Posted by Kim on June 11, 2010, 8:06pm
A visit to your dashboard will reveal the entire right side of the screen reserved for "notifications." For some of you, this panel is full of information about the connections your characters and friends are making. For others, there's not much going on outside of links to the latest news posts.Either way, notifications are currently of limited usefulness. So my question to you is: What would be interesting enough to you to want to get a notification about?
Should you get one when a friend creates a new character? Should you get one when a friend or friended character changes their icon? Adds a new gallery pic? Adds a new game tag? Makes a news comment? Changes the punctuation on one of their character pages? Picks their nose? How much detail are you really interested in? Which details are the interesting ones?
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There are two ways you can handle this. An opt in or opt out system, or a default notification system for some things right off the bat. Me I'd like to be opt out of notifications but choose what individual things I want to be notified of.
The answer to all these questions is: Maybe!
The way notifications are being handled right now works, but it's a bit clunky, and I have my eye on redesigning the system after a few other items on the to-do list get checked off. I'm looking for this feedback now, because if I know what you want from the beginning I can better design a system flexible enough to accommodate more of these concerns than is possible right now.
The way notifications are being handled right now works, but it's a bit clunky, and I have my eye on redesigning the system after a few other items on the to-do list get checked off. I'm looking for this feedback now, because if I know what you want from the beginning I can better design a system flexible enough to accommodate more of these concerns than is possible right now.
Is it possible to stop getting messages about your own character friending/enemying another one of your own characters, without losing the notifications about other people's character's friending/enemying actions?
Anyway, I would certainly like to remain notified of new news items/blogs/community announcements. A notifications for when friended players add a new character would be nice too. If there is a way to distinguish between major and minor updates of characters, major update notifications would be nice too (maybe like on deviantArt, that whenever a player clicks 'update character', they have an option to uncheck a box with "this update is minor, your friends will not be notified".
Anyway, I would certainly like to remain notified of new news items/blogs/community announcements. A notifications for when friended players add a new character would be nice too. If there is a way to distinguish between major and minor updates of characters, major update notifications would be nice too (maybe like on deviantArt, that whenever a player clicks 'update character', they have an option to uncheck a box with "this update is minor, your friends will not be notified".
I'd like to be notified about character actions like befriending/enemying like Meedle said, but I dont think I need to be alerted about my friends befriending other players. Maybe an option to pick what we receive?
If there is an option to enable/disable such notifications, I guess there could be features to get notified whenever something is edited. I myself would only keep notices for new characters, major edits of existing characters and/or profile, new gallery pictures, and maybe a few other things which I forgot to think about.
I'd be interested in seeing when my friends add new characters, their characters connect to other characters on the site, and when they pick their noses!
That's just me, though
That's just me, though

June 28, 2010