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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Great Forest Clan

Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She shifted looking between him and the people running into the trees. "There's no time, no need-" Athem began before Athem smacked him in the stomach with her bow. Turning to Rro, she gave a stiff nod as they began heading out.

At the mention of his pants Athem smirked over his shoulder. "Don't worry, they are being washed. In the mean time. Fight with this." He said tossing a rock at his bed side.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"I don't know how to use a bow!" But when a rock was tossed to his bedside Rro laughed, "you have got to be kidding me." Rogers threw the rock at Athem's head once more, missing this time. "Get me a freakin gun!" He assumed there was no such weapon in the village, but if people were attacking maybe they had guns. "I can help, cross my heart.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

Cleo s try giggled before just nodding him, In which Athem returned with a sigh. "She has consented to your use of a firearm." She tossed him a knife for the time being and ran out quickly.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"This isn't a damn fire arm?" Rro looked around, leg, leg, leg... He needed something to replace his leg, but what? Letting himself fall off the wooden bed he flipped it over and began hacking one of the legs of the table off with Cleo's knife, "this may work." He kept tearing away at the wood, he needed to cut it just right to be valences and stay on his leg at least long enough to climb an archer tower or tree with a gun on his back.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

After quite a bit of time, the twins returned seeing a large shot gun, both holding an end. "A firearm for the diaper baby human boy!" The boy grinned running over with his sister trailing behind carrying the barrel.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Very nice! Very nice indeed," Rro opened it, two shots inside. "Hey I'll give you two a prize for each extra round you can find me. He chuckled and went back to his piece of art, this leg wants all that strong but it would have to do. He used extra gauze and some torn bedding to tie it firmly on his stub. With a wobble he stood, "this may work for now." He slung the gun over his shoulder and grabbed the cane. It was time to shoot some fools!
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

The children nodded running off quickly to find more amo for their prize. When he stepped outside it was chaos, people were putting from the village and buildings were on fire. People were bleeding an dying. Children were running form the village.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Who is doing this," Rro looked around seeing an archer tower, unfortunately it was on fire. That wasn't an option. Screams and fire seemed to be coming from everywhere, "Cleo!" Where was she, and her annoying body guard? Smoke filled the air and made everything hard to see, if he could get to higher ground he could find her and find out who the enemy is!
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

There was a couple of people were shooting at something In the smoke with their bows and arrows, as they kept a safe distance away.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Finally finding a large rock and climbing up it he began to search with his eyes, finally finding Cleo with his eyes he called to her, "who is it?" Gun in one hand, cupping his voice with the other, "who the hell is attacking?!?" He moved off the rock via tree branch, climbing upward warily with his fake leg. What was going on, he wondered to himself.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She looked at him with a looking of confusion and fear. Looking up, She shot and arrow as someone came running from the smoke and shot a bullet at her.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Rro had a policy of never killing anyone he didn't know, these people didn't look like the guards that he had escaped from. He could try to shoot to disarm but with a shot gun that task would be like shooting the tail off a mouse. "Where is Athem?" However much he disliked that guy, Rro needed to know what was going on. He saw the children approach with ammo.

"Ok guys new task, get me that gun!" Rro pointed to a rifle on a fallen man, "and get me as much ammo for that gun as you can, once I have that one I can really give every one some cover." Rogers looked around seeing a water tower looking thing. Boom! One shot with the shot gun brought it slamming down. It may have wasted the villages water but it put out all the fires. Seeing the kids still standing there Rro got impatient, "The hell are you two waiting for? Go... Unless your a diaper baby?" He smiled darkly at the lad.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

The boy growled and dragged the girl off to the riffle. CLEO pointed over the smoke to athem who Rwanda slicing away at the men.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Who ever Rwanda was, he was big, most likely the leader, but Athem wasn't doing so bad against the dark skinned giant. "Athem!" The fight twisted and Rwanda's back was in the way, Rro shot a shell Boom! the man fell, and Rro loaded the shell the kids found back into the shot gun. "Who are these men?"
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

"Rounders!! Humans who disagree with the treaty, but they haven't been seen for years!" He shouted cutting down another enemy.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Finally something to fight for!" A man raised a knife too the kids as they tried to get Rro the rifle, BOOM! The man fell, but with the weak accuracy of the shotgun he hoped he didn't hit one of the kids. Flinching at the thought he called out, "You guys good?" Rro unhooked the gun, pulling it in half so no one could use it, "I really need that weapon guys!"

Rro tossed the pieces of the shot gun in two different directions. He climbed up a bit, now at the top of the rock he could see the area better. Unfortunately this made him more visible for enemies to fire at him but he didn't really care at this point.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

The twins hurried and held the gun up for him. "Here!!" The boy shouted propping them up.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Stay behind me," Rro took a breathe, one, two, three. The men appeared out of the smoke, click, Bang! Click, Bang! Click, Bang! The men dropped clutching different parts of their body. Rro was a pirate, a theif, and a liar, but not a killer.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

The girl gripped and hid behind his leg tightly, while the boy hurled stones at on coming enemies. "Take that you diaper baby!" He laughed as one nailed a man In the eye.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Little man," Rogers yelled at the kid, who in all honesty was going to get himself shot doing that, "find me some ammo! I'll protect your sister!" He looked over at Cleo, click, Bang! "Sisters..." He had taken out a man coming up from her left that she may not have seen. "Go!" Rro only had about three shots left.

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