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Kudos for Falyn

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Captivating, strong-willed, and well-developed personas are essential in the creative mind that belongs to the fair Falyn. There is a kindness that shines brightly through her written words, and a genuine, heartfelt candor that unveils both her expectations and the promise of adventures to come. Thank you for your friendship for it is cherished. Kind and understanding Creative ideas - Atheist

  • Falyn is a very talented writer and I loved reading her posts in the Icewind Dale RP we were both a part of some time ago. If you have a chance to RP with her, you won't be disappointed. She's very creative and fun to write opposite to. As an aside, I would love the chance to do so again, and I was hoping you'd consider friending me :). Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - DarkonDreams

  • An incredibly gifted writer like Falyn is very inspiring for any female writer, especially myself.
    She is wonderfully creative and I enjoy reading her story set in a world she has created and the personalities of her primary characters.
    I admire her female characters, they are strong, focused, and express themselves freely, smudging out stereotypes. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Coddiwomple

  • Falyn is a wonderful writer. I've been involved in one of her fantasy stories and she sets the pace but makes sure everyone follows the plot and understands what's happening. She knows her characters well and never diverges to suit others, and I consider that to be a good quality in a role player. She is super nice and a good RP partner, I highly recommend Falyn. Creative ideas Drives the plot forward - Darkfeatures

  • Falyn is a pleasure to write with. I enjoy reading her character's profiles and the stories she's involved in from modern-day to fantasy. Her characters from Ostain are my favourite and I'm looking forward to her Cursed Cleric story unfolding. As a writer, she is kind, compassionate, and tolerant. <3 Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - ThimbleWitch

  • Falyn is a pleasure to write with. You are drawn into the story by her vivid characters and I'm always waiting to find out how her characters react to mine especially when mine become a little cheeky. She is very understanding when it comes to personal life and posting times, and very helpful to keep on track with her story.
    <3 Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - BayLeafBard

  • "Kindness is giving hope to those who think they are all alone in this world."

    Comfort can always be found in Falyn. It could be her presence in the forums, her gentle, eager replies to your posts, her supportive cheers and enthusiastic words of encouragement, or her genial appreciation for the diversity of others that makes one feel as though they belong in her circle of friends. I am personally encouraged by her kindness and support for my own writing and consider myself lucky to know her! Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Atheist

  • Falyn is a wonderful writer and friend. She's understanding and patient and her OOC communication is what I adore. I love when my characters interact with hers even when my characters are sulky and petulant, they always warm up to Falyn's. It's unfair that I can only choose two qualities from below, she's worth more than that.

    May the fox be with you. :)

    Hugs. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - BayLeafBard

  • I have not had the opportunity to write much with the lovely Falyn, but I have had the absolute pleasure of occasional character interactions and have witnessed firsthand the eagerness of someone in a constant state of progress. I've found them to be an accomplished scribe teeming with ideas for stories and characters alike. I look forward to furthering our encounters and sharing more experiences with them in the form of writing, plotting, and creating. Kind and understanding Creative ideas - Atheist

  • I'm always happy to write with Falyn. I love her characters and I love how her characters interact with each other and other members' characters including my own.
    She's a fine writer and fun to worldbuild with and very patient when I'm late with replies. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - DeathandtheMaiden

  • Having Falyn as a member of my original group for over a year has been an absolute blessing and I am happy that she has joined me in other groups. She is a kind and honest woman, and very creative.
    The characters that she creates always fascinate me, and I enjoy forming new plots and stories involving both of our characters. She is a kindred spirit who inspires me. Kind and understanding Long-term partner - WinterBlackDraoi

  • When it comes to writing characters and settings with depth, Falyn's characters are realistic, balanced and a pleasure to interact with. Her writing style is refreshing to read and she is friendly, warm and approachable. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - FadedTapestry

  • In every interaction I've had with Falyn, she's shown herself to be thoughtful, deeply concerned about the welfare of others, and insightful. Kind and understanding Helpful - Kim

  • I have not known this lovely lady long. But, that does not stop me from telling all of you how amazing I already know she is. She is beautifully written, articulate, and delightful all around.
    She is helpful, and easy to talk to. Someone that I have quickly learned is a gift to the writing community, and world at large.
    Her posts are awesome detailed, easy to feed off of, and absolutely fun to read. I LOVE writing with her!
    Falyn, you're simply AWESOMEEE! Thank you for being you. <3 <3 <3 Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Ripley

  • I have not RP'd with Falyn personally, but she has been friendly, helpful and welcoming by all accounts! INteracting with her OOC has been a pleasure, and that's not even touching her wonderful writing! I've also been reading people's posts on The Glass Green ( :) ), and I love Falyn's picturesque storytelling! It's beautiful and I so enjoy reading it! Keep on writing! Helpful Wonderful writer - hexblading

  • While I haven't had the opportunity to write with Falyn yet, I just had to take the opportunity to commend this wonderful writer for her helpful abilities. She's quick to point out the strengths of other writers and encourages them to progress with their skills. All that and with wonderful ideas as well and solid storytelling. Definitely 10/10 Tomahawks! Helpful Creative ideas - MordosKull

  • Falyn is a writer who inspires me. I appreciate her contribution to Gevi's world and her advice as a moderator. I feel privileged that she has given many positive comments about Gevi's group and the players that are involved.

    Thank you. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - DeathandtheMaiden

  • Falyn is not only a masterful writer, but a highly imaginative creator and world builder. There's an incredible depth to her characters and storytelling, and I fall more in love with her characters every day! OOC, Falyn is incredibly sweet and friendly, as well as helpful and understanding. This fine lady is well worth an RP and a kudos! <3

    ~Alaine :3 Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Anonymous

  • Falyn is an admirable writing companion. Her characters are imbued with a rich background, and her prose inspires me.
    Thank you Falyn. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - WinterBlackDraoi