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Kudos for Dylan

  • Dylan tastes of... delicious food. Chocolate cake. BUTTERSCOTCH COOKIES!! *drools* Mmmm... Moderating with her is such a pleasure, she's the person to go to for solid, leveled and rational advice. Our (candy) rock. :D - Sanne

  • I see evidence of her mad moderation skills all over the interwebs. She's got a brilliant flair for community, and I just love her to pieces. - Kim

  • An amazing person, friendly and helpful, and not to mention some awesome characters too! - Amirrora

  • I can't say enough about Dylan. The only reason I haven't given Kudos yet is that I don't know where to begin! She's funny, friendly, helpful and an awesome roleplayer to boot. She's extremely versatile with her characters and is always up for trying new things and getting involved with the community. One of my dearest friends and favorite roleplay partners. I don't know what I'd do without you, darling! - Goat

  • Dylan has some seriously sexy characters. I've not gotten to rp with her at all, but maybe one day. - TheLily

  • Dylan always has something to add, the good news is that everyone is willing to listen. She's a powerful person in this realm and she is well respected for that! Dylan doesn't lack in awesome sauce, she is coated, bathed, and drenched in the stuff! Dylan knows he stuff! Don't doubt it! OR A CURB STOMPING GOOD TIME WILL COMMENCE! :D - Jetticus

  • It's a shame I hadn't done this sooner but everyone else has beaten me to it! I can only serve to emphasize how nice, helpful, and creative Dylan is and what a huge help she is to TGT. Actually. help is an understatement. Without people like Dylan and the rest of the OOC staff around, there wouldn't be a Tether at all! Or it would be a dark, horrible place. - Prince

  • I'm pretty sure I've given Dylan kudos before. Yet she's awesome enough she deserves so much more. Tirelessly putting herself out there to ensure that TGT and various other things are running smoothly, always willing to help and support people when they've an idea to run with. And even if she is still a little intimidating after knowing her so long, she's amazingly awesome and full of win. Bow down and kiss her feet people. This woman is the bees knees. - TheCoffeeWolf

  • Dylan is a fantastic manager, she works hard, makes time to roleplay with people and friends while juggling work and real life. I know I've given her my unconditional Kudos love before but I find a proper Kudos is in order. She's exciting with fun ideas and always manages to enjoy a roleplay no matter the content! - Mars

  • Dylan is a rockstar, calmly biding her time here on the planet earth--at least some of the time. She really is quite lovely and a pleasure to chat up. To the best of my knowledge, she does not play the waterharp. You may blink and still find her still here! - Relynn

  • Dylan's a very purdy lady with great ideas and an awesome way to spend a birthday! Happy birthday Dylan!! <3 - CelestinaGrey

  • A proactive and friendly community member. It's almost easy to forget she's a mod. That's not a bad thing. The community here rarely needs to be reigned in and she keeps productive conversation going! - Minerva

  • Won't lie. This woman use to terrify me to the point I use to run whenever she'd post in my directions. After getting to know her, it was a wonderful feeling to feel like I'd been an idiot all those years I creeper watched (It's true!) Why I still worry about bothering her when she's busy, she's an ever source of good information,knowledge, and help if I just remember to ask. - TheCoffeeWolf

  • We salute you, dear lass who be commandin' the onslaught o' kudos amongst our rabble-rousing lot! But seriously, this is one awesome staffly lady who helps us spread the love around to everyone on the RPR. (And her profile is very pretty. <3) - Copper_Dragon

  • Very kind and a wonderful moderator, always having something nice to add! Also the owner of what could possibly be -the- most popular character on RPR, Siena. And she likes Black Books! <3 (Dylan does, not Siena XD ) - Pyrroglaux

  • When Kim tweeted about kudos, Dylan stepped forward and got people motivated. As the year comes to a close, it's so good to see people writing nice things about each other and their characters. Thankyou for making this happen! - Darth_Angelus

  • Though she says she doesn't do art and she does't write poetry, she sure as heck writes FANTASTIC Christmas cards. She really knows how to make you feel good. Thank you Dylan! - Kim

  • I bloody love this woman, despite playing quite an intimidating (though equally loveable) character (Siena) she's utterly lovely and I don't know what I'd do without her! She's just an altogether good person <3 - Eve

  • Whether it is TGT or RPR, Dylan tackles large communities with ease; drawing people together and bringing creativity into the mix as well. A brilliant roleplayer too, with an inspiring variety of characters.~ - Yuka

  • She has a serious talent for community and making sure huge groups of people are getting along and having fun. That is no mean feat!

    I am so, so happy we have her here. She is definitely someone everyone should know. - Kim