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Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

"Yeah!" The boy laughed dragging his sister behind him. "I find want to horses are scary!!" The girl cried being tolled In front of the horse. Cleo stretched upwards and yawned. Looking around Curiously.

She reached up and fixed her hair. She stood absconder head to the side. here brothers tree r and sister were getting the horse and talking to it. She packed her things and smiled at them. She headed over to Rro.

'When do we leave?' She writes.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Rro finally stood, "now," he wrapped up his sleeping cloth and mounted the children on the horse. "If we all continue to ride one horse it will break it's legs or get exhausted too fast." He loaded what little supplies they had on it's back, "time to head to the sea." He smiled as the began to walk south, he would finally see his water dragon again.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She nodded In understanding before gently caressing the horses face. Her hands shook slightly and she took a sharp breath. SHE truly was doing this. SHE prayed the God's understood and would not through her soul to Hades if they got the chance. Her thoughts were broken as the children sang. That is, until they reached their destination.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

The port town wasn't big but it was busy. Reygo, he had heard all it was known for was one talented woman in the only whore house here. Pirates, fishers, and traders alike had agreed that she was the only good thing about Reygo, other then that it smelled like fish and vomit. "Welcome to the real world kids," he chuckled a little bit as he started to breathe through his mouth, "nothing beats the legendary port village of Reygo!"

A small trade ship had just docked, this was relevant by the swarm of men running towards the building titled, The Lonely Lion. Rro smiled, the only people on that ship would be the captain and one or two other unlucky souls. "Cleo, our target is that ship," he paused checking his gun. He had one one rifle shot left, and about four or five pistol shots. "Once we get it well take the children to my friend an island down the coast a little ways." Rifle on his back he prepared his pistol, a plan would help but they wouldn't get an opportunity like this again.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

Cleo looked around and held back the urge to throw up as the smell of fish flooded her senses. she gagged and made frantic motions with her hands. Her sister pulled on his sleeve.

"She wants to know two things..." She said softly. "Why this place smells like the inside of a grown mans stomach, and What we should do about the ship?"

The boy groaned tilting his head. "And when do we eat?" Cleo watched the shore in deep interest and awe. It was was wild and controlling and ravishing all at once.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

It was about a ninety percent chance the traders ship was full of food, but how to get on it without attracting the Ocean Guard. "This is one of the last stops before the open waters, oceans so horrid that most men are either using the village for one last naught hurrah or a place to sleep in their body bags." He wasn't looking at the kids or the girl, his eyes were glued on the ship and all angles to commandeer it.

So the smells are a mix of both men leaving with a bang and returning without a pulse," his eyes saw a big mill looking barn. Buildings like this were often near ports for traders life stock to keep healthy before venturing out again and if this venue wasn't well cleaned or kept up it could add to the horrid stench. But the barn was architecture from the Blade Lands, meaning it had a wide swinging roof placing the edge of it close enough to jump onto the ship from it.

A plan began to formulate, "ok, the brats will enter from the front and ask the men to help them find their mother," Rro smiled, it may give them something to distract and it'd get the kids aboard safely, "meanwhile Cleo and I will break into the Cow Mill, get to the roof and I'll jump aboard while you cover me with your arrows from the roof." That would assure that no straggling crew retook the ship and as they escaped Cleo would be clear to jump aboard.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

Cleo took a moment to run the plan quickly through her head before nodding slightly in agreement. The kids hopped off the horse to go do their part of the plan with the perfect sob story. Cleo hopped off as well and placed a kiss on its nose before grabbing her bow tightly in her right hand. She headed off to the cow mill where she looked upon the creatures with interest.

She pointed at one childishly and stuck her index fingers up like horns on her head. She pursed her lips in an 'oo' shape before tilting her head. She seemed to ask it they made noises or sounds.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Yeah most of them make noise why do you ask?" Rro realized this may be a good diversion too he opened the front door and a few animals began to exit but as he lead Cleo to the roof he fired a shot at the ground causing the cattle and swine to charge out of the Cow Mill. "That otta help with the Ocean Guard." He smiled and stepped into the roof where he witnessed the two crew members talking to the kids as a third approached.

Rro jumped down to the boat, "suprise!" He fired off three shots but one missed and the pirate drew his sword, Bang, Bang, Bang! The swordsman rushed at Rro as he loaded the flint and bullet into the pistol. "Cleo?"
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

An arrow lodged itself into the wood of the stern. Attached to it's end was a rope. Cleo came riding down on the rope before knocking someone down. She stood up and plucked the arrow from the wood. She looked up with an excited smile on her features.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Damnit girl, do you have hearing problems?" She had taken out the swords man but she left the roof top. The captain rushed out from bellow deck, having watched the events unfold he back handed the little boy into the wooden railing knocking him out and he grabbed the girl. "If you had flowed the plan you could have snipped that bastard!" Rogers called back to her as he jumped off ship, "set sail! I'll get the girl!"

He used the bayonet on the rifle to slice the lead lines holding the ship in bay, he turned to the ship and fired his one musket round out of the rifle before dropping the gun to pursue the girl. The small round was a perfect shot and hit the wheel turning the ship outward so all Cleo would have to do is hold the ship steady. "Stop!" He yelled at the captain who was trapped between a heard of animals and Rro, "drop the dagger!" He had a knife to the little girls neck.

Drop the gun pirate, or the girl dies! Rro let the pistol, only one bullet inside, hit the ground. He raised his hands and began to focus, it was time to see how rusty his blood magic was...
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

Cleo almost growled at him. She didn't know how to star a ship. She'd never seen anything like it In her life. She hurried over to anything that looked like it could help. Seeing a wheel She grumbled internally before spinning the wheel clockwise. Seeing as boat began spinning towards the docks, She jumped In surprise and immediately began spinning out towards sea.

Meanwhile, Alice, as the twin preferred, Was starring blankly at Rro as if She was In No danger at all.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Rro's fingers began to move slowly like a puppet master, no strings just ancient ninja arts from his life before the sea. He had focused his power to quell the pain form his self amputation so trying to save the girl was literally causing him pain. Shooting pain up his leg and into his side even. But the mans hand did begin to tremble slowly, What the hell? What are you?? The captain froze in fear as the dagger raised away from the girls neck and up toward his own.

Rogers hadn't yet killed anyone upon breaking out of jail. Only meaning or paralyzingly shots to subdue his foes but this guy might hurt someone else if he's cruel enough to hold a dagger to a child's neck. "Run girl," Rro yelled, "to the top of the cow mill!" His fingers twitched slowly as the blade ran along the mans neck lowly, No! Please I'm sorry!! I didn't mean t... The body fell limp and lifeless to the floor, Rro picked up the dagger and opened his shirt carving two scars together creating a Roman numeral four. Four people he had killed, he would always remember. He turned and began sprinting to the Cow Mill!
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

The girl took off running from where She saw the two jump. The girl looked for her brother and saw his limp form on the deck. She ran over and tossed him inner back. "That was cool." She said looking up at him with a creepy grin. "Teach me." She said shifting to keep her brother In her back.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Rro climbed the Cow Mill again like the girl had but it was too late for him to jump. Bang! Rro had been ready to jump and an Ocean Guard had shot threw his wooden leg sending him tumbling off the Mill and to the ground.Jolly Rro Rogers, you are here by under arrest for murder, thievery, commandeering, evasion of capture, and use of Dark Magic! Rro began to black out from the fall he whispered some words before being carried off to jail once more.

"Find your freedom Cleo..." And with that Captain Rogers was put into chains and carried off. Though he would never see the woman or the children again he knew that they were going to have amazing adventures and stories together. And it was only a matter of time before Rro broke out again.Take this pirate scum away! Fate pushes people's destinies in different ways, if Rro and Cleo never met he would be frozen to death with infection growing in his leg. And as for her she would have died in the raiding of the village, murdered along with the rest of her people.

But as for now it was time for their fates to diverge courses, and sail into different waters, "good bye..."
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

Cleo's eyes went wide And her hands flew to her mouth. She stumbled back slightly. Why would he just give up? Did he want to be free In the first place? She just saw the Sea, and a ship...


And Sure he was a pirate...but he's done so much for her and her family...


And she's finally getting her dream, but at What? The cost of her new friend.

Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

The End

That was so awesome and great :) Thank you so much for RP-ing with Rro! It was a pleasure and I hope I get to work with you soon again.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

It was lots of fun!! :)

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