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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Official event: Winter Masquerade 2022

Tabetha Marrowheart (played by GingerHades)

Dazed and cold from the snowball hit, Tabetha accepted Mimi's help... but not before noticing her hat was missing from atop her head.

"NO!" Aggressively, Tabetha yanked her cloak away from Mimi to put her hood back on, and by extension, grab her hat. She just hoped, well, nobody else noticed the sudden wardrobe malfunction.

Still quite agitated, Tabetha began gathering up the snow that she found and began volleying it at the Frost Giants, for all the good it'd do.
Madelyn (played by Sanne)

The chaos is indescribable to her, her tunnel vision means she's totally focused on fulfilling this one task and she may be unintentionally hitting fellow party goers with her snowballs when she misses!
Mimi (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

Blithely ignoring Tabetha's sudden mood change yet again, Mimi opted to do what everyone was doing and start throwing snowballs. She wasn't particularly good at it... Nor was she particularly bad. She was having fun, though, because it didn't seem like there was any real danger.
Jacob Walker (played by FrostWolf)

Jacob was getting lightheaded....would he be leaving here alive. He was now barrier under snow having been pummeled with snowballs. He couldn't get air to his lungs.
Interdimensional Handyman (played by Kim) Topic Starter

The handyman moves to sling "Barry" over his shoulders as if carrying a wounded comrade out of a war zone, and goes charging behind one of the buffet tables... which he upends, tipping all the food onto the ground, and drops the long table on its side to create some cover. "You roll! I'll throw!" he bellow to "Barry," gesturing at other guests to come join him behind his makeshift barricade. Snowballs thud against the wood boards of the table, and he pops over the top to fling back.
Jacob Walker (played by FrostWolf)

((Barried not barrier)
The Black Rock Hearted Boy (played anonymously)

The boy was startled, but glad to be behind a table for protection.
All he had to do was roll snowballs... Okay...this isn't...too bad.

He began rolling snowballs and putting them in a pile nearby the Handyman.
Mini Might (played by Dragothemonk)

Keeps dropping tiny snowballs on random people laughing a childish dragon laugh
Koi was still slinging snowballs, all over the place. At one point, she probably hit someone on the head, but she was unsure who
Tabetha Marrowheart (played by GingerHades)

BAM! Another snowball to the back, only this time it was from another partygoer!

"HEY!" Enraged, Tabetha retaliated and threw a snowball at Madelyn, aiming for the face.

It was like she had completely dropped the theatrical display for the time being. And maybe she was just a little bit too agitated.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

The Frost Giant reels back as the first snow balls get flung back at it, and it lets out something that sounds like a glacier laughing. It changes from the gatling-gun style of manifesting snowballs, to flinging huge globs of snow overhand at the party goers.
Mimi (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

Deciding that, wow, this barricade idea was really smart, Mimi dashed over to join the Handyman and "Barry" behind the table, grimacing as she stepped in fallen food along the way. She began to assist in rolling snowballs, leaving the throwing to the man who was much more skilled at it.
Jacob Walker (played by FrostWolf)

Jacob's breathing was growing weaker he kept trying to fight himself out of the snow without any luck.
The Black Rock Hearted Boy (played anonymously)

The boy looked at Mimi, gave an awkward smile and then continued rolling snowballs,
Madelyn (played by Sanne)

Madelyn is roaring with laughter, adrenaline pumping, when suddenly she's hit square in the face with a snowball! She coughs and reels back, trying to get the snow off her face and from underneath her mask where it's quickly melting. "CAREFUL!" she yells out, not realizing she'd just delivered her own payload to an unintended target!
Tabetha Marrowheart (played by GingerHades)

After a couple of more angry snowball throws, Tabetha had all but calmed down... and started laughing maniacally.

Soon, she began throwing snowballs at the other partygoers on purpose, like she was getting a lot of enjoyment out of it. "FRIENDLY FIRE, DARLINGS!"

She was still trying to keep up that dramatic personality... but it was being overtaken by a sudden desire to pelt everyone with snowballs.

Interdimensional Handyman (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Spotting someone who was in trouble, the handyman huffs. "STAY UNDER COVER BARRY!" he bellows, about three times louder than necessarily, and goes vaulting over the barricade table to get to Jacob, hefting him over a shoulder and hurrying back toward the barricade.
Mini Might (played by Dragothemonk)

Gets knocked out of the air by a friendly snowball and lands on someone's head
Madelyn (played by Sanne)

POW!! Madelyn eats another snowball, and this time she spots Tabetha as the perpetrator. "OH IS THAT HOW IT IS NOW?!" She cackles gleefully and pelts three snowballs at Tabetha, except.... one misses and is hurtling at the Duchess herself! She watches it happen and gasps, "WATCH OUT!"
Koi was one of the unfortunate individuals who got hit by Tabethas "friendly fire"
"Ack-!" She rolled up a snowball of her own, hitting her back in the face

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