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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Treasure Man (Finished.)

Clove (played by PANGAEA)

Iveth nodded though her eyes were elsewhere as she internally counted her crew to see how many had been taken out by the Navy ship. "There was a chain of islands called The Hoard of Shardas," she turned to him after having the number of those currently on the higher deck. She'd get the ones on the lower deck at a later time, "they call it that because they have the most pricey things.. It'll be hard to afford anything there, but they have plenty of thieves to go around."

With the damage done with her ship she knew it'd take a while to get it repaired. That or she would get a new one though she rather preferred a ship of her own craft. Then she would know the best ways to use it, have some vital customs made.. but they were all trying to get somewhere and she doubted the Navy would be gone for long.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

As odd as it was, Hiro was a very sound sleeper. Given the energy he had expended all that day, he lay quietly (for once) on his bed, the straps holding him down seeming unnecessary to anyone who didn't know him.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

Skyra did not feel at all like he fit in with the pirates. Especially since he was so short, it made him really easy to ignore. "Ummm... hello? Miss Iveth? ...Is it alright if I call you that?" Even by Scrauser standards, Skyra was a shrimp. Scrauser weren't exactly tiny, but they were smaller than humans were. And once they got a certain age, they shrunk. ...Considerably.

Skyra then lifted his spear up, hoping Iveth would notice him. "I'm trying to ask for directions right now," he said. "Is there anything I can do to help with the ship repairs? I... Hmmmm. Now that I think of it..." Scrauser looked out and saw some islands. "Maybe I could help you find someone. We Scrauser are lousy mechanics, and we usually get something else to do metal work for us. ...Although now that I think of it, we never had anyone build us a ship. ...But they normally work for free."
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

Rro beckoned a crew member for a map, and he unhinged his leg from the deck for the fist time since Hume took his posturing their. His metal left leg was rather rusty, he had been in jail for quite some time. "How far was the island," he asked the ships Navigator, about eight or nine hours from St. Dour. "Good," Rro responded looking at the paper map the buccaneer was holding.

Rogers turned the ship keeping eyes on Iveth, it was only a matter of time until she tried to take her ship back. But he had never made a good crew member, he was borne to be captain. This fact may cause some disagreements but Rro didn't care, he was a pirate after all.

They had been sailing for about three or four hours now, in a few more they'd reach the island chain. By glancing at his Pressure meter he was forced to sail straight east before dropping southward again, they couldn't risk getting too close to another Aqua Void. Iveth had put Skyra I charge of something by now and a few more hours past. Soon they would arrive at the Hoard.
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

Yes, it would be a matter of time until she retrieved back the power over her ship, but as of now getting it the the Shardas's Hoard was vital and she wouldn't argue with that. However, once her ship was fixed she would aim to get the authority back.

The spear waved in front of her face ripped her from her thoughts and she turned her gaze down to Skyra. His height was a bit humorous, always whimsical to see someone so small, but for someone his height he was asking to do some big things. He was internally appreciated by Iveth. Someone on this deck besides her crew was willing to assist. The other two seemed to be doing it for their own sheer benefit. "Help me take the sails off the mast," she gestured towards the fallen mast, the sails taking up far too much space. "I want to keep those since it'll be replaced," she began making her way over to the expanded specially made fabric.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

Hiro walked slowly up from the med bey, supporting himself in the wall with his hand as he went. When he reached the upper deck, his face was downcast and his face red. He walked up to Iveth, his arms glued to his sides. He then lowered himself to his hands and knees and gave her a deep bow.

"Gomenazai," he said. "Big man tell me that you are the captain. I acted shameful, and ask for forgiveness." He kept his face to the ground as he spoke, not daring to look up.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

"Alright, I can do that," Skyra said as he ran over to the masts where the sails were. Having only two fingers on each hand, he found it hard to untie the ropes, but fortunately his sharp pointy fingers helped. Eventually, he got a sail loose from the mast. Iveth told him to save the sail, so he did. But he did have trouble carrying the sail, as it kept covering his face.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

A few hours had past, it had taken longer then expected but as the sun set as the ship reached the port of one of the bigger islands. "Welcome friends, to land," Rro had planned to hit up a brauthal while he was here. "Don't worry Iveth," Rro chuckled walking off the boat once her crew had tied it down, "I'm not running away on you yet." He looked around and saw a sign Meteor Harbor.

"Let's meet back here at high noon!" Rro said, off to swindle the towns people into giving him free booze and fine woman. Maybe he'd even steal the occasional coin pouch if the night went well. He laughed ignoring any replay she or anyone else may have made. "High Noon!!! Well sort out the repairs then!"
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

"Get up," Iveth sighed, staring down at the boy who pitifully bowed. "You can only earn your forgiveness."

By the time they reached the harbor Iveth and Skyra along with a few other crew members had the sails of and folded neatly, set in the corner of the deck. They'd also managed to get the majority of the thrown off the ship so they wouldn't be stumbling and tripping over things trying to get across the ship. She recognized the harbor immediately, having stopped there once or twice. The locations of her most favored places were planted in her mind and she planned to visit them soon.

Her eyes slightly narrowed at Ryo, but she waved her hand for him to hurry up some disappear, "Yet. I'll keep that in mind.." She then turned to Skyra and Hiro, "Resting will be a good idea, but I'm going to go ahead and buy some supplies for my ship. We only have so much time until the Navy puntas come back."
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

Hiro stood up, and bowed again immediately. "I do my best to earn forgiveness! You see!"

He watched as the men went to shore to take care of various things, but Hiro himself remained where he was. The medical staff had told him to get proper rest, and there wasn't anything he particularly wanted to do on shore anyway. Not expecting orders, he crossed to the starboard bow and leaned on the railing. It was a strange kind of loneliness he felt. He was still too shaken up to help carry cargo, and there wasn't any fighting going on, nor could he train properly in his state. He was forced to be alone with his thoughts, alone with his language barrier, his age, and his complete lack of other skills.

It became too much, and he attempted to work through his forms, taking care not to move too quickly. His mind needed something to do, something to distract him, just something.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

"Okay," Skyra said to Iveth before she walked away. It was then he looked up at Hiro and decided "Well, I'm not tired right now."Skyra had something else in mind, in fact. "I... I suppose I could go around the island to see if there are any Scrauser communities. They generally keep themselves hidden from humans, but being a Scrauser myself I generally know all the signs we use to mark our colonies."

But did Hiro have an interest? Skyra didn't think Hiro had any real positive feelings for him. "Say... You care enough to..." Skyra stopped in his tracks, wondering if that was a good idea. He didn't trust Hiro very well, so why would he lead him to a Scrauser colony? But now that he brought it up, it might be too late for take-backsies. "On second thought, never mind."

At that point, Skyra was wondering if he shouldn't go search for a colony by himself. He was the only person he trusted well enough to know he wouldn't do anything to the colony. ...But then again, not all Scrauser colonies were friendly. Some Scrauser were even canibalistic. Regardless, Skyra went forward to look for a colony. He kept looking back to make sure Hiro wasn't following him.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

Rro bumped into a well dressed man, "I'm so sorry my lord," he coughed pretending to be sick. The man nodded and headed towards the other side of the road, as Rogers fingered his coin pouch feeling there was a heavy load of Silvers inside. "Perfect," he smiled and headed to the nearest tavern Sky Rock Pub, sounds good to me..."

The currency in the land was called Silvers, gold hadn't yet been made into coins yet, and only the rich and the banks for the rich had gold. As for the rest of the world they used Silvers, it was a round coin with a shiny blue square in the middle. As Rro walked in he looked up at the prices, Any Drink: One Silvers. "Count me in," Rogers laughed sitting down at the bar, "bottle of rum!"

The bar tender looked at him weird, sir that is at least twenty drinks! Rro dumped out the wealthy mans coin sack dropping almost thirty Silvers on the table. "I said, one bottle of rum..." And with that he collected the remaining six or seven Silvers and took a swig of his new drink.
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

Meanwhile Iveth and a few picks from her crew had went out to buy some polished and more wood for the damaged deck though they'd have to wait before working with the mast. They still needed to remove the fallen one sprawled across her ship. Medical supplies were taken up on the way back to the ship for the few who survived their injuries.

It was odd to see Iveth out of the usual gold plated attire she wore, instead wearing a very casual v-neck blouse that was tied up at the dip and trousers, but even though she didn't look to be hazardous at the moment she always kept a little something in reach in case she happened to get into a quarrel. As of now, though, it was nothing she was looking for. The ship needed to be finished as soon as possible and she opposed against buying a new one. Felicia had been damaged and fixed before. Surely that could happen again.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

Hiro saw Skyra wander off the ship and constantly look over his shoulder. Why would he constantly check behind him unless he had something to hide? Hiro wanted to provhimself a dependable crew member, and perhaps checking for spies was just the way to do it.

He ran up to the Scrauser from behind and deliberatly cut off his path with a deft foot motion before he got terribly far. "Why you go by youself?" he asked with an accusatory air. "Island is dangerous place for pork chop. I go with you, make sure no one make breakfast with you."
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

It was bad enough that Hiro was trying to follow him, but he was STILL calling him names? "Ugh, leave me alone, human!" he said before trying to trail off again. But he noticed Hiro was still trying to follow him.

"Listen, I don't trust you following me to where I'm going. It's really none of your business." Skyra had a feeling Hiro would back him into a corner if he didn't cough it up. Skyra was unsure if he wanted to fight him off or just cave in. "Why are you following me anyway? What do you think I'm doing?"
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

Griffon turned to the man that now sat next to him. "Have enough to drink?" He asked jokingly, a smile breaking through his otherwise relaxed air. He raised an intricately carved stone cup to his lips and took a sip, his eyes studying the man. This stranger had the air of a sailor, or at least drank like one.

Griffon himself had been trapped here after his last crew deserted him, leaving port with the money he paid them and the contract they burned before his eyes. Thankfully being a descendant of a legendary storytelling family has it's perks, and Griffon managed to fantasize his way in to a comfortable stay on this island, but stories can only be told so often before the magic of their words begins to falter. If this man had a ship or was the crew of a ship, Griffon may be able to buy passage off this island. These were the thoughts that swirled in the storyteller's mind as he greeted the stranger beside him.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

"Not quite enough just yet friend," Rro was an over all jolly person but drinking doubled his friendliness, "you look like you could use another." Rogers fiddled with the stollen coin pouch as revealed a Silvers, "one drink for the man to my right!" Another swig from his bottle brought a haze to his vision. Rro was unable to find a good looking woman in the bar but he was having no luck, only the long haired elf men of the western seas, and that just wouldn't do at all.

"Names Rrrrr," even in his half drunken stuper he was wise enough to recall he was a wanted man, "Raul, like Paul but with a," he hiccuped and forgot what he was saying for a moment. "What's your name traveler, and where ya traveling to?" An empty bottle hit the floor as Rro placed another coin on the table which the bar keep swiftly pocketed and replaced with two hard ciders.
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

In seeing the bar along the way her pace faltered and she turned back to her small platoon who passed her this look that only her crew could translate. Yes, they wanted a drink- or matter of fact- wanted a few. Grinning, Iveth shoved whatever she had in her arms into the arms of a crew member, "Go on. I'll return with some wine and ale." A satisfied look washed over their faces and they proceeded back to the ship with her promise at the edge of mind while Iveth spun on her heel toward the crowded doors of the bar consisting of more men than women.

She maneuvered through the bundles of men, finally reaching the bar tender without glancing over to find Rro and his new friend five seats down. At the time she was too busy putting up an enticing facade in order to convince the bar tender for a few wanted bottles. Usually this sort of thing worked, but if not she'd settle for paying.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

"I think you go out to get killed," said Hiro to Skyra. "I make sure no one do that." He would not be shaken. Wherever Skyra was about to go, Hiro would be close behind. "Go now. I follow. I protect." ((uh, sorry for the short post. I really couldn't think of anything!))
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

"I told you I'm fine!" Skyra said. "Nothing personal, I just don't trust humans in a Scrauser colony OOPS!" Skyra quickly covered his mouth with his fingers after blurting out what he was doing. Right now, he had no choice. "Oh all right, you can come search for a Scrauser colony with me Hiro. But don't steal anything or kill anyone! Got it!?"

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