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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Treasure Man (Finished.)

Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

Hiro struggled and screamed, rendering the ropes useless, but sadly he was yet to master the art of chain snapping (he would need extra training for that, he was sure of it). Now at the mercy of people with much more experience that him, he struggled and fought in vain. Even, so, he was not someone you turned your back on.
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

In looking around it came to her attention that Hiro was no longer on board the ship. She wasn't left to ponder long before another round of cannons came tearing through her ship, the debris flying fast enough to puncture her skin. Minute by minute her ship was being destroyed and so was her crew. If she wanted to take action now was the time to do it.

Hastily, she pulled out another rod she keeps loaded for herself and ran over to the once railings of her ship. Immediately she aimed, her gaze passing over a few men before finding the one that was commanding them. She aimed, but not to any vital points before she shot at his shoulder. Not staying to watch the impact she moved on to the men that were holding down Hiro. Inconsequentially a grin came onto her lips. Poor boy was strapped to the ground. Amusing. Though she would have enjoyed watching she adroitly, one at a time, shot them down.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

He squirmed in his chains, but in the chaos, they never managed to fasted a lock around him. He pulled the chain off of himself and used it as a soft weapon to beat on the crew of the Naval ship. Even on undeven flooring, Hiro eventually found his center and applied his martial arts skills in his typical deadly manner. Little by little, he threw the entire ship into chaos.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

OOC: Hey! Wait for me! ...Also, Thorne looks like Steve Fox from Tekken. :P
Edit: OOC: Okay never mind, it's totally Steve. :P

Hiro was being taken away by the invading ship, but that's not all that was happening. Eventually they started throwing nets at the ship, most of which were heading towards Skyra. Skyra assumed they saw Skyra and immediately wanted to capture him. Of coarse, Skyra used his long spears to keep the nets away from him, but they were still annoying.

Afterward, Skyra rendezvoused with Iveth to talk about the matter at hand. "Okay, so what should we do with the loudmouth," he asked as he noticed he jumped down to the other ship to fight the pirates. "Should we go and save him? Maybe it would be a chance for me to show him my abilities."
Darik Sharpe (played anonymously)

Thorne steered the ship upward and were eventually even with the pirates, that's when they saw Rro and began tossing nets, mistakenly the aiming was off and they all headed for Skyra. But in reality the Navy didn't care for this random beast aboard the ship, if he ended up at the bottom of the Awua void it was all the better.

"Ready cannons for third shrike!" Sam saw the crew struggling with the boy again, he jumped down on deck drawing his dual swords, he wrapped one around the chain and whipped it across the deck wrapping up Hiro once more. "You fools couldn't handle a single kid?" Thorne was extremely disappointed in his soldiers as they finally got the lock on the boy.

Thorne strapped a double cannonball to Hiro's chain, "fire the savage back at his own crew!" Thorne yelled! Boom!!! the boy was flung across a good quarter of the Aqua Void before the cannonball crashed into the ship pulling Hiro's little body through the hull. Unfortunately this cut him up badly. He would need medical assistance.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

Rro watched the events unfold but they were not his biggest worry, apart from Iveth being too smug, Hiro being an idiot, and Skyra who wouldn't shut up, the crew were almost done with the sails. He turned to watch Hiro nail into the ship it was the last straw! The ship dipped backwards flipping upside down into the void, "change sail position! Get ready to fly!!!"

Rro pulled the pistol out of the steam stabilizers, powering up the gravity keeping everyone on deck. Rro watched as they flipped downward the navy ship escape to the calm waters. "Navy scum!" He turned his attention to the crew who was getting sick from the flipping, "ready the damn! Sails!" He needed to know if the little fighter was even on board, "Bacon bits, go find the king fu kid!" It was truely see if he had the wits to outsmart gravity again.
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

It was evident that the crew was beginning to tire of all his ordering around, but any other options weren't available and if they wanted to return to a smooth ride then they best listen. Despite their nausea they quickly got to work with the sails, acclimating to the sudden shift of gravity as the gravity parameter was switched on. It wouldn't be much longer before they could get to flying due Iveth's crew working efficiently and swiftly.

Iveth on the other hand pitied her ship and knew there wouldn't be another like it. It was hand made for God's sake. Every piece of wood, cloth of the sail, stair of the staircase up to the quadrant was made by her crew, yet her it was nearly destroyed.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

Rro began to laugh, "Nice crew woman!" The man spun the wheel gyrating the ship in a spherical motion before the wind caught the sails and pushed them upward slightly, "Stop the gravity machine!" Rogers yelled and a crew member complied before spitting at his feet. He was well aware of there dislike of him.

"Miss Iveth, I would alert your crew to take battle stations if I was you," the ship picked up speed as the draft brought them up,climbing faster and faster. "As for you Breakfast Snout," Rro laughed, "Go help Go-ku, I believe he's hurting right now." The Pirate ship approached the top of the Aqua Void, they would come out just across from the Navy and if they acted quick a few well places shots may damage them enough to throw them backwards to their deaths.

((OCC: Go-ku reference was more for me.))
Darik Sharpe (played anonymously)

Sam was now back at the helm of the he had instructed that they keep sailing, "the angle that they fell no man could correct and glide back from," he had said. But as he looked over his shoulder the damaged ship peaked over the edge of the falls. "What the hell!?! Get me a pair of cannons!" If they turned the entire stop around it would be back into the Aqua Void and Thorne wasnt in the position to adjust out of that position.

"Well have to fire from the rear!" He yelled as the men lifted cannons up by hand to carry to the helm of the ship. He had to hurry if the could get the ship while it was still in mid air, still gliding up, then he could finish the job. The men hooked up the cannons, "hurry men! Aim for the mast!"He yelled but they weren't quite ready yet. Soon, very soon they'd be firing and if they hit their target this adventure would have ended very quickly indeed.
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

A good number of her crew were already set with the cannons when she had ordered them earlier to get them ready in her own native tongue. "They're already ready," she watched as the navy moved their cannons to the back of their ship. Her hand lifted and a silence swept over her ship as they waited for her to signal the fire. Iveth's cannons were rather different. The ones on the lower deck were doubles and the one on the higher were singles. Both were made for two different purposes. The singles detonate in the air, not looking to damage the ship, but to eliminate all the enemy crew with the debris of what once was a cannon. The doubles were especially used to maul the enemy ship from the inside out.

It was right as the Navy was beginning to ready their cannons when Iveth signaled her own crew to fire. The blast shook the ship and her gaze didn't stay to watch the impact before she turned to the swine, "Get him to the lower deck. Some of my crew may be able to help him there."
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

Hiro's chains were eventually taken from him, and his stamina quickly fell as he let lose with explosive attacks in every direction. A pair of large men eventually seized him by the arms and started punching him repeatedly in the gut and in the face. He was out of steam, and the chaos he had forced unto the enemy ship was beginning to calm.
Darik Sharpe (played anonymously)

He same two cannons used to fire Hiro back to Iveth's ship minutes earlier were now loaded and pointed at the pirates. "Hit the deck!" Admiral Thorne yelled as the pirates cannonballs ripped threw their ship, "RETURN FIRE!" Two cannon balls flew threw the air, one sunk a bit too far right and missed the ship entirely. But the other glanced the mast before splashing into the Aqua Void!

Their mast cracked and navy watched the ship drop a foot or two before the wind grabbed it again and continued to push it up. "Reload the back cannons!" The crew complied, "steady!" Thorne yelled, he would never show it but he was deathly afraid of these battles, he had a wife and a child soon on the way. With so much to live for this life would most likely be given up soon. But for now he fought for the World Order Navy, "Fire!"
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

"Breakfast snout!?" Skyra cried. "I'll remember that." Eventually, Skyra went over to where Hiro was to try and help him.

Once he found Hiro, he saw a bunch of men beating him up. Skyra decided to spring into action. "Hey, Mr. "Not-Useless," I'm here to help," Skyra said. Eventually a few men approached Skyra, brandishing swords. Neither men were able to get very close to Skyra before Skyra thrust his spears at both men's swords. Then he flicked his wrists, which twisted the swords out of the men's hands, giving Skyra the upper hand. Both of the men, feeling outmatched, retreated from the scene.

"Heh! Not so useless now, am I?" Skyra taunted Hiro.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

Rro noticed the pig thing screaming about something bellow the deck, a few doctors flew out of the inner helm. In Hiro's anguish he must have begun attacking them believing them to be naval men back on the admirals ship. "Iveth, you seem to be the only reliable one here, I'd send a man down there to make sure those lunatics don't kill all you medical staff." This was more of a suggestive tone then an order he didn't know these people very well but the boxing kid gave him a yo ho so he couldn't be that bad.

The ship hit the waves on the other side of the void as the mast began to tip and fall, crashing onto the deck. Another second suspended in mid-air and the pirates would have died. But with the Falling Sea full of Aqua Voids they had to get to an island to fix the ship or at this point get a new one. "damn," Rro said, he wasn't exactly rich yet but maybe once they escaped these navy bastards they could find and island and make some sort of deal.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

OOC: I tried fixing my post a bit. This RP is going by so fast before I get a chance to post, it's kind of difficult to follow without having to trudge through posts to know exactly what I have to do. ...Sorry if that sounds kind of lame.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

Clove (played by PANGAEA)

In hearing the calamity Iveth looked over to the entrance of the lower deck. Internally she agreed that they'd somehow ruin all of her medics if not pacified down. Her eyes scanned over her deck that was now turmoil to find one of her largest crew members who'd she befriended years and years ago. "Estéban!" she called and not long after a large brawny dark man, dreads tied up messily, towered over them. He glanced to Rro, knowing that he was the one the admirals were after then to Iveth. "Ir a ver en ellos," Iveth gestured to the lower deck.

Another wave had Iveth stumble back into Estéban, but she told him to proceed and he did. The loud crack of the mast was heard by everyone on deck and it immediately caught their eyes. As they noticed it tip slowly they began towards the edges of the ship. Shoving Rogers into one of the railings, Iveth too had gotten out of the way, cringing at the sound of its impact on the deck.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

Hiro struggled to his feet, determined, hut wavering. At the sight if a huge man with the dread looks, he shifted back into fight mode. Regardless, his stave was weak, and the large man easily overpowered him. He wrapped his tree-trunk arms around the boy, collapsing his chest until he passed out from lack of air. From there, the medics tied him down to the bed with sturdy leather straps.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

Now Skyra seemed awfully confused. What was going on with Hiro right now. Was he in a state that caused him to just want to destroy stuff? Skyra looked up at the big guy, and then at the medics who were tending Hiro. If he really wanted to hurt Hiro, why wasn't he trying to attack the medics? Everything seemed non-chalant right now.

"Uhhhhh..." Skyra stared at everything, unsure what to make of things. "Pirates are confusing." But eventually, Skyra heard a crash. He looked around and noticed the ship was destablizing. Skyra immediately went to find Iveth. Skyra watched as the mast crashed into the deck, and now things were looking extra grim, but eventually he did find Iveth.

"Uh, you seem to be the captain of this ship, correct?" Skyra asked. "With the ship falling apart, I'm assuming there are things I should be doing right now, perhaps to uhh... help turn the tides so to speak? Do you have any orders for me, even though I'm not part of your crew?"
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

Rro watched as the Navy ship floated away, they had most likely come from an island far away and needed food and supplies before they pursued. It was also smart that they repaired their ship before they went pirate chasing. As for Iveth's ship, it would fall like a wingless bird if they tried to jumped out of the sea into another Aqua Void. "Iveth," Rro called, "Your ship was docked on the south side of port, hit any islands close by before you arrived at St. Dour??"

This was vital for survival, as soon as they docked Rro would need to help either fix this ship or get his own. He did think about just ditching this crew and getting away on a skiff, but while they remained in the Falling Sea a crew was essential for survival.

The port city of St. Dour is on the Northern side for the Falling Sea, and the Garden of Dragons was to the South West of their position so they'd be here at least a week, that is if they anchored down every night. But sailing straight through it may take four days. Then, maybe he would think about escaping, keeping the treasure all to himself. But those thoughts were about a week away.

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