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Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

Lio thought quickly as she watch Radigan walk away then with a nearly imperceptible wave of her hand she caused a small rock to rise up through the ground to trip him.

"Friend Radigan," she said as she rushed over to him. "Are you alright?" As she helped him to his feet she took the chance to get a closer look at his amulet. It didn't appear to be too powerful, but she couldn't be sure.

"Did I hear you say that you are in some sort of difficulty? Can my associates and I be of some assistance?"

Lio had a bad feeling about what the trouble might be. Cornering Radigan in his home wasn't optimal, but ther might be fewer people there since it seemed like the rest of the town had come to the party.
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

As Linota was about to head to the party, most of the kids from Radigan’s tribe were coming home and they gathered in front of her. She looked up at the darkening sky and gritted her teeth. It was half past dinner time.
“Where’ve you guys been?” One of the teen boys, Isaac, asked her. “Radigan was so pissed.”
Linota stared up at the boy, who had gotten taller than her in the last year. The thought of this brought up a whole mess of other thoughts, memories playing like a flashing slideshow behind her eyes. All of it felt so small now, now that they were about to go slay the beast as it were. The ‘beast’ that had been playing pretend all this time, making her look like a damned fool.

“We were,” Linota began, then shrugged up her shoulders, sounding regretful and annoyed. “Stealing. Like we do every day.”
Isaac gave her a puzzled look, almost defensive at her answer. Linota looked from him to the children all around him and sighed.
“Look,” she told him. “We’re leaving. And we need you to come with us. All of you. We can find you homes somewhere. Homes with actual beds and actual parents who might actually love you.”

She wasn’t the best at sounding passionate, as dull toned as she was, but she felt it deep down anyway. She purposefully left out the part about her plan to kill Radigan, not with the children here. They were more than used to death, but she thought they had seen enough for their lifetimes. Linota looked at Isaac’s even more puzzled expression, which also held a heaping dollop of skepticism, and could feel an impatient scowl coming on.

“Anywhere is better than here,” she said. “You have to know that.”
“He won’t let us go,” Isaac said, trying more to form excuses not to go than reason that they should. It wasn’t the best place, but it was his home and the unknown was far scarier than his reality there.
Linota said nothing, but her penetrating, amber stare did well enough to shake Isaac and he dropped his gaze to stare at the ground. There it was– self reflection. When he looked at Linota again, she was smiling, a rare thing for the teen to behold. It made him smile too, even though he didn’t want to.

“What’s the plan?” Isaac finally asked her. It was the same question he had asked a hundred times before, when they would go out to steal food or treasures. This time the question was waffled and uncommitted. It wasn’t a certainty that Isaac would be on board with the plan, but the seed had been planted.

Linota began to explain how they met a few strangers outside of town and how they were willing to help, though she left out any names. She told him about the party that Radigan was now distracted at and how one of those strangers had arranged it.
“That’s what all that noise is?” Isaac asked, looking over his shoulder at the, once, abandoned building. “They wouldn’t let us within a mile of the place.”
“It smells soooooo gooood over there,” one of the young girls added in a whiny voice and tugged down on Isaac’s arm. He took his arm back with exaggerated frustration.

“Maybe my new friend will let you have the leftover food from her party,” Linota told them, the idea to bribe them with food having just dawned on her. “If you pack up one bag and come with Cairo and I, you can eat that delicious food.”

The children looked confused and fearful at the idea of leaving, but the hesitancy only lasted as long as it took their stomachs to growl again. The prospect of getting food that could smell that delicious was just too great to pass up! They all headed inside, as if corralled there, to pack up what they each could carry. If Assallya and Cairo were still inside, the children would give them odd looks after seeing Caldwell on the ground, but nothing more than that. Caldwell was the biggest believer in ‘mind your own business’ and he loved to scream that lovely little idiom at all of the children for whatever reason. And so that’s just what they did now; they minded their own business.

Linota waited for them outside, and waited for Assallya and Cairo too. She still didn’t want to reenter the house after having solidly decided to leave it. By fleeing or by death, she was done being a fool’s lackey.
Radigan fell forward, though his staff caught him before he could fully fall onto the ground. The wood groaned under his weight as he took a knee and he had to huff and puff to get back on two feet, but he was otherwise unscathed. The same could not be said about his pride, however, and his face turned redder than a ripe tomato.
Confound it!!” He hollered, not caring who could hear him. Now he was even angrier about the whole ordeal of his bedroom being broken into than he was before.

Liothryth reached him as he furiously brushed off his coat and pants, and he looked at her as if his eyes were made of pure hellfire. “It’s thieves!” He raged. “They’ve gone and broken into my chambers! If you want to help, come and set their dirty clothes ablaze while they wear them!!”
The new anger seemed to loosen his lips and make him far less deferential. It took the townspeople attending the party no time at all to know he was talking about his kids. They still didn’t seem to care. Some thought the man was speaking in hyperboles, while others didn’t mind if he was being literal. A burned child was a quiet child after all! They were surprised it took this long for those street urchins to break into his wares.

Radigan hurried down the alley, dead set on reaching his home and exacting his revenge. It would be quite difficult to keep him from this endeavor now.
(( i want to say thank you to all for sticking with this and letting me take control of things a bit, heheh. if Radigan is not going to be stopped by Lio, Ren, or Azumi, i can go ahead and have him make it home where the REAL party can start! boss battle, yayyy XD

also, i was thinking it would be cool if we all had story arcs, where depending on who's story it is, that person takes the reins and surprises the other players within their own realm? we just happened to start with Linota and Cairo's story arc lol. but maybe we can see a bit more of each of the characters' lives around the main plot! could be fun :3 ))
((I was kinda hoping to do that actually lol. If no one wants to start theirs yet, I can suggest Azumi's and Ren's story arc! It's kind of related to the interdimensional being that Ren keeps mentioning, but I'll just start with someone who's his accomplice instead XD))
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

As Liothryth started to run towards Radigan, in order for him to remain in the premises much longer, Ren grabbed Azumi's arm and followed suite.
"The hunt begins", Ren told Azumi as he ran towards Radigan, Azumi following. They both were lurking in the shadows, making sure to keep their distance from Radigan as much as possible so as not alert the man. Ren was shaking, he could not wait to eliminate the person who nearly mistreated Azumi. He was seething with a rage that must be quenched, but he knew better than to release it outright, right at this moment.

"Who shall be the sniper?", Azumi asked her bond, who hurriedly pointed at her and briefly told her why. Azumi comforted Ren to calm him down and summoned a wooden bow with filigree markings all over it. She then moved through several vantage points until Radigan arrived at his home.
(( yesssss! i'm down for your arc next 😄 ))
Mirafin Topic Starter

((I vote for having Ren and Azumi's arc next! I'm intrigued to find out what's going to happen. I figure we can wait for Lio's for a little while since her mission is kind of the frame story for this whole thing. And because I'm not quite sure what it's going to be...))
Assallya (played by Slain)

Still masquerading as a young pickpocket, Assallya began pulling off her skirts.

Linota had made a good choice as far as she was concerned, getting all the kids out and removing all the powerful items from Radigan's stash was smart. Those items they'd cleaned out would support those kids for years once they figured out how to sell them. That wouldn't be easy.

Now it was her turn. Radigan was going to be irate and eager for vengeance. That would mean he'd pursue the kids unto the ends of the earth, both to kill them and to regain his valuables. She needed to keep on eye on him.

Lying naked next to Caldwell she began casting spells. All of them were small overlooked spells that she couldn't do without. First she cast a charm spell upon him, thus making him into a steadfast ally, or at least as close to it as Caldwell were capable. The next was a suggestion spell where she told him that he had decided she needed to demonstrate her abilities before he could join Radigan's little band. That, while they were having sex Linota and Cairo had run off with all the children and treasures. She then cast a spell of forgetting do that he didn't remember being detained.

That was where the suggestion came in.
Based on the suggestions implanted and the fact he was naked in bed with an empty jug of ale nearby, he'd assume he simply drank too much.

There was, of course, no sex to be had but he wouldn't want to admit he'd been too drunk to remember.
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

"Ren, Azumi," Lio called to them as she wove a protection around herself, "wait a moment before we go any further." She kept an eye on Radigan as she went to them. Though anger was spurring him on, he was still a large, out of shape man and could only move so fast. "Let me put protection spells on you, just in case." Thankfully, the spells didn't take very long so they could be on the move after Radigan quickly. "I'm going to follow him on foot. You two know your skills best, so I'll trust you to go where needed."

With that she rushed after Radigan, mentally preparing herself to do battle, something she hadn't done in 500 years, and something she didn't know if she was ready for yet. But she didn't have any choice, those children needed her.
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

Liothryth and Azumi’s stalling had done well for the ragtag trio of teens. Or, the duo teens and the woman posing as a teen. Assallya had enough time to put Caldwell to bed and Linota had time to put her contraption together while she waited outside. The device looked and worked as a hookshot, though the grabbers at the end were a wicked set of mandibles, like those one would find on an atlas beetle. The three horns were carved from wood, jagged and misshapen from her unpracticed hands, and the sides facing in were lined with small, gnarled thorns. It was strong enough to drive into trees, though that proved to rub the carved thorns down quite a bit, making Linota have to carve more into the wood and thinning the whole shape of it. She had yet to test it on a human, but she would find out soon enough.

She was just thinking of ideas on how they should sneak into the party when Radigan showed up. She was winding the hookshot’s chain around a dial set into the handle, but stopped when she saw him.
’He knows,’ she thought, hiding her panic. ’Of course he had something on the door. Foolish girl.’
She naturally berated herself in his own words and that turned her panic to anger. Come what may, she wouldn’t let him see a scared little girl, cowering at his feet. They locked vicious gazes for a couple long and intense seconds before Radigan growled.

“You,” he rumbled.
Linota was almost impressed at how one word could hold so much malice. He wanted her dead. She had seen it before. Her hands slowly, subtly finished winding up the chain and she set the cover in its place on the handle. Radigan was looking past her now, at his home, seeing the children scrambling within. It was apparent that this was suspicious to him, that he wondered where the hell Caldwell was, but it became even more apparent that this was his best case scenario. The smile that twisted up his face could attest.

At that moment, be it from knowing what was coming or for the anger that boiled so fiercely inside her at seeing him hold her staff–or from the brazen excitement the exhilarating click of hookshot-readiness induced–Linota unleashed her weapon at him. In a flash of motion, the explosive sound of spinning chain rang out and Radigan, with infuriating confidence, held out the staff to defend himself. Linota’s face widened in shock and dismay before she desperately yanked back on the hookshot, causing the open mandibles to come up short and snap down on air. It had been inches away from the staff and she cursed at Radigan’s using it as a shield.

“Coward!!” She screamed, her anger making her loud at last. “Fight me yourself! No magic!!”
Radigan smiled before he wielded the staff like he meant it and pointed it at her.
“No!” Linota shouted at the same time Radigan casted a spell.
She hadn’t heard what he said over her shout, but she felt the effects of the spell immediately after. She was bound by what felt like an invisible snake and it coiled tighter around her the more she struggled, making it harder to breathe. Her hookshot fell to the ground with an oddly shaped clatter and her body followed suit right beside it. She swiveled to land on a shoulder to protect her head and the force of impact pushed the rest of the air from her lungs. She gasped for more. Sometimes, she hated magic.

“Foolish girl,” Radigan told her, echoing her own sentiments. “You weren’t so smart after all.”
Linota watched him approach her, her eyes on the white and gold sands that forever ran down the staff’s hourglass. It seemed he did know how to use it. Better than her in any case, but it was looking mighty low. It would turn on him in due time, there would still be a chance for the others. Even if she didn’t make it, she thought.
“Now you can watch your friend die, before you do,” he said, his boots stopping mere inches from her fallen face. “Or we can keep you like this. You’re much better like this and I can still find some uses for you. You were never the pretty one, girl, but I can make do.”

Linota could do nothing but focus on getting air, even though all she wanted to do was kick in every single one of the man’s rust colored teeth. Radigan walked towards his open front door, amulet in hand, ready to demand the children to kill Cairo.
Cairo seeing radigan ready his amulet thinks of a way to lure radigan away by angering him "hey radigan you always send someone else to do your job because you cant do anything yourself?" He mocks him "you just sit in your big chair and act all high an mighty not lifting a single finger, i don't really think you know as much about magic as you say you do" striking a nerve radigans becomes enraged at cairo as cairo shouts to him taking his attention away from linota "IF YA WANT ME COME AND GET ME YOURSELF!!" Taking his katana out of its scabbard readying himself to fight and run to the rest of the party to out number him
Assallya (played by Slain)

((( Cairo is so going to get a proper beat down! Poor bastard! )))
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren ordered Azumi to pin him down with arrows, which she obliged reluctantly, while he goes on to disrupt him and help the others. He was waiting for this, the one moment he could cast the one spell, but realized that there were people nearby so it was still too risky. He threw one of the small bombs he gave away to the group towards Radigan and attempted to stun him with the pistol that uses blunt rounds.

"You fight a Treasoner! You're tyranny shall cease!", He yelled.

Before Azumi could take the shot however, she saw children moving out of the way from the fight, it seemed they were in their teens. Children?!, she thought to herself worryingly. She did not want to disobey Ren because this was their one chance to beat their foe, but at the cost of collerateral damage in the form of lives? Children even? She could not stand ignoring them and wanted to help, so she ran past Radigan, losing her disguise in the process, revealing herself to be a kitsune. She tried to escort the children and gave them protection spells.

"If you find any other children like you on the way", she said in a motherly tone while casting the protection spell, "Please, I beg of you, don't leave them behind, this fight shall be quite messy alright? And don't even think about starting any fights yourselves! just call for my name if you need me, It's Azumi". She then gave one of the teenagers a paper doll of some sorts with some symbols written on it.
Assallya wrote:
((( Cairo is so going to get a proper beat down! Poor bastard! )))
cairo gotta save his bestie lmao
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

When Lio arrived the air around her fairly crackled with magic. At some point while chasing Radigan she had once again become the mage who, along with three of her comrades, had destroyed an entire army. She directed protection spells at everyone she could see except Radigan. She took in Linota trapped on the ground, Cairo armed and ready to fight, Ren throwing bombs and firing at Radigan, and Azumi sending the other children safely away. She could only assume that Assallya was here somewhere as well, hidden for now but ready to raise all hell when the time was right.

"Radigan," she said. Her voice was eerily calm and though not loud, everyone in the immediate area could hear her. "You have done enough harm in this world, it's time for you to pay for your crimes."

This wasn't the battleground they had chosen, but it was the one they had, and one way or another, Radigan wouldn't not be walking away from it.
Radigan was on his way to his front door when Cairo stepped out of it. The boy started to yell which annoyed Radigan greatly, but his time was coming, sooner than the urchin thought. The amulet was already in Radigan’s hand, the staff in the other, and he began to shout his demands to the other children. They began to pour out of the house at his command to do so, confused to see Linota stiff on the ground and Cairo running away. Some children remained inside the house, too deep to fully hear the calls, but he kept shouting to them.

Then Radigan saw Linota widen her eyes at something behind him, acting as a rearview mirror. She didn’t mean to do it, she was only worried about her staff. She had yet to see the little marble bombs be tested and so she didn’t know what it would do. The fact that she herself was also laying right there and the possibility of getting blown up went unregistered to her. She only wanted the safety of her staff. It was enough of a reaction to make Radigan shield his backside in an instant, with a half-sphere of thick, solid ice. It formed in no time at all with the magic of the staff and deflected the stun bomb, which crackled wildly at the wall of ice. Any bullets that were fired at Radigan would be eaten by the ice as well, driving into it but causing no detrimental cracks.

The faraway shout about a ‘Treasoner’ made him stiffen, but he couldn’t turn around to look just yet. Not before he muttered a protection spell of his own under his breath to shield his back, then he readied another spell. This one was an explosion of force, causing the half-sphere of ice to shatter outward and away from him and the children. Little icicle spears shot up, down, and all around and he followed a few with his eyes to see if they would hit an invisible target. It would have been beautiful, Linota thought, if not for the circumstances.
“My children!!” Radigan shouted, holding his amulet up high and putting as much will as he could into it. “Kill the intruders! Kill Cairo! Kill them all!!”
The amulet drained instantly and the red liquid that had colored half the jewel was mostly gone now. Radigan had enough juice for maybe one adult person and then it would be gone.

Azumi ran past Radigan as he detailed his demands, surprising him enough to jump and he faltered in his commanding speech. It was that woman from the party! What was the meaning of this?? And she had.. TAILS?!
’Disgusting,’ Radigan thought, gritting his gruesome teeth. He had wanted so badly to have her and this whole time she was a filthy animal?!

She had time to get to the five children that still remained in the depths of the house, the ones who couldn’t hear enough to be ensnared, but the other nine were goners.
“Kill Cairo,” they all said in an eerie, simultaneous drone. Except for Henry. He said something like, “Kiwe Caiwo.”
They each had a weapon, something small and cheap that they always kept on their person, but the real challenge was the armor they wore everyday; the fact that they were children. And who in their right minds would want to hurt children? Radigan was more than willing to roll the dice on this presumption, for what was a kid lost? He would get more of them next week and the week after that, once again refilling his pawns.

Once the children were after Cairo, as he was the closest one to them, Radigan snatched up Linota and put an arm around her middle, using her as a human shield as he faced the direction the shots had come from. It took him more effort than was usual to get her off the ground and Linota had to wonder how much spellcasting weakened a person. He was beyond sweaty, as if he were melting instead, and she couldn’t be any more uncomfortable pressed up against him. She would scream if she knew it would help, but it definitely wouldn’t so she chose to save her energy.
“What did you do, girl?” Radigan whispered into her ear, the threat of the words making her neck prickle. “What is the meaning of all this?”

He was still scouring the vicinity, hoping to find the source of the stun bomb and the bullets, when Liothryth appeared from the alley. Radigan sneered. ’Of course,’ he thought. ’Of COURSE. If that had been a real party, I would have definitely been the first to be notified.’
“What did she tell you?” He said aloud, shaking Linota when he referred to her. It was clear that she was having a hard time breathing. The restrictions of the snake that coiled around her had loosened, she just didn’t want to smell him.
“What did she say this time?” Radigan continued, directing his question at Liothryth. “You really listened to a teenage girl?? You think I’m a ‘bad man’? You think these children cannot leave? I give them everything!!

“He’s ly-” Linota tried to shout, but Radigan’s arm pressed firmly into her abdomen and the snake tightened. She bit off the word, gritting her teeth with the effort to harden her torso.
(( Caldwell is either going to sleep through the whole ordeal or someone else can play him XD aannd the five teenage children that Azumi made safe will run out the back to further safety while the fight ensues, the demand of the amulet bouncing right off of them. the girl with the paper doll is grateful to have a doll, but confused to be given a gift ))
Assallya (played by Slain)

The blonde elven sorceress heard the commotion outside and quickly rose, padding over towards the window on bare feet.

"What is it?" Caldwell asked of her as he basked in the afterglow of an event that had never happened.

"By Sharess' tits," the naked elf muttered as she peered between wooden slats of the glassless window, "Beshaba's coin and Myrkul's shriveled balls combined."

"What was that honey? I didn't quite catch it."

"I said," she replied, closing her kohl lined eyes for a moment as she concentrated on summoning arcane might, "somnus!"

With a gesture Caldwell closed his eyes and face planted into the covers of the bed, snoring loudly.

"Fireball my arse," he said and looked back out the window at the fracas.

Bearing witness to the amulet causing the children to attack Cairo Assallya tsked. She could try to dispel the effect but that could fail. Better she thought to give Cairo the edge he needed to defeat the children without hurting them.

The naked elven woman then began to cast a different spell, one she used with relish on those she sent into battle.

"Oriri meam gigantes!" she said softly as she gazed intently upon Cairo, fingers twisting as she asjusted the magic.

-And with that Cairo began to grow, doubling in size and weight.

"-and this do you win battles, eliminating your enemies without ever facing them."
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"If you don't want lead, I'll do something else!", He yelled at Radigan. Ren then summoned a staff and casted a spell that broke the ground around him, breaking it apart until little, heated, glowing specks were the only observable feature from the shattered floor pieces. He then summoned an enchanted blade over the staff's gem tip making it look like a Naginata. He ran towards a wall and proceeded to perform a wall run with ruthless efficiency. It was when he tried jumped off to hit him with the magically bladed staff that the barely visible specks started to hit Radigan's shield in an attempt to melt it.

Meanwhile, as Azumi saw the children off to safety, she heard even more children, this time it seemed they were brainwashed, but by who? She told the children she was currently with to hide somewhere and quickly as she ran off to the ensuing chaos that was the fight between Radigan and an elf mage, an assassin, two people who were tortured by Radigan, and of course, the two treasoners who will ensure Radigan's quick demise. This is Radigan's doing isn't it?, she thought to herself. She quickly bound the children with a spell and attempted to talk to them in order for them to snap out of Radigan's Control.

"Children, can you hear me?", She said as loudly, but motherly as she could, "Radigan isn't who you belong to! You all belong to families full of love and hope! Please, don't waste your time with that man, he shall hurt you even more!"

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