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The Silver Lining

Posted by Kim on January 31, 2012, 11:17pm

It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful this community is. But there is nothing like trouble to prove who your real friends are, and the incident we had with our hosting this Sunday was the first serious test of our goodwill that we've had to undergo together.

During those 16 hours when the site went dead, and in the days that followed, I received many messages from community members hailing from every corner of the earth. My inbox overflowed. The RPR facebook and twitter feeds were busier than ever before.

And out of all those messages, not a single one contained a complaint. Not a single person lost their temper, pointed a finger of blame, or made demands. Instead, they all had one central theme: How can we help?

It was an outpouring of support and love beyond even the high standards I have come to expect from all of you. So even though I never want it to happen again, in a way, I'm glad the server was damaged and had to spend that day in repair. It put us through our first trial together, and I feel closer to all of you because of it.

It showed me even more clearly how much kindness there is in your hearts, and how special this place is. Can you think of any other organization with 3000+ members that wouldn't be flooded with angry letters if its server died? I sure can't.

It helped remind me that there is an understanding of the costs of running a site, that you all love the site as much as I do, and that you want to see it succeed as much as I do. It showed me that even those of you who can't afford Epic Memberships see how much they help the site, and don't mind them being promoted.

It also once again underscored the creativity of this community, with an outpouring of suggestions for ways to boost our income or otherwise assist the site.

Speaking of creativity, one user chose to vent his distress about the Repository going down by making a nerdy fan film about the RPR and its downtime issue. You guessed it, it was darth_angelus. He clearly knows how to make good use of an evening without the RPR.

After receiving an apology, explanation and a credit for the downtime from our host, and after considering all of the advice you gave at the town hall meeting, the plan is to stay with this host for at least the next six months. In the meanwhile, I will be researching other hosts, so that when we finally get too big for this one - And we will! - we will be able to make a smooth and safe transition to our next home.

Thank you all for taking the intense agony I felt on Sunday and turning it into something wonderful. I am looking forward to many more years of adventuring together.



February 3, 2012

As good as you are, Kim, to all of us, it's no wonder we would back you up 100%. It's a blessing to have such a website as it is, and I can't thank you enough for creating this space for literally everyone.

I mean, what can be said?


February 3, 2012

Glad you are enjoying the video. I haven't got a sequel planned but you never know :)

In all my long years on the Internet, I've never seen a community like this. Once again, it makes me very proud to be a part of it when I see just how supportive you all are of Kim and her efforts and how understanding everyone is when the host lets us down.

You're all amazing people :)


February 3, 2012

LMAO. Yes. Will there be a sequel? =O


February 2, 2012


I keed, I keed. I just like being contrary. Wubz.


February 1, 2012

Great film Darth ^_^ I love this community, everyone here is so nice! I've never been on a website that had this many friendly and helpful people.


February 1, 2012

EbonySNOW wrote:
We love this place and we love you Kim. And we love everyone here.
Hooke wrote:
This site has got to be one of the most potently positive places I've come across, on or off the 'net. Frankly, it seems unreal, at times. I, for one, am terribly glad to have been pointed in its direction.
Earendill wrote:



February 1, 2012

Does this make Kim our Starbuck? Hm... XD


February 1, 2012

We love this place and we love you Kim. And we love everyone here.. even Jetticus cause he is a big labrador puppy who likes to give high fives :D

Im glad everyone put a smile on your dial... cause thats what you do for us everyday here. xo

p.S. And I was one of those ones who couldnt afford an Epic membership, but then I realised it was less than what I had just paid for dinner at a restruant.. which really put it into perspective for me :D So glad I went EPIC Kim. Mucho amore' gorgeous. xoxoxo


January 31, 2012

This site has got to be one of the most potently positive places I've come across, on or off the 'net. Frankly, it seems unreal, at times. I, for one, am terribly glad to have been pointed in its direction.

Keep on rockin', RPR.


January 31, 2012

*high five* that is all.