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Kudos for Kim

  • Kim
    Besides helping to fix the site, one of the best parts about reporting bugs are the great messages Kim writes for the accolades she gives out. - Darth_Angelus

  • Kim
    This box isnt big enough to tell everyone what I love about Kim.. From her shiny hair, crafty smile and gorgeous eyes to her ability to just make magic happen (seemingly instantly sometimes!), this woman is a legend who should be showered in rose petals everyday as her kingdom worship her at various Kim Temples around the land. A true genius!!!! - EbonySnow

  • Kim
    Kim never ceases to provide us with only the best! I love the new groups' features, and I love the time and effort she put into them. <3 She should totally give herself accolades as well! - Sanne

  • Kim
    No doubt, the most polite admin I've dealt with on any Forum! - Zur_Noir

  • Kim
    the fact someone actually noticed someone that has been out of rp for sometime and just started to come back have a lovely day and really Thank You So much - Misty

  • Kim
    I've never seen such an amazing admin. Whatever problem a user has she goes out of her way to fix it. Devoted, attentive, friendly, and outright cool. - Minerva

  • Kim
    Words can not describe what a pure gem this woman is. Brilliant, creative and dedicated, she is a gift to us all and the heart of this place. Long live the Queen. xo - EbonySnow

  • Kim
    When faced with a bug, Kim said, "Don't make me bug fix, you wouldn't like me when I bug fix" then she smashed it. - Darth_Angelus

  • Kim
    I've never actually role played with her, or had particularly long conversations with her, but that doesn't mean I don't think she's awesome! She deserves SO MANY KUDOS for creating this place and for being so friendly. - Minkja

  • The Snail (played by Kim)
    RPing with a Snail...not sure if I should say that a snails lack of complex thought processing is confusing me with it's simple minded nature or making for hilarious situations. Maybe a bit of both. Either way it's fun thus far. - Hurricane_Lance

  • Kim
    Okay, so I was going to write about how she's an amazing admin, where would we be without her etc. Then I saw 'The Snail'... and now I just love her - Eve

  • Kim
    So where would we all be with out the wonderful Kim? Who had a wonderful idea, and worked her buns off to give her idea life! I'd be rping on furc, and constantly looking for another game, or other distraction. Thank you kim for being so awesome! - Pineapple

  • The Snail (played by Kim)
    Whenever I wander over to this guys' page, or think about him, one awesome thought comes to mind: a crossover with the Adventure Time Snail/Lich Snail. Also, KUDOSSS (U C WUT I DID THAR?) for making a gastropod character. I didn't think anyone would have the... stomach for it. HAH, GET IT? - Bonebag

  • Kim
    Without you, none of this would be possible. Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU for what you've given us. It really, positively, genuinely fills me with joy to think that there is still a great place left for RPers of any style to come together and commune, talk, get jiggy with it, and maybe even arpee in the process. Do me a favor: keep on being you, because if you don't, I guess there wouldn't be an RPR for me to live on when I'm not Skyrimming it up or hanging with Andy. - Bonebag

  • Kim
    When I joined this place, everybody told me how nice Kim is. However, after getting to know her, I've found out how right they are and more. I'm always blown away by what a truly amazing and caring person she is. - Claine

  • Kim
    She can sing! And my clock reads 13:37, so that just seems very fitting :) - Darth_Angelus

  • Crash Test Dummy (played by Kim)
    Poor crash test dummy, he is the subject of many experiments at the hands of Kim but he doesn't complain. No, he is happy to help fix RPR's bugs and we should thank him for that. - Darth_Angelus

  • The Snail (played by Kim)
    I adore The Snail. It makes me less afraid of them to read all the lovely things on here! For something I used to squeal at, Snail is super cute, and could be an interesting character to roleplay. It's a kind of crazy inspiration to make my own simple yet rare character! - Javan

  • Crash Test Dummy (played by Kim)
    A crash test dummy. For mad scientist like stuff. Heh. I didn't realize it at first and thought this was an actually character of some kind but just seeing it's name made me chuckle a bit. - Hurricane_Lance

  • Aethaerraent (played by Kim)
    The Illithid. Characters like this are rare - but when properly played (and I just KNOW Aethaerraent is well played, even though I never had the honor), they have the best potential. He gets a five brains out of five. - SeraphicStar