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Kudos for Auberon

  • There's no need to elaborate on the rocky start between us, it's well known and far surpassed by the admiration I have for her. She gave me a chance to help out in a dream she so deeply cares for and I have called my home, my online sanctuary from troubles. I enjoy seeing her works of art, dreamweaving and writing, all of which are crafted with a mastery and care toward detail and authenticity which are rarely matched, but never duplicated. Thank you for believing in me when others didn't. - Belial

  • the year alone that I have known you. One day I will see all my beautiful muses come to life under your brushstrokes. Thank you for everything. << - Silverspeare

  • I don't believe this wonder woman here has ever been given enough credit for everything she does for the community she works so hard to give to. Truly, she is absolutely amazing in every way. She has been there through some of darker times yet her support, kindness and understanding have been unwavering. Her knowledge is endless as is her desire to reach out and help anybody who needs it. We haven't RP'd yet Clio, but we will and as for your art, I am proud of how far you've come in >> - Silverspeare

  • Corvus is a delight to witness role-play and on top of that, an incredibly talented individual through not just her art, but character creation as well. - Yuka

  • Not just an amazing artist, but an entrepreneur! I have mad respect for Corvus' hustle. It is inspiring! Plus, she manages to keep a whole lot of RPs going even with so much of her time spoken for by arting. - Kim

  • Last time I barely knew Clio when I gave her kudos and she was awesome then. Now that I've gotten to know her, she's awesome x9000! She's sort of turned into my role model, to be honest. I'm constantly learning from her and find myself continually impressed by what she's capable of. There is a reason those of us in NV call her "mom" - she makes sure every single one of us are taken care of, something few Rah's are able to do. Love ya Clio <3 - Moki

  • This woman right here is one of the funnest rpers I've had the pleasure of interacting with. She's got wild ideas to always keep plots going strong without growing stale. Even OOC, she's a precious cinnamon roll too good for this world. She's kind, generous to a fault, and always willing to lend a ear if you're having a bad day and need someone to talk to. - Eri

  • Mother of the Mina. Corvus is a kindred spirit, she's open minded and soft hearted. That said she ain't no punk, for sure. I admire Corvus for her strength, for her creativity and above all for her humanity. She writes story that utterly consumes you in it's lore, her characters are flawless representations of themselves with vivid detail and that quality that just screams for my attention. I oogle them often. Thanks for being my friend, for everything you do. - Mina

  • I am happy to talk to this wonderful person when I have the chance. I feel I should more, but that is my fault..

    With that said I have to say I was actually shy of this woman. But I found out she was so sweet and dear. Helpful too. And I would always be glad to help her out when I can. I love her art her dream. Her friendship. ^...^ - CherryPepsi

  • She saw the personality in my reference and brought my Jay to life like no one has been able to, I couldn't believe my eyes. She also does quick work and has great prices. Corvus is kind, sweet, creative, a wonderful conversationalist, and genuinely caring about her friends. I just love this woman! MWAH! <3 - Mina

  • Corvus, you are a beautiful person. You have a heart of gold, and I am ALWAYS happy to chat with you, even if it's just a random "Hello" out of the blue. Keep being you, because that is what people will always love about you. <3 - DianaLocke

  • She went above the call of duty and extended a hand to me in concern, understanding and compassion. I never doubted she was kind but she took me to a whole new level that touched me deeply. She helped me unleash the strength within me to do what was needed and has gained a friend in me for certain. Certainly one swell gal. - Silverspeare

  • Cliona - Elegant like the Dahlia and sarcastic as can be, Corvus is known for her incredibly kind heart. I have learned to trust her with everything. Really, everything. She's a riot to have around, relatable. I feel comfortable with her, and if it isn't too weird to say - almost like she's a lost sister. Lost mother. Lost cousin. Lost whatever. She gets me better than I get me sometimes, and never fails to surprise me with her golden heart. Thank you, Corvus. - 13ee

  • I have yet to rp with her. Though we seem to have the same mutual taste in rp pals. From what I have noticed she is a sweetheart, and very understanding. Her art always catches my eyes and over all she is soft matured. I can say I do enjoy our small random ooc chats, and at some point will make it a key point to rp with her... at some point lol! - Nekomanics

  • Clio... this here is an amazing woman. Her painting skills are out of this world, her imagination is beautiful, and she is so kind and patient it's stunning. She is such an amazing dream owner with one of the most amazing dreams to ever grace Furcadia! - Moki

  • Corvus always has a kind word to say to others no matter what's going on in her life and she's an excellent RPer. You should get to know her. <3 - blossomtoxin

  • Seriously, one of the nicest people I've had the opportunity to talk to. Hilarious, a fantastic artist, and an excellent human being. You can't go wrong with Corvus. <3 - Ariel

  • I've recently started talking to Corvus more on an OOC level, and I think she's the tops. She's super friendly, super approachable, and just down right awesome. Not to mention I truly believe she runs one of the best dreams in furc. She manages an amazing staff, and having run dreams myself in the past, I know how hard it is to do. She deserves all the kudos in the world, and I'm looking forward to getting to know her better. <3 - loverbuckets

  • I'm pretty sure I've given Corvus kudos before, but GOD DAYUM I love this woman! She's more than her talent, her dream, or the status quo; she's a passionate, honest and kind-hearted soul. She's not shy about helping her friends (or in my case pimping my ad for custom RPR templates), even if she gets nothing more out of it than a smile. Whatever the news, happy or sad, she's always there to listen, and I am truly happy that we became friends. - Wildviolets

  • This one told me she needed nothing for her birthday, so I think it just to force kudos onto her again. She is selfless, kind, mature, creative, artistic, and just about every other good thing people look for in great friends. - Lizard