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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Walking the World Again (Closed)

Cairos eye immediately widen quietly saying. "what the hell are ya doing i just got this the other day" before just going with the flow he frowns and whispers to linota. "you're buying me another shirt after this" as she puts dirt on his clothes to make it more convincing. "ok so you come from the left i lure them to the right, ya ready?" He says offering his hand for a fist bump.
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

“Do you want this to work or not?” Linota asked as she sliced through his shirt.
After she was satisfied with the amount of dirt that was on Cairo, she nodded once and cleaned her hands off on her trousers. “That should do it.” At his forlorn, or perhaps angry, face, Linota shrugged and said, “We’ll get you a new shirt, I promise.”

Linota lifted her fist to meet Cairo’s in their familiar handshake and she smiled wolfishly. “Ready.”
She ran to take her place on the left side of the trail, hiding behind trees and shrubs and waiting for the vardo wagon to reach them.
After waiting for a while the wagon comes into view, Cairo nods at linota and gets into his position before he takes a breath and gets up running to the road and starts screaming for his life "HEY!! HELP!! HELP ME!!! PLEASE!!!! MY FRIEND HE'S GONNA DIE!!!! PLEASE!!" waving his arms like a madman desperately trying to catch the attention of the wagon.
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

Seeing the boy run out in front of the wagon, Lio stood up, cast a quick protection spell on herself, then jumped off the side. Her hood, normally pulled up over her head, fell back revealing her face, her elven ears, and the scars covering her skin.

"Where's your friend?" she asked, mentally going through healing and attack spells as she ran to him.
"HES OVER THERE COME ON! HIS NAME JAMES SOME WEIRD MONSTER WAS FOLLOWING US" guiding them further into the woods screaming. "JAMES! JAMES!! YOU STILL HERE!?" Searching for his nonexistent friend "Y'all look over there i'll look over here hes got blonde hair and green eyes, and the monster was some weird big blue thing if you see him call his name i'll come runnin' " he says before running the same direction they came from with a grin growing on his tired face.
Assallya Kressair (played by Slain)

"By all the gods I hate children," the blonde elven girl muttered.

Unlike Liothryth Assallya wasn't the heroic sort. Sure, she saw the societal value of helping one another but she preferred to leave that stuff to others.

She followed, though without the frantic speed of Liothryth, cautiously clamouring down the side of the wagon.

At least the child was the one screaming. If there was a monster out there and it wasn't this James boy simply playing a prank then the monster would go for the child.

Bare feet alighting upon the grass Assallya turned away from wagon and posted the draft horse on the neck, reminding him to be calm.
Running back to the duo cairo out of breath ask them. "You two find anything yet?" Worried sick for his hypothetical friend. "he should've been around here somewhere last i saw he was hiding and told me to get help" feigning confusion.
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

Linota’s heart leapt when she heard Cairo cry out in mock panic, as if it were a shot sounding off a race. She peered from behind the tree that hid her and watched one of the women follow Cairo into the woods, more than willing to help him. Linota almost felt sorry for them at the sight of such compassion, but the other woman yelled about how she hated children and alleviated her guilt. ‘We’re not children,’ Linota’s inner dialogue seethed.

She watched the brash elf climb down her wagon and tend to her horse, keeping a cautious eye on her and the forest line while she crept to the back of the wagon. There wasn’t even a lock on the door, something Linota thought was vastly stupid. She grabbed the handle and with one hefty pull she was zapped by what felt like lightning and sent flying backward onto her rump. She bounced twice and grunted with the effort before scrambling to her feet. There was a notable shake in her legs from the jolt and she tried her best to ignore it.

“Damn!” Linota hissed, her hand scrambling into a pocket for the newly crafted orb. Her amber eyes darted from the blonde elf to the treeline, the girl not willing to leave her partner high and dry.
Once her fingers wrapped around the orb, Linota threw it at Assallya with all her might, intensifying the throw with a yell. Once it burst on the ground in front of the elf, the explosion of gas was so massive, it was enough to burn Linota’s eyes as well. Assallya would be affected too, unless she managed to evade or protect herself from the attack. Linota gasped and quickly jabbed her dirty fingers into her sockets to fruitlessly try and protect her now stinging eyeballs.

“Ahhhgg!” She cried. She was hunched over until she came to her knees, all her focus having gone to her eyes now.
Seeing the gas explosion cairo gets worried say "oh sh*t, Lin!" Without hesitation he reaches into his pocket and says "pocket sand!" Throwing a hand full of sand aimed at liothryths eyes and immediately starts running towards the wagon
Assallya Kressair (played by Slain)

Not having fine more than two steps after Liothryth and the little urchin when the glad orb exploded at her feet.

A half score of fleeting thoughts ran through her mind in the raw instant the gas was expanding into a cloud. First there was trying to identify the orb. There were several of those from a flitting bird out of the corner of her eye to a potion flask. Then came the horrid thoughts. Was it a fireball flask, an acid cloud in a bottle, or just an plain oil about to be lit by sometime with a torch!

Clutching at her throat, eyes watering the blonde elf went down. She writhed and cavorted, eyes on fire, mouth a parched dessert. Even her skin felt like it was burning.
Carabia (played by Robyn)

The young woman approaches the chaos by horseback, a thick cloak of dark blue concealing all features, with exception of her purple complexion at any rate, for her face remains visible even with a hood tugged up and over her skull comfortably. Not that anyone is afforded much visibility with the chaos unraveling ahead! Hooves slow to an audible, gradual stop by the roadside, still several feet away from the curious cloud cautiously. Even here, the breeze carries the invasive affect and no doubt stings her gaze, dismounting from the steed with an arm rising to protect her vision. "What is going on over there?" Carabia calls out with concern. "Is anyone hurt?"
Running to the wagon cairo begins shouting frantically "LIN!! GRAB AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AND RUN FOR YOUR DAMN LIFE!!!"
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

The protection spell that Lio has cast easily took care of the sand before it touched her face, though she was momentarily surprised by it.

"Oh no you don't..." said as she saw the boy running away. She quickly cast a spell to stop him, creating the equivalent of a invisible wall in front of him. Quickly she caught up to him. "If you know what's good for you, you will not leave until I say you can. Do you understand me?" There could be no doubt from her voice that there would be...consequences if he ran away now.

"Keep an eye on that boy," Lio replies to the woman on horseback as she mover back to the wagon. "Make sure he doesn't go anywhere."

When Lio reached Assallya and the girl it was obvious that they were in pain. She went to the girl first. "Tell me what you did and I may be able to help." There was very little compassion in her voice.
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

Linota could hear only a few strangled noises coming from the direction of the blonde elf she had attacked. She might have felt pride that something she made really worked if her own pain wasn't taking over her every nerve. The stinging wasn't dissipating with time, no matter how much she cried. Instead, the yellow tinted juice mingled with her tears and freshened up the pain with each new effort to see. Linota cried out again and heard Cairo shout at her in the distance, though she couldn't make out what he said.

She wondered if the boy was faring okay when the sound of a concerned passerby reached her ears. Double damn.
Liothryth was next to speak, though Linota only knew her by the context of what she asked and the miffed way she asked it. Despite everything, this woman asked how she could help and Linota wasn't about to challenge the much needed offer, even if it was only for her friend.

“Water,” Linota choked out.
Assallya Kressair (played by Slain)

Assallya continued to writhe, little more than coughing, hacking, whimpers of pain, and the occasional vile expletive issuing from her.

Her golden hair was in disarray as she lay on the grass with bare feet drumming the earth and the heels of her palms grinding into her eye sockets.
Carabia (played by Robyn)

Between the very guilty shouts from the boy and Lio's input thereafter, she simply nods in silent understanding and immediately jogs toward the group, slowing to a stop directly in front of the wagon. Crimson hues settle atop the boy, presumably on the other side of the impressive invisible wall. "If I were you, I would listen to her." Carabia warns him calmly, retrieving a wooden staff from beneath her cloak and taking hold of either end against gloved hands, angling it diagonally across her form, clearly prepared to defend the wagon and its' contents from thieving hands. "Was it water you needed, Miss? I have some." The young woman calls over loudly, all without moving an inch and keeping that gaze locked upon the troublemaker.
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

"That would be appreciated," Lio called back as she retrieved her water skin from the front of the wagon. "I don't think one skin will be enough for both of them."

Uncorked the water skin, Lio rushed over Assallya and began to pour the water over her face. She would deal with the girl next.
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

“Yes!!” Linota wailed over them, annoyed by Carabia’s reiteration. “Gods yes!”

The pain was making her unreasonable and the growing number of people around her of whom she could not see was making her panic. Without water to clear away the stinging fluid, she could only wait. She half hoped that Cairo had run away and gotten himself out of the trouble she was currently in.
Stuck in his invisible prison cairo begins to worry for his friend. "Lin!!, get up!!, get outta here!!" he yells trying to find a way to get out and help linota get away from the gas cloud thats assaulting his eyes
Assallya Kressair (played by Slain)

The blonde elven girl whimpered as the water was flushed into her eyes. She was a wreck. Her porcelain skin was irritated and flushed like it had been in the sun far a day. Her hair was in disarray, her eyes were bloodshot and red, and her mascara had run down her cheeks.

"That was worse then the time I died," Assallya complained.

Then, her bloodshot eyes and running makeup making her look like some sort of vampire or wraith she added, "When I find who did that to me I'm going to murderer them!"

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