia and rolled back a foot or so when she poked it and asked if she could take it apart.

"Um...," it protested.

She said and looked at the woman, She seemed suspicious too. "But, well, it won't get any worse for me, right?" She asked, as she stood up and sat back, finishing her drink. If she had money, she would definitely order another one, it really was very, very good.

"Your situation or if you try to take him apart," The Operator asked. She finished her drink. "I could go for another round. How about you, love?"

The Operator nodded to the Bartender who sat 2 more drinks in front of the pair.

"'Ey, Yoo-nit. Didn't I hear you say you knew where her Earth was," The Operator said suddenly, turning to look down at the robot who had cautiously rolled back closer to the pair.

"Affirmative," it replied. It made a series of noises, a bell dinged, the flag went up and down on its shoulder and the red light on its head lit up once more.

"Well," The Operator prompted.

"If we leave now, we can get to Earth in 7 years, 11 months, 22 days, 16 hours, 9 minutes, and 54 seconds," it responded.
Amelia Morgan (played anonymously)

Amelia blinked, surprised. "You don't have AI you can ask about everything? Or order to call someone?" She couldn't understand how things worked here. They were talking about space travels and intergalactic telephones, but didn't have AIs? What was going on? She frowned a bit at next The Operator's words. "Were you... Degraded? Or kinda fired?" She asked curiously.

"Uhm... We haven't discovered life outside of the Earth yet... I mean, we colonized Mars, but you can't just call to someone living there using normal telephone," Amelia explained. She felt more and more confused. She was grateful for The Operator's statement of getting her back home, despite not being sure if it was really possible if Earth was so 'primitive'.

Machines here must have been very different from those on Earth if people repaired them by kicking them... That smoke still interested her very much. "But if it's not burning inside, then where did this smoke come from?" She asked again. "I don't think machines should react like that."

Amelia couldn't help but giggled, when robot ran away from her. "Don't worry, I would assemble you back. Maybe I could even repair you, or make you better? I was working with a scientist on a teleportation machine in the end, I know this and that," she said and replied to The Operator, "I meant that my situation can't possibly get any worse. But disassembling it, I would do that only if I was allowed to. And yes, please."

She smiled happily seeing the drink in front of her and took a sip. She knew she probably shouldn't drink anymore, as she had drunk a lot before, but it was so good she was willing to risk a headache later.

She curiously looked at the robot and then choked on her drink, hearing how long it would take them to get to the Earth. "What? Is that even possible? Are you sure?" If it was so far... "If it's so far away, I probably can't ask you to take me there... I most likely don't have enough money to pay for... Whatever your vehicles are powered with." She sighed. All she could do was to start a new life, right? Maybe they had some cosmic bunnies here, so she could have pets here too...
The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Amelia blinked, surprised. "You don't have AI you can ask about everything? Or order to call someone?" She couldn't understand how things worked here. They were talking about space travels and intergalactic telephones, but didn't have AIs? What was going on? She frowned a bit at next The Operator's words.

"Oh, of course, we do," The Operator replied. "We being the rest of the universe, love. Ya 'ave a little bit of everything. Yoo-nit can Google things, although I don't know how trustworthy the info. he pulls up is."

"Were you... Degraded? Or kinda fired?" She asked curiously.

"Well, sort of, ya might say," The Operator began. "It all began when the linemen's union weren't happy with their dental plan when the contract for it ran out. Lots of politics and all... gotta love unions! Anyway, they decided to go on strike when an agreement couldn't be reached that wasn't satisfactory to everyone. So, the suits on Beta 7, which is where ITC's intergalactic office is, decided oh hey, we're in a pickle! If the phone lines go on the fritz or a space pay phone is out of order, well then everyone is shit out of luck. Then one of 'em says 'Oh wait, love! Whaddya say we take all of those lovely operators upstairs. They aren't doing anything important... you know, all they do is connect the calls. Who'll notice? So we give them all the vans and send them out in the field to fix the phone lines! So, you're prolly thinkin' wait. If you're out fixing phone lines an' junction boxes, then who's connecting the calls? Trained monkeys. Literal-trained monkeys! You can bet how well that's working out..."

"Uhm... We haven't discovered life outside of the Earth yet... I mean, we colonized Mars, but you can't just call to someone living there using normal telephone," Amelia explained. She felt more and more confused. She was grateful for The Operator's statement of getting her back home, despite not being sure if it was really possible if Earth was so 'primitive'.

"Why can't you call Mars, love? If it's another planet your planet owns, the telephone company didn't run space communication lines to it?"

Machines here must have been very different from those on Earth if people repaired them by kicking them... That smoke still interested her very much. "But if it's not burning inside, then where did this smoke come from?" She asked again. "I don't think machines should react like that."

"Oh, I don't know," The Operator shrugged. "It seems to be quite effective when he starts repeating himself."
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Amelia couldn't help but giggled, when robot ran away from her. "Don't worry, I would assemble you back. Maybe I could even repair you, or make you better? I was working with a scientist on a teleportation machine in the end, I know this and that," she said and replied to The Operator, "I meant that my situation can't possibly get any worse. But disassembling it, I would do that only if I was allowed to. And yes, please."

"Ummmm," Yoo-nit protested again. "You managed to get yourself stuck here working on your machine. That didn't work out too well for you..." The robot didn't smoke this time but it did let out a series of whirres and beeps. Each time it spoke, its words were evenly spaced. The machine had a gravelly deep voice that had a monotone pitch that never varied.

She smiled happily seeing the drink in front of her and took a sip. She knew she probably shouldn't drink anymore, as she had drunk a lot before, but it was so good she was willing to risk a headache later.

She curiously looked at the robot and then choked on her drink, hearing how long it would take them to get to the Earth. "What? Is that even possible? Are you sure?" If it was so far... "If it's so far away, I probably can't ask you to take me there... I most likely don't have enough money to pay for... Whatever your vehicles are powered with." She sighed. All she could do was to start a new life, right? Maybe they had some cosmic bunnies here, so she could have pets here too...

Yoo-nit twisted its eye stalks back to The Operator as it cautiously rolled closer again. "Maybe we can drop her off at a teleporter station," it suggested. It then rotated its eyes back to the Earth girl. "Our vehicles are powered with space petrol, what else?"
Amelia Morgan (played anonymously)

Amelia listened to The Operator's explanation. So, they had Google here? That was rather surprising, but there were rumors that the company had some thing in common with aliens. It turned out to be true. Awesome. However, if she went back home, nobody would ever believe her anyway. She listened to the story of the linemen's union more and more confused. She really couldn't understand half of it. Dental plan? Such ruckus about dental plan? Beta 7? Was it another planet? And that end! That end shocked her. "Monkeys?" She asked, "It has no right to work! Can you even train monkeys to do something like that?" She was so interested about monkeys, she forgot to get surprised that their calls had to be connected manually.

"Space communication lines?" These words also surprised Amelia greatly,, "You mean real lines? Like wires?" Had anyone been still using those? Was it possible? No, she must have misunderstood her, right? She only nodded at The Operator's words about Yoo-nit and looked at little robot.

"I was not working on it at the moment. I was drunk," she explained, "I am actually quite good with machines... But you look very different from the ones I worked on on Earth." She thought for awhile. Maybe she really would just break it? But if kicking didn't destroy it, then it should be fine?

"Um... If on my planet there are no working teleportation machines, is there any point on leaving me on that station?" Amelia frowned. "Space petrol... Yes, it makes perfect sense." She sighed and took a big sip of her drink.
The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Monkeys?" She asked, "It has no right to work! Can you even train monkeys to do something like that?" She was so interested about monkeys, she forgot to get surprised that their calls had to be connected manually.

"That's what I'd like to know," The Operator replied. "I'd like to think my job was a bit more involved than a furry primate could handle. They can't even talk! How are they supposed to communicate with the caller?"

"Space communication lines?" These words also surprised Amelia greatly,, "You mean real lines? Like wires?" Had anyone been still using those? Was it possible? No, she must have misunderstood her, right? She only nodded at The Operator's words about Yoo-nit and looked at little robot.

"Yup, those wires on poles," The Operator replied. "They go to dishes that beam the calls to various planets and moons. The call then runs through the wires and beams back out of the dish to the next one. That's how intergalactic long-distance calling works between worlds."

"I was not working on it at the moment. I was drunk," she explained, "I am actually quite good with machines... But you look very different from the ones I worked on on Earth." She thought for awhile. Maybe she really would just break it? But if kicking didn't destroy it, then it should be fine?

"Um...," Yoo-nit replied tilting its eyes toward Emelia.

"Um... If on my planet there are no working teleportation machines, is there any point on leaving me on that station?" Amelia frowned. "Space petrol... Yes, it makes perfect sense." She sighed and took a big sip of her drink.

The Operator glanced down at her sidekick in annoyance. "That was my same question you daft little toaster," The Operator replied glancing down. "How are we going to teleport her home if they haven't got any teleport stations to receive her? She could end up anywhere! Maybe the wrong side of the planet, or maybe over a large body of water..." She turned to look at Amelia "Earth has bodies of water, right love? She could also end up miles up in the air. Wouldn't that be lovely? She appears in the sky and falls to the ground and splatters. That would make a lovely mess and I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate that in the least. Anyway, I think I've made my point. You can just stick with us until we get this mess sorted out, love. You said you know machines. Any experience with working on the phone system?"
Amelia Morgan (played anonymously)

Amelia nodded, "I am sure it was. Probably now there is a huge chaos, because monkeys screw up everything. But it's the same on my planet, they always try to minimalize costs, so most of the jobs is done by robots, good that there are still some positions AI can't handle." She complained a bit, as AIs on Earth were becoming more and more advanced and started to steal all jobs.

The fact that they were using wires on poles between not only cities but freaking planets! to communicate. She had a lot of questions about that, but after a moment of thinking, she decided to only ask small part of them. "Aren't these... Inconvenient? Like, aren't they easily damaged, or even problematic for space ships?"
They stopped using wires a long time ago on Earth. She only knew them from the old photos.

It seemed that the little robot was not really believing her. Well, she probably couldn't do anything about it right now. She listened to The Operators' words, happy that she backed her question. She she breathed a sigh of relief, when The Operator spoke with so much sense, and shivered a little at her words about splattering on the ground. "Yes, we have bodies of water on Earth. Thank you so much for taking care of me for now! I will gladly help with everything I can. Umm... I think phones on Earth might be different from yours, but I will do my best to learn quickly!"
The Operator (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Amelia nodded, "I am sure it was. Probably now there is a huge chaos, because monkeys screw up everything. But it's the same on my planet, they always try to minimalize costs, so most of the jobs is done by robots, good that there are still some positions AI can't handle." She complained a bit, as AIs on Earth were becoming more and more advanced and started to steal all jobs.

"Tell me about it, love," The Operator groaned. "Gotta love big corporate greed and bureaucracy. All I can say is don't come crying to me when the complaint department finally quit en masse because it's not my bloody problem!"

The fact that they were using wires on poles between not only cities but freaking planets! to communicate. She had a lot of questions about that, but after a moment of thinking, she decided to only ask small part of them. "Aren't these... Inconvenient? Like, aren't they easily damaged, or even problematic for space ships?"

They stopped using wires a long time ago on Earth. She only knew them from the old photos.

The Operator laughed. "Not between the planets, love," She clarified. "We can't well run communication lines across the galaxy. On the planets themselves. They go to large dishes that beam the calls between the moons and planets using satellites. I do have to fix those, too on occasion. I don't care for that work much having to wear a spacesuit and all..."

It seemed that the little robot was not really believing her. Well, she probably couldn't do anything about it right now. She listened to The Operators' words, happy that she backed her question. She she breathed a sigh of relief, when The Operator spoke with so much sense, and shivered a little at her words about splattering on the ground. "Yes, we have bodies of water on Earth. Thank you so much for taking care of me for now! I will gladly help with everything I can. Umm... I think phones on Earth might be different from yours, but I will do my best to learn quickly!"

"Oh not much to it," The Operator replied. "You'll pick it up in a jif!"

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