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Cy the Cyborg

fangirlforbritain Male Boys can be fangirls, too


Mimi Female This is Demi...Just your local orphan

Stephen Strange

bethyandthebeast Male "Try me, Beyoncé."

Sasha York

Thich Male A kind of absolutely terrible person.


Anonymous Male Live hidden.


DrRusher Unknown A shy, lovable and mysterious Human girl.

Shadow Scribe

Stormblaze Male Pony Mage Swordsman


lovekatelyn1207 Female A beautiful young girl who embarks on her journey and finds love on the way.


llKawaiiChanll Female A orphan who believes no one is there's FOR her one friend left her for others and the other moved away often asked by others to date


Anonymous Female

Nova Makosai

CGNNikiio Male A neko warrior, saved by a paladin before he died.

Sylvester Song

TeamPlasmaSylvester Female Was almost killed, but then her sister saved her and brought her to Team Plasma


Anonymous Female


Anonymous Male A demon who wants to be in touch with the world


Longshore Male A guy who finds himself constantly being shrunk!

Tavor Amos

Ghost36 Male Lost, alone, and in the dark, but never defeated.

Soralynn VanGuard

TeamPlasmaSylvester Female She left the perfection cult after she realized it wasnt for her


Anonymous Male Don't bring your black heart to bed, when I wake up you best be God


HellKitten Female A storm in human form.

Akando Rashkan

Anonymous Male

Rodney Arcanon

RodneyArcanon Male A gay human male looking for success in all areas, including love.


shyaries Female A shy woman who seems to adore everything but herself.


Anonymous Female


only_yaoi_roleplay Male Angel boy keeps returning to the evil earth

Vessa Sepa

Anonymous Female A dragsune with lots of money, lots of attitude. Hoping to find a way to be accepted for the bitch and sweetheart she is.


TheHandWizard Transgender Male A formal dude-bro businessman(?) Who is trying to find out their own past, and keep their life right now a mystery