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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Great Forest Clan

Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She looked down and touched her bow. 'My human side...' She wrote. 'First years my people had followed the same rules, same lessons, never evolving...but by mother always had new ideas from the outside world...I think, I want to make a difference...maybe break tradition...'
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Tomorrow then, tomorrow we will flee this land then," Rro smiled laying back, "but you have no revengeful thoughts on the men that did this to your people?" Rogers examined his gun, "You and me, lets leave the children here and take down the men that slaughtered your family, your home." Rro stood up and looked around in the trees, "In and out, I owe you that, your first kiss brought me back to life."
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She reached out and touched their heads watching them lovingly. 'Where would they stay? Not within a normal home...they do not age like normal children...' She wrote kissing each of their heads. 'But They're still too young To take care of themselves. '
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Not leave them fully behind," Rro smiled, "I have many friends among the island, they will take good care of them unless you plan to be a mother yourself." He knew that the life of a pirate was not the place for children. But he couldn't tell her that, she belonged with her own kind if thats what she wished. He didn't know why he even cared about her different from other woman, it could just be the life she gave him, or how pretty she was. There had to be more to it than just that.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She closed her eyes tightly preventing tears falling. She took a deep breath and nodded slightly as She ran her fingers through the children's white hair. 'They'll be safe? And cared for?' She wrote sticking her knife In the ground next to the writing.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Rro didn't know, he trusted this woman, she had cared for him anytime he had gotten scurvy or the ember rash. "Her name is Melodia, she's a witch doctor on an island south of Loqwood." Rro had fond memories of the old crock and her massive amounts of potions and poisons. Be careful what bottle you drink from, she would always laugh. She was a painted skin, black like the Shadorian's. "Yeah, she'll take care of your siblings," He smiled.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She nodded sadly and kissed their heads. 'How soon can we get there?' She wrote looking up from the top of her curved blade as it glinted In the fire. She much preferred her bow an arrow, but when it was unwise as a strategy, She always used her mother's knife. She always kept it hidden, but unlike her father, her mother treated her kindly and lovingly, not as a simple pawn. She tried to give here a child Hood. And After She had left, everything tumbled down hill. The only person who had respected her dead... however, now She felt a bond with her picking..and She protected them with her life.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Go to bed, well leave here at dawn," Rro smiled at her before turning over and going to bed. A cripple, a model, and a pair of sock puppets. This would be an interesting trip down these frozen hills. He tried to fall asleep but it was damn cold he looked over about an hour later, "hey are you up?" He didn't want to wake her if she was asleep, "can we talk, your hands on my temples? Psychic voodoo or something?"
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She nodded slightly crawling over to him and putting her hands on his head, instantly transport them to the looking black room. "What do you need to talk about?" She asked folding her legs under herself so She was kneeling on air. "Or could you simply not find dreams to take you to sleep?"
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Truth is I wanted to ask you what you are," he asked, touching her cheek, "I'm pretty sure your not human, but though your facial features represent a mermaid you've got legs." The second part of that statement wasn't an observation or the truth, it was a smug wooing complement. But unfortunately the jury was still out on whether or not it would work.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She pulled back slightly from his touch, out of nerves or embarrassment she's not Sure. But as she pulled back the front parts of her hair She made her pointed ears more defined.

'I'm an elf. Pro Protector of the forest and other other living things. Almost like a nymph but we don't love running trees.'
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"And as the protector of the forest you would just leave?" If he was to take her on adventures around the world he needed to KNOW that she had made the right choice for herself. Rro didn't mind being hated, in fact if only ten people in the world liked him that would be just fine, but he'd find them and make them join his crew.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

"Unfortunately, the time outside of our own are changing, No matter What my father denies." She said folding her knees against her Cheshire and resting her head on them. "And the more hand we so call 'reclaim' from the humans the more chance they have of dying off completely."
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Humans? Dying off completely?? Are you insane???" Rro began to laugh a bit, "I've only met a handful of Elf tribes, but the humans fill the land and the sea. I understand you may have been trapped in this village for the past few years of your life but times have definitely changed doll face." The pirate took his fake leg off still blind to the outside world, fully I thraulled in the elf's mind powers.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

"I worry...." She said softly closing her eyes. "We are supposed to protect the earth and all head done is protect himself...What Has the work become while we've been cooped up?"
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

He didn't know what to say, if she believed her place was out in the world she deserved that. And he wouldn't stop her from it, but the kids? Would they feel betrayed or left out? Abandoned by all that they had left? It's not like Rro really cared, he'd get to be on a ship alone with a beauty like Cleo, but still it seemed like something she wasn't considering, "sleep on it," he said, slowly pulling her hands away from his temples and kissing one of her fingers. "Tomorrow we ride for port," and he released her hands, shit his eyes, and rolled over.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

SHE watched him closely, and crawled back over to the children. SHE rested he head on their moss pillows. There, SHE laid and watched the stars. Her mother once said that to be safe, we often pay the price of never knowing the outside the way it is. And often, to find adventure, we may pay the price of being hurt. But did SHE want to find adventure In the great wide world SHE had never known, or be promise safety and left to be curious the rest of her life.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Rro slept pretty soundly, because of his late night he slept past sunrise. It mattered not though if he left at dawn or not, it wasn't like the port was going anywhere. Unfortunately after a bit longer the children began trying to get him up, "Shut up brats let me sleep," he laughed, actually quite amused by their plea.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

"You said! You said!" They chanted shaking him slightly. "You said we'd see the ocean! Is it big?" The boy grinned. "Is it scary?" The girl questioned. "is it pretty?" "Does it kill people?"
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Yes, yes, yes, also yes, and yes all the time," he crossed his arms over his face trying to shut out the sun light but he knew soon enough they would have to get going, "you too check on the horse, make sure it's all ready to ride, by the way this is your surprise for getting me the ammo."

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