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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Official event: Winter Masquerade 2022

Jacob Walker (played by FrostWolf)

Jacob stood up with an exasperated look he needed to get out of here, but he would expose himself first. He took off his mask, revealing who he really was.
(Also just if you were curious this is Jacob's sister)
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

The Duchess turns to see who is telling her to watch out, and manages to turn *into* the oncoming snowball. It bursts right in her face, showing her with snowflakes. It gives her hair a frosted, glimmering look, as if she only grows more powerful from being hit by snowballs, only becomes more a fanciful creature of winter levity. "Oh no you don't!" she cries, scooping up some snow into a ball and throwing it back at Madelyn.
Interdimensional Handyman (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"You okay Barry?" asks the man as he crouches behind the table again. He sees that now the guests are fighting with each other, but they've gained a new table-ally. "Alright troops. I don't want any randomly thrown snowballs, you hear? You take the time to aim before you throw!"
The Black Rock Hearted Boy (played anonymously)

The boy looked up at the Handyman, "Yeah..." He did a sad smile. "I'm not hurt or anything." He gave Handyman another snowball.
Tabetha Marrowheart (played by GingerHades)

Tabetha has taken multiple snowballs at this point, on behalf of the attendees AND the Frost Giants. Buried in a little mound of snow, two hands emerge from it like a zombie bursting out from its grave.

"ALRIGHT, LET'S KEEP GOIN', SHALL WE?!" Tabetha had stopped trying to keep up the persona entirely. At this point, she was having too much fun to care. Her hat had come off again, and she went to put her hood on again, even though it likely wasn't going to change anything at this point.

More snowballs! Tabetha suddenly ran over to the barricade, keeping her distance, before sending a torrent of snowballs their way.
Mimi (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

"Yes boss!" Mimi giggled, giving the Handyman a thumbs-up as she continued rolling snowballs. She began to carefully aim some at the Frost Giant once more, hoping not to hit any allies along the way.
Mini Might (played by Dragothemonk)

Mini Might finds some of the spilt food and just sit eating while everyone is having their snowball fight
Mimi (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

Suddenly pelted by snowballs from Tabetha, Mimi let out a little squeak as one burst on her golden hat and showered her face with little frosty crystals. "Betrayal!" She cried out dramatically, pointing at Tabetha and playfully hurling a snowball back.
Interdimensional Handyman (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"ARGG!" cries the handyman, flinging his portly body in front of the two teens sharing his barricade. "Not on my watch!" he booms at Tabetha, grabbing the snowballs "Barry" keeps handing him and throwing a volley of them back at Tabetha, even as he splutters snow out of his own face.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

With each snowball that actually hits the frost giant, it seems to shrink ever so slightly, its laughter becoming more pronounced. Now small enough to hide behind a tree if it ducks, it starts to weave in and out of cover. Meanwhile, the Duchess is weaving through the party herself, occasionally taking a shot at the giant, but mostly stalking Tabetha.
She flipped over a empty table, making a small safe place from all the chaos, occasionally throwing a snowball over it, not knowing where it landed
Mini Might (played by Dragothemonk)

Sits back on his back legs and just watches the snowballs fly back and forth thinking to himself -these people are fun-
Madelyn (played by Sanne)

At this point, Madelyn's carefully styled hair is turning into a damp frizz fest, and perhaps a few minutes ago she would feel horror about this turn of events. But as she watches the Duchess eat a snowball and turn her attention on Madelyn she ducks behind the turned over table and giggles. Snow is literally everywhere and it's starting to get a bit cold for her ah.... not too warm gown! She needs to keep moving!! Turning her dress into a makeshift bag, she loads a bunch of snowballs into it and watches the crowd from behind her cover. Who's winning?! Tabetha seems to be on the receiving end of a lot of snowball assaults while the others are grouping together...

Ah, what the heck!! Madelyn, with her dress comically hiked up to keep the snowball payload contained, rushes on over to Tabetha and takes her side, quickly pelting more towards the Handyman and the teens with a small war cry!
The Black Rock Hearted Boy (played anonymously)

Photo warning (optional to view) = Glitching, Flashing, Distortion

The boy flinched upon seeing a flashback to his past.
No, no... No no no no no...

He didn't want to remember it...
The blizzard...That night...

He paused his snowball making and put his arm over his eyes trying to stop thinking about it.
Tabetha Marrowheart (played by GingerHades)

Tabetha was also starting to get chilly, but she couldn't give up just yet!

Noticing Madelyn had joined her side, she grinned, flashing those abnormally-sharp teeth of hers. Stealing some snowballs from Madelyn's load, she began aiming for "Barry" as he seemed to be the one that was in charge of the ammunition!

Tabetha was also taking a lot of snowballs. Her golden locks were messy and damp, and she wasn't making an effort to keep her hood on anymore. Did she notice her hood was off, or did she think that there was no point in keeping it on? Hard to say for sure. Either way, she was getting carried away.
Mimi (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

Mimi continued to throw snowballs, some directed at Tabetha but most at the Frost Giant. The latter ones missed rather frequently, though, as the giant weaved its way between trees... So she opted to run from behind the shelter again, chasing after the Giant and pelting it when she could.
Interdimensional Handyman (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"Not the kiddo!" the handyman shouts, jumping in front of the poor kid as Tabetha targets him and just absorbing the snowball barage.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Finding Mimi its most devoted hunter, the Frost Griant turned its attention to the girl, chucking watermelon sized gobs of loosely packed snow at her. Although it was dodging through the trees, it seemed to be making its way closer in, trying to close with her.

The Duchess, seeing Mini Might was mostly escaping that chaos, turned to throw a teeny tiny snowball at him.
The Black Rock Hearted Boy (played anonymously)

The boy looked up, his eyes showing terror of his past, behind the mask, and remembered what was going on. He shook his head and continued rolling snowballs, trying to forget his past.

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