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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Great Forest Clan

Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She looked over at him closely as if trying to see if trying to see if it was a meet trick before nodding and taking her cloak off. Wrapping it around him, She helped him stand on one foot and began to hobble back to the village.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Rro looked at the girl without the cloth, "Are you sure you won't be cold?" He asked as they hobbled back finally entering the village once more Rro apologized for the horse he lost, only half meaning it. In his defense he was in a lot of pain. Maybe this time healing his leg would help him with his ego.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She was about to respond In a way when two men came up grabbing her. "You left without anyone knowing!!" One shouted fearfully. "Your father is outraged!!" The other hissed angrily.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

With only one leg and her supporting him he fell just outside the medical tent. "What the hell," Rro cursed, "Let her go!" Still on the ground he pulled out the bloody rock and threw it at one of the men, hitting him in the face. He was a rude bastard but he owed Cleo his life, and on top of that she was rather attractive, "I said let her go!
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

One Rolled his eyes. "You're the human. Pathetic." He growled while the girl glared. "Your father requests your council In ten minutes. Don't be late." He said as the two guards talked off. SHE helped Rro up. Helping him into the tent.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"You know," Rro said, "In most island tribes I've passed threw they don't treat their leaders daughter like that." The pirate was questioning the loyalty of the villagers to their leader if they would grab her like that. Was their tension in the village he had arrived in or was the tension being created because of him. Rro sat on the cot once more, "I'm gonna need a new sort of let," he told her, "But you go to your meeting, well discuss further when your back."
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

SHE watched him closely before nodding slightly. SHE grabbed a walking staff from the aide and handed it to him. Then SHE headed to a tent with Athem.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Rro sat in the tent waiting for the girls meeting to begin. He wish he had one of his pistols, he would feet a lot better with a familiar weapon to protect himself with. "I wonder what that meeting was all about?" He asked himself, he clutched the staff like a bat, "first person who ain't the girlie to walk in is gonna get a staff to the head." Rro assumed the meeting was whether to dump him off their land or not.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

After an hour of so, Cleo came back in with her hood pulled over her face. She grabbed some ointment and laid him down, applying some to his leg to keep it from getting infected all the time, keeping her head down, and hood over her head.

(Sorry it took so long, It's didn't show you had responded. I had to search.)
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"He hit you," Rro grunted, the ointment hurt but it was kind of her to come back for him. The cane fell to the floor, "maybe a war is what you need girlie." He knew it sounded crazy but if civil war hadn't torn his home upside down he would never have seen the corruption within his own culture and been able to escape. "You can leave..." he smiled thinking of his own life, "you can be anyone." Not a public speaker, he snickered at his own thought, niceties or not he was still an jerk.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

she simply shook her head and took a roll of bandages wrapping his leg. Her shoulders slumped forward as she took off her hood. Her cheek was red and turning purple. She grabbed her knife and wrote in the dirt. "I don't mind my own destiny. The fates created a path for me to follow. I know my place, and I crossed it. That's a fact, he only wanted to show me my mistake." She wrote turning to rinse her hands in a basin.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"People who have a place are fools," Rro said sitting up, "you don't mold yourself to fit a certain place, you mold a place around how you want to live your life." He was silent, all that was heard was the air shaking the opening of the tent creating a flapping noise. "But if you enjoy getting beat, then stay here..."
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She turned away from GG I'm her back facing him. Her shoulders slumped forward and She left the tent quickly trying to hide the fact that She was crying. After a few minutes two others came In. They were tiny, No more then six. One a boy, and one a girl. The only difference running their appearance was their blue eyes. One was pale light blue like Cleo's and the other read more grey.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

He saw he leave and it was almost like he regret what he said, but he didnt. Heartless or not she needed to hear it, she needed to know that this was not the place for her if she wasnt happy. Rro had used this same argument to bed wives of sailors at ports he stopped in, but this time it was true which actually suprised him. His words were never used to help people... after he left his county he only used his voice to strike fear in his foes or order a command. He used his words to place a bet or to order a drink but now all he wanted to say was that it would be ok, to a girl he had only just met. The kids entered, "Who the hell are you dorks?" He snapped, only mad at himself.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

The girl whispered and the boy snorted. "Cleo's siblings. So the rumors are true..." the both said as the stoic girl nodded. "Brother...head the human who Nguyen sister defended In the high council." The girl whispered pulling on his sleeve.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Even with a cane I can't walk," Rro muttered, he had nothing wrong with kids but he was unfamiliar with the culture of this village. Apparently they sent kids to deal with strangers, what if Rro had been an escaped convict or a blood thirsty pirate. Oh wait, just one second, "Go back to mommy and daddy, send Cleo back. Sulking isn't gonna solve her daddy issues... Tell her i said that, tell I said, sulking aint gonna solve your daddy issues."
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

The girls gaze darkened creepily as the boy nodded. "Sure thing Diaper Baby!" The little boy grinned cockily. They grabbed hands and the boy dragged the till glaring little girl out. After about twenty minutes there was shouting and Cleo quickly hurried into the tent grabbing her bow and arrows with Athem right on her heels.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

The wait was long and Rro had grown tired, he hadn't passed out but more like slipped into a fairly light slumber. The intrusion of the two startled him a bit, "what's going on, here to kill me already?" He joked until he realized they were seriously worried about something or other, "Hey whats going on? Mute girl, use your hands!"
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

Athem had grabbed a knife from the table. "There are men with guns inside your borders. We must stop them before the reach the village or everyone will be In danger. Including you. Stay quite and stay here." Athem ordered as both he and Cleo geared up.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"I need a leg to fight!" Rro looked around, "Or get me one of their guns." He looked at Cleo, "Trust me Doll, get me a gun and these men wont live to see their bodies hit the ground." Rogers wasn't a good swordsman, and he had never touched a bow and arrow but his marksmanship with a pistol, or rifle were dead on.

Could these people be the guards he had escaped from two or three days ago? Or were these the people Cleo had hoped wouldn't attack if he died, and then he did die. Pirates maybe, searching for the map Rro was hiding in his pants, "Wait, what did you guys do with my prison pants?" He looked around once more, it didn't matter right now, he had to focus on getting a gun.

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