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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » We're going on an adventure!

Jack (played by DoogieMeowser)

(( i was referring to Eona

i see now that the wagon behind Tarle is Assallya's wagon and not the wagon immediately behind Tarle lol. we can change it to Jack attacking the two goblins that were coming after Assallya 馃拃馃拃

my bad again. i will get this reading comprehension thing down eventually lmao ))
(( hey! I鈥檓 sorry for the disappearance! Lots has been going on and I haven鈥檛 had much time to be on but I promise I鈥檒l get a response up by the end of the day.))
Jack (played by DoogieMeowser)

(( Happy (belated) Birthday, Helleyn! 馃槃 ))
(((Good afternoon.)))
Eona Morrit (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

((Hello! Can we get a show of hands for who's still here/interested in continuing?))
Jack (played by DoogieMeowser)

(( i'm still here! was waiting for Helleyn to post for the goblins ))
(((May be best just to go on for now. You can try and interact with others instead?)))
Jack (played by DoogieMeowser)

(( i thought that's what i had been doing lol 馃拃
i left it up to the goblins to see if Jack made it to Ruslan or not, but i'll take the goblins into my own hands for now ))
Eona Morrit (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

((I kind of figured we'd give everyone a day or so to check in if they're still interested and then move on from there.))
((Hey team. I myself am currently in the process of moving to a new house, so I won't have access to the internet on my computer until next week.))
Murcary Levi (played by TemtoeZ)

((Yeah I'm still willing to participate if you guys want to go on.))
(((At least it is nearly the weekend.)))
(((Well this sucks. If anyone is actually interested in an RP hit me up, this is clearly a wash.)))
Eona Morrit (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

((Things were going so well too.))
(((Yeah I think we ended up with too many people. )))
Jack (played by DoogieMeowser)

(( we could do ghost posts for those who aren't responding? if anyone takes longer than a week to post, they get a ghost post lol. written by whoever wants to? idk ))
Jack (played by DoogieMeowser)

(( i'm up for a rp, Frost, if you wanna brainstorm ))
Eona Morrit (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

((How about this. Anyone who wants to start a new RP, go to the new Looking for RP I just posted and we'll start brainstorming. Looking for Adventurers ))

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » We're going on an adventure!

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