Okay, now I've never paid for Epic, but I'm thinking about it. I will definitely do so when my bank account allows it. I've been here for a few months, and the whole concept of Epic sounds amazing.
Most 'free' sites that offer a subscription try to shove it down your throat, some even making the site borderline unusable if you aren't paying for it. They lock basic components of the site behind a paywall, along with bombarding you with ads so you can't even see what you're doing. Take Spotify for example. Without Premium, you can pick what playlist you shuffle, but otherwise, you have no control of what you listen to. You get six skips per hour, and four songs play between a 3-minute 'ad break'. In the meantime, ads are plastered across the screen, and popups to buy premium appear when you open the app and at the beginning and end of every ad break. Not to mention that the audio quality of the music you're listening to is significantly worse than the quality of Premium.
If RPR had done this, you'd probably get two characters, about ten different styles for your two characters, you could make ONE forum post per day, and 60% of the site would be suffocated by ads along with the popup to BUY EPIC every five minutes. But RPR doesn't do this. When I come on here, I see an ad from time to time, but it's no biggie. The site is usable without Epic, but the perks of it are viable enough to get people to buy it. With Epic, I get to verify I'm an adult, I get more profile customization, I can use a few more character themes, and I don't see any ads when scrolling the forums. They're not things that I need to use RPR, but they're things an average person would like to have. I'm sure I'm missing a few things, but someone will correct me eventually.
I'm not trying to convince you to buy Epic, I'm really not. All I want to say is that Epic is one of the best subscription services I've ever seen, and the site doesn't pressure you to buy it, it's more of a 'Hey buddy, here's how you can support us, and if you get this, you get a few cool things too! You don't have to have this, but it'd be nice if you did.' and I love it, and it's pretty cheap, too.
Kim, thank you for giving us a way to support your site without sacrificing its accessibilty.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Most 'free' sites that offer a subscription try to shove it down your throat, some even making the site borderline unusable if you aren't paying for it. They lock basic components of the site behind a paywall, along with bombarding you with ads so you can't even see what you're doing. Take Spotify for example. Without Premium, you can pick what playlist you shuffle, but otherwise, you have no control of what you listen to. You get six skips per hour, and four songs play between a 3-minute 'ad break'. In the meantime, ads are plastered across the screen, and popups to buy premium appear when you open the app and at the beginning and end of every ad break. Not to mention that the audio quality of the music you're listening to is significantly worse than the quality of Premium.
If RPR had done this, you'd probably get two characters, about ten different styles for your two characters, you could make ONE forum post per day, and 60% of the site would be suffocated by ads along with the popup to BUY EPIC every five minutes. But RPR doesn't do this. When I come on here, I see an ad from time to time, but it's no biggie. The site is usable without Epic, but the perks of it are viable enough to get people to buy it. With Epic, I get to verify I'm an adult, I get more profile customization, I can use a few more character themes, and I don't see any ads when scrolling the forums. They're not things that I need to use RPR, but they're things an average person would like to have. I'm sure I'm missing a few things, but someone will correct me eventually.
I'm not trying to convince you to buy Epic, I'm really not. All I want to say is that Epic is one of the best subscription services I've ever seen, and the site doesn't pressure you to buy it, it's more of a 'Hey buddy, here's how you can support us, and if you get this, you get a few cool things too! You don't have to have this, but it'd be nice if you did.' and I love it, and it's pretty cheap, too.
Kim, thank you for giving us a way to support your site without sacrificing its accessibilty.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
I need a like button
it's a good talk, epic is awesome

Mirabell wrote:
I need a like button
I absolutely love Epic Membership. You said everything I love about it!~
Thank you so so much for this. Making the site usable and fun for everyone even if they can't afford/don't want to financially support it has been a goal of mine since the beginning. I get a lot of complaints from people who want more stuff but can't pay for it, or who think it's a big corp that could afford to give away more and don't realize it's literally just me over here, so it's always nice to see it affirmed that I am doing an okay job of balancing the need for cash to keep the site going with providing a good thing for everyone.
Kim wrote:
Thank you so so much for this. Making the site usable and fun for everyone even if they can't afford/don't want to financially support it has been a goal of mine since the beginning. I get a lot of complaints from people who want more stuff but can't pay for it, or who think it's a big corp that could afford to give away more and don't realize it's literally just me over here, so it's always nice to see it affirmed that I am doing an okay job of balancing the need for cash to keep the site going with providing a good thing for everyone.
That's understandable. You've gotta get this bread somehow. I was thinking about making a post like this earlier, and I was kinda making it just to voice my opinion when someone complained to be that 'everything's gotta be a membership'
To anyone that can afford epic but are still thinking about it, I cannot recommend it enough! It really is worth it, I promise
To those who can't afford it there are also contests and stuff usually, especially during epic week that you can win things to upgrade your account, so it's always good to keep an eye out for those

Loki wrote:
To anyone that can afford epic but are still thinking about it, I cannot recommend it enough! It really is worth it, I promise
To those who can't afford it there are also contests and stuff usually, especially during epic week that you can win things to upgrade your account, so it's always good to keep an eye out for those 

I'll keep that in mind!

It’s pretty cheap, but the site seems well moderated.
Elsewhere it’s either: not moderated/enforced, or it’s filled with power-hungry individuals.
Back to the Epic stuff, it cost around 4-5$.
To me, the more a site is well moderated, the more i will buy something from there.
Elsewhere it’s either: not moderated/enforced, or it’s filled with power-hungry individuals.
Back to the Epic stuff, it cost around 4-5$.
To me, the more a site is well moderated, the more i will buy something from there.
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