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Forums » Introductions » A New Person Has Appeared!


Hello, everybody! My name is TK and I'm a new member here, obviously! I found this site through the wonderful search engine known as Google and I decided to check this place out! So, uhh, I'm supposed to tell you guys a little bit about myself, right?

Well, I'm an aspiring writer and artist and I have a horrible habit of making new characters. I also have a habit of staying up late and sleeping in.

Ummm... I'm running out of things to say, so, just reply or however you do on here if you want to roleplay with me! Have a lovely day/night!
Hi there, TKs! Glad you found our lil' corner of the internet. Welcome to the site! :D Is there anything we can assist you with? The features around here are pretty darn user-friendly, but nevertheless we don't mind answering any sort of questions or comments you might have. :3
TKs Topic Starter

I don't have any questions at the moment, but thanks for asking! :D
I must say, I like the site so far! I'll probably stay here for a while~


Welcome! Being an artist, you might enjoy checking out Art & Creativity board. Lotsa folks offer/request commissions there (if you offer free art, you'll likely get bombarded!), and if you dig around, there's a few threads with learning resources and whatnot as well. :)

So what sorts of genres or styles do you tend to favor?
TKs Topic Starter

Novalyyn wrote:


Welcome! Being an artist, you might enjoy checking out Art & Creativity board. Lotsa folks offer/request commissions there (if you offer free art, you'll likely get bombarded!), and if you dig around, there's a few threads with learning resources and whatnot as well. :)

So what sorts of genres or styles do you tend to favor?


We can hug it together!~ :3

Thanks for welcoming me here, Novalynn! I think I will check out that board :) It sounds fun!

Hmmm... I'm not really picky when it comes to that, buuut I think I'm more proficient at Si-Fi/fiction in general.
Welcome to RPR! I absolutely love your icon! Bats are so cute ^_^

You said you were an artist, do you happen to have a DA? I love looking at other peoples artwork :D
TKs Topic Starter

Loki wrote:
Welcome to RPR! I absolutely love your icon! Bats are so cute ^_^

You said you were an artist, do you happen to have a DA? I love looking at other peoples artwork :D

Hahaha, thank you, bats are pretty adorable aren't they? :3

And no, I don't have a DA as of yet- I am planning to get one in the near future though, once I get a scanner or a better tablet! ^_^
Kim Site Admin

Scanners and good tablets are worth their weight in gold! :D

Welcome to the site!
TKs Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
Scanners and good tablets are worth their weight in gold! :D

Welcome to the site!

Hahaha, thank you, Kim! :D
*pops in to ogle the adorable bat some more* Goodness that thing is cute.

And I agree. I tend to prefer no internet to slow internet. At least I can relax if I know it's no use. XP
~Throws pokeball~ I choose you new player! They use awesome it is very effective! Welcome to the family!
Welcome to RPR! You will find that character creation on RPR will quickly become an addiction lol. I'm glad to see another artist finding their way into our fold :3

I hope you are settling in well, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!

Welcome new person! I hope you get to have lots of fun adventures! If You have questions or you just wanna talk, you can always pm me! The same goes for rping, im always up for it. :D

Anyway, have Fun!
TKs Topic Starter

cferretrun wrote:


*Dramatic music plays*

TKs Topic Starter

AurumDrake wrote:
~Throws pokeball~ I choose you new player! They use awesome it is very effective! Welcome to the family!

Haha, thanks! Glad to be apart of this family! :3
TKs Topic Starter

Highjinx wrote:
Welcome to RPR! You will find that character creation on RPR will quickly become an addiction lol. I'm glad to see another artist finding their way into our fold :3

I hope you are settling in well, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!

Thank you, Highjinx! :3
TKs Topic Starter

Victoriantruth wrote:
Welcome new person! I hope you get to have lots of fun adventures! If You have questions or you just wanna talk, you can always pm me! The same goes for rping, im always up for it. :D

Anyway, have Fun!

Thanks, Victoriantruth! I'll probably pm you later! :D
Welcome to the community, TK! I know how you feel with the habit of making new characters! XD RPR's a really good site to share your characters with because of the easy use of character editing, and the neat design. Still, if ever you'd have any questions, just ask away!

And I tried to make a sci-fi story once. It didn't work out because of my schedule, paired with writer's block >.>

Anyways, shoot me a PM if you feel like roleplaying or just have a friendly chat! :3
TKs Topic Starter

RinTengoku524 wrote:
Welcome to the community, TK! I know how you feel with the habit of making new characters! XD RPR's a really good site to share your characters with because of the easy use of character editing, and the neat design. Still, if ever you'd have any questions, just ask away!

And I tried to make a sci-fi story once. It didn't work out because of my schedule, paired with writer's block >.>

Anyways, shoot me a PM if you feel like roleplaying or just have a friendly chat! :3

Ah yes, the accursed writer's block it has affected me too, on my sci-fi book ._.

And I think I shall PM you once I finish some of my characters' profiles :3

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