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Forums » Smalltalk » Teenaged Mu....Alien Ninja

To steal bonebags thing. what the RADIOEDIT... Seriously.

I`d say that nearly everyone has at least heard of teenage mutant ninja turtles. Well in the remake they`re getting new origins....they`re now aliens... COME ON DON`T FIX WHATS NOT BROKEN. I`m horridly disappointed, I remember watching the movies and the animated series as a kid.

Is anyone else as disappointed as I am
What the crap? That is all.
but but... What will we do with our beloved mutants now that they're aliens? :p
Arg, why? Aliens? But, but, radioactive toxins work so much better! *sigh* Let's just hope they don't throw cowboys into the mix. >_<
My childhood? Down the toilet. I idolized these guys as a kid. Donetello was my Bro! I... I had the lunchbox and even a ninja mask!


Wtf?! Why?!
Apparantly Michael Baye (spelling?) really really really likes aliens. *sigh* They better still say 'cowabunga' and eat pizza dag nabbit!
Pineapple Topic Starter

no transformers wasn't that bad....but could you change a classic! This is just as bad as the remake of care bears (lol) I was Channel surfing with my 2 year old and saw it, turned the channel...and well grumpy no longer grumpy...he's an inventor what the frack! ...
I don't want to live on this planet anymore. ._.

tffs need to boycott this crap imo. Dude, i boycotted tokyopop and it worked. This could too. (tff - turtle fans forever)
I'm all for artistic licensing, I mean there are many books out there that, while amazing, would make terrible movies if left to their own devices. However, there is nothing wrong with the origins of the's actually more interested and a bigger catch than "aliens". Harumph. Kids are going to love this movie, then be all over my metaphysical yard with their "Alien turtle power" comments.

Ugh whyyyyy.

because there is a built in audience and we have a hollywood syndrome that says we need to look in new directions with old stories. I would be happier if they made an original cast for this idea rather than relying on fan following. It rewrites the lore to a point that batman might as well come from planet kripton wrapped in the bat cape and the batmobile shoud be considered a spaceship. -Maximus jacking Minerva's account.
I... ARGH. This is why I almost never watch movies, half the time anymore it seems like they're butchering something. If Bay wants to do more alien crap he should try making his own daft idea instead of screwing with the classics.

Now please excuse me, I have to wipe out a town or three in Fallout to vent the RAGE I feel after reading this.

okay, i'm on my phone so can't link well, but pissed fans, search up my facebook: minerva clay . My most recent post is about this, and pondering making my name mud in big production. I staged one successful fan riot, and i think this could have more swing. If pulled off right, in the very least... worst. Opening day. ever.


I wholeheartedly agree with this.
I remain skeptical....but still, maybe it wont be as bad as we all fear.
Sanne Moderator

The human race generally balks at the idea of old ways being changed. Traditions are a good example of that.

While the idea may seem terrible to those who adore TMNT just the way they are, let's not judge until we've actually seen how it works out! If I can watch Twilight all the way through with an open mind to try and find any good in it, this should be a piece of cake for everyone. ;)

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