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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Verpa (played by Rikelle)
    I fell in love with this character on account of the tongue-in-cheek humour behind his name alone, I must admit. But it's the graceful hand with which he's played and the complex nature of his personality that really keeps one coming back. Truly engaging, intelligent, dynamic and fun--don't miss out on a chance to play with the lovely Verpa, if you can help it. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Hooke

  • Belial (played by Belial)
    A very unique character, not always as mean as he looks. Definently fun to roleplay with, certainly on my character Few! - Kieva

  • Mana (played by Drayle88)
    Made completely of Mana?! That's freaking AWESOME :D - Jetticus

  • Doc Scalpel (played anonymously)
    A very interesting character! He sounds delightful to roleplay with, and is very fleshed out. I'd love to roleplay with him sometime! - Amirrora

  • Mophead (played anonymously)
    I remember watching Mop come onto the scene at TGT. some little quite runt that everyone seemed to appreciate picking on. A really indepth character that once you start poking at you don't want to stop, even when he's being rped in the main hall. You feel a draw to go to his rescue, offer a suggestion to screw him over. Something! Love the character. - TheCoffeeWolf

  • Verpa (played by Rikelle)
    One of the most fun characters I have found. Not only a true NC, he's also just absolutely interesting to capture in any type of roleplay. From "Do you know" to "You need to teach". Always eager and willing to be a 'victim' or a 'YOU BOW NOW" moments. It's fascinating to see what Verpa is up to next! - TheCoffeeWolf

  • Doc Scalpel (played anonymously)
    The one and only mad doctor! Not everyone can pull this off, but Doc is such a fantastic character, terrifyingly curious and at times hilarious in his lack of social skills. Just watch out for those teeth! - Esoterica

  • Anya (played by Lullaskye)
    Whilst Campy and little Anya do not exactly see eye-to-eye, I enjoy every interaction with her. She's witty, funny and a great laugh even when we're only talking. - Esoterica

  • This character profile is beautiful. You can tell that so much love and care has been put into every tiny detail. What a wonderful character - and this profile shows both her and her RPer off. - Claine

  • Dagger (played by Jane)
    Smoky, dark, sultry, gorgeous and invigorating. Dagger is a versatile and well developed character with spice and everything that's nice to those with a masochistic streak. :3 - Sanne

  • Drake (played by DrakeWymulf)
    Drake has a very well thought out character bio and an interesting history. Love the details and extras given within this character page. - srvixen

  • Mikeayla Renard (played anonymously)
    Hot to trot, this woman is loaded with personality and fun. I always enjoy running into her on an IC or OOC basis. Give her a poke, she is well worth the look see. - CrescentNomad

  • The Englishman (played by Hooke)
    There is a difference between gratuitous violence and compelling characterization, and The Englishman straddles in the most provocative & imaginative way. He's cunning, witty, and perfectly terrifying. Honestly, just roleplay with the fellow - you're missing out, if you don't. - Rikelle

  • Maithe (played anonymously)
    I met this character a very, VERY long time ago - and he has only become more amazing. Fleshed out doesn't begin to cover it; Maithe's actions are believable and compelling, as well as logical in a way that drives roleplay perfectly. When I see him online, my heart is all a flutter ~ anyone would be honored to be included in Maithe's extensive story! <3 - Rikelle

  • Siuloir (played anonymously)
    There are very few who don't know of Edwarde, and those that don't are missing out! Loved this character from the first time I ever saw him, and he has never lost his touch. Phenomenal all around! - CrescentNomad

  • Verpa (played by Rikelle)
    YOU KNOW WHAT. I have yet to have the chance to RP with Verpa! I have only ever heard wonderful things about the character. Rikelle, as a player, is an amazing person! - Dylan

  • Ratt (played by Lenient)
    What a beautiful character - who knows Irish Gaelic even! How AWESOME! - TheLily

  • Awesome art - and I love Pandorum. I so want to join her, but don't know if I can. Hopefully I can think of something as awesome! - TheLily

  • Siena (played anonymously)
    Such an epic character. So very well thought out with lots of beautiful art. She's a lovely character and deserves a lot of love. - TheLily

  • Jihan (played by CrescentNomad)
    There isn't a single bad thing I could say about Jihan, except maybe that I don't have more hours in a day to roleplay with him! He's charming to illegal degrees, well thought out, and constantly keeps my character on his toes. - Rikelle