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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Great Forest Clan

Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She growled and pulled out an arrow. Pulling it into the quiver, she Shot the ground in front of the horse. It spooked the poor horse sending the boy flying.

Running she slid in the snow next to him and placed her hands on his temples. Soon enough they were thrown into a black universe, both floating beside each other.

"You idiotic asshat!!" She growled. "You are going to die, and you are in the forest. Our Forest! And everything here thrives and flourishes!! Even your pathetic, human life!!"
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"What the hell girl you can talk?" Rro was clutching his leg, his landing on his back in the soft snow wasn't painful but the leg was dying, he could feel it. "If I was you I'd be more concerned about your boy friend! Just leave me and my leg alone!" He didn't like to admit it but he was scared, scared of the truth that she was right about his leg.

"Let me go, unless you have some alternative motive for keeping me here?" Rro chuckled, "princess want a kiss or something." Rro's scoff turned into a growl as the leg throbbed harder pulling into his head, this had started to give him a headache. Why wouldn't she let him leave maybe if he returned to the nice warm sea, where ever that was, he'd be ok again.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She sighed. "You're quite dense. We are in your mind. Now, Please understand, this is not for you, but me. If it be known to the others that a human died while the accords are present, many will die in a great war. Please..." She said exasperated.

"Both your people and my people will die!" She shouted. "Do you want all that blood on your hands because you're a coward?!"
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"My people? My people??" Rro began to laugh before once again realizing he was in agony, "I have no people girl, I only have me and the sea, and she really does miss me so I do need to get going back to her!" Rro tried to push the girl away but he ached, the pain was starting to affect all his nerves.

"Oh and don't worry! I won't die on your land, cause I'm not going to die at all!" Rro used his right foot to kick her backwards across the snow, he struggle to get up again and grabbed the horse. Jumping on he yelled, "yahhh!" And the horse was off, finally getting out of that damn village, finally escaping those butchers who wanted to take one of his sea legs from him.

The steed galloped faster and fast, but the quicker it went the more Rro bounced and the more he bounced the more pain he was in. Finally it was too much for him and his senses went dull as he slid off the horse into the snow and slid down a short ridge. Turning over and over and finally landing in a puff of powder snow he lay before an empty cave.

With his last ounce of strength he crawled inside before he passed out from his pain, at least here no one would take his leg, "so what now you damn dragon!? How will I get back to sea?? How will I be the greatest pirate ever if I'm dead?? Tell me!!" Rro was silent, he had been yelling only in his thoughts.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She watched him ride off and clenched her fists together shakily. 'The accords..' she thought angrily.

'Fine...let him die...we'll win this war hand claim our lands back from these savages.' She sneered In her mind.

She turned and began walking Back. 'Don't look back, don't look back, don't-god dammit!' Her mind screamed as She turned running off In the direction he did.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Rro was cold and dying what was he to do, he couldn't just let them take his leg. His eyes flickered as he faded in and out of consciousness, "I wouldn't die, for anyone," a single tear fell from his left eye, "not even for my own leg." Rro thought about his life, it hadn't amounted to all he wanted, there was still more to do, more to be!

He looked around and grabbed a sharp looking rock, "If the leg has to go, I'm gonna be the one to take it off!" The pointed rock was brought down hard on his left leg right above the knee, followed by a scream no man or woman has ever made before. This wasn't a scream a human could possibly make, it was the scream of a soul. Every drop of blood, every thought in his head, every bone in his body howled at the same time.

"Come on death!" Rro yelled, "lets dance!" And with that the rock was slammed back into his now open wound.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

Cleo looked for him. If he dies the accords will be broken and years of war will wage on. She hurriedly searched high and low searching for anywhere he could be.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

The more he smashed into his leg the more he yelled, he began to see things now. But from his rigorous training when he was a ninja he was able to use his blood arts to keep himself from losing too much blood. The rock hit almost in slow motion at times and the whole world slowed with it.

Snow didn't fall, water didn't drop animals didn't run he was surrounded in an air of his own. Caught between pain and pride. Finally he broke the bone, but this was followed by no scream but a laugh. "I will not be killed, not by death, not by fate, not by guards and defiantly not some damn infection!" A grinding sound was heard as he pushed the rock through the first bone twisting and bashing the second.

Footsteps were heard out in the snow, "finally," Rro was actually pleased to hear these, "lend me your knife girl..."
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

Looking paler In the face, She slid her knife across the floor and ran outside to be sick. Coming back, She had her wrist pressed to her nose from the smell.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Tossing the rock aside Rro went away hacking and stabbing at his own leg and the blood started to leak away. His powers were slipping and he was losing blood once more unable to control its movement. It came to the point he truly could take it and began laughing, actually laughing, "Girl, girl please," he called to her most likely making her question his sanity, "Pull! Pull it off!!!"

There is most likely a reason doctors don't just pull off limbs when they are doing amputation, but Rro was no doctor and just wanted the dead meat off his body. The water dragon slithered out of the depths of this once to believed shallow cave. You will not die here Rogers, even an infant prince must learn to walk before it learns to rule a kingdom! Grab your blood, it is the key! "Aye aye," Rro said almost sounding drunk, he stopped his bloods escape once more by controlling the blood to tie his artery and veins together clotting and sealing most of it in.

"Girl what the hell did I just say!" Rro yelled about to pass out again, "Pull my damn leg off!"
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She nodded stiffly kneeling next to him and grilling his ankle. She locked eyes with him almost preparing him before pulling it clean off.

She bit her lip holding her hands over the wound to try and prevent bleeding.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

He ripped up his fur jacket that was stollen anyway. "Tie it..." he whispered, his soul was fading away slowly, "Cover it with the fur, unless you got cloth... Cloth would be beeeeeeh." Rro slumped down dead, his heart had stopped! To save him the girl would have to use cloth to tie up the wound and the push on his chest followed by breathing into his mouth. Without each of these in the next sixty seconds Rro would be nothing but a cold corpse.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

(Of course She would. XD)

She quickly tied it off to prevent the bleeding and began panicking. She had No idea how to start a heart!! She knew humans had the 'kiss of life' but she'd never done it!!

Hurriedly laid him down and pumped his chest. She pinched his nose before breathing into his lungs.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

You know that light everyone talks about, nice and warm, like laying on the beach feet in the ocean... Its a lie, and people are full of crap. The dark dusty desolate land of the afterlife awaited, and Death was looking Rro right in the eyes. Welcome Captain Rogers, I've been waiting for you. You and your leg! Death was holding the cold, limp leg in his boney claws, "Keep it, your no deity of mine." Rro outstretched his middle finger as a chilling blue light forced him upward into life once more.

He looked into the girl as her lips pulled away from his, "thanks doll," Rro smiled. His hand shot up grabbing the side of the girls neck, fingers reaching up to the back of her head, he pulled her down and kissed her. His left leg despite the lower part missing, was feeling a lot better, blood all circulating again. She had saved him, and so he thanked her, enjoying every moment of their kiss.
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She made a silent protest pushing away from holding fervently. 'Oh God.' As soon as She pulled away She smacked him with her pale face now flushed.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"I had to thank you some how," Rro laughed, fighting back his pain more easily without his infected leg. The pirate rubbed his cheek still smiling at her, his temperament obviously unaffected by his recent run in with death and then his slap from the angel that brought him back. But by now thoughts began to circulate in his mind.

"What happens if someone does die on this land?" Rogers asked, "you said something about a war?" These matters would usually neither concern nor interest him in the slightest, but seeing how he may be here a little longer then expected he had to ask. "I only ask because despite my lively appearance now, I did just die on your land..."
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She look up her bloodied dagger from the dirt, beginning to write:
'Thousands of years ago, a great war took place. It as one in which two worlds collided: Humans, and those of the forest. Hundreds of lives were lost. After years of hardship, both came to decision. Every generation the first born would marry a human. Thus joining the two worlds in peace. On one condition. Any lives lost on either land would be counted. And if a human were to die on our lands, war would wage again." She finished before continuing.

'My mother died a couple years ago. Fortunately, she was joined in marriage with my father, making her a technical citizen of our lands. Still a human, be seen as a nymph.'
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

"Ok, so is there gonna be war or not doll?" Rro looked around, the former captain hated war, it had taken his bride to be from him back six or seven years ago during the civil war of his country. But It wasn't his anymore, he swore never to return to that place again. "I just died on your precious land... I saw death, and I think I angered him a bit too," Rro frowned, he hoped there wasn't a war, this girl did just save him, he kind of owed her, but he didn't want to have to fight another war especially in his current state. "So is my death gonna have a bad impact on your treaty doll?"
Cleo (played by miki-muse718) Topic Starter

She shrugged spinning the dagger in her finger tips slowly. 'I don't know...I hope that with no proof you truly died, the pact remains...but if not I need to prepare my comrades...' She wrote staring at the dirt distractedly.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318)

Rro nodded beginning to shiver, it was cold and he was only waring fur pants. No shirt and again no shoes. He looked at her hoping she might have something. "May I rest in your village while I learn to walk again?" Rro asked, he had been quite rude to the girl, but in his line of work a few names and a kiss were nothing compared to the normalcy of his pirating kind.

But it wasn't about any of that stuff for Rro, sure the gold was great and the glory was better. But the adventures them selves were the greatest thing of all. And after saving his life and practically righting a novel out on the floor for him, she had earned his respect.

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