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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Students of Eerie High

Maralie Spheare (played by GlitterKitten96)

Mrs.Leo was still staring at the young girl next to her with a glare of sheer hatred. Mara cleared her throat drawing her teachers attention. "The answer is man kind. You used the same riddle on Oedipus and he beat got to continue his journey. But his answer was a bit more precise;"Man: as an infant, he crawls on all fours; as an adult, he walks on two legs and; in old age, he uses a 'walking' stick". Maralie looked to Nia then back to the Sphinx standing before her. Even in a human form you could tell what she was. Ms.Leo growled in protest to her answer, "I asked the cute fur ball Miss.Spheare next time let her answer."
Nia Enoki (played anonymously)

Nia sat staring dumbfounded at the blackboard. She would never have guessed that nor would she have gotten close. She was thankful for having Mara to save her behind. After the teacher stormed back to her desk Nia turned to Mara and mumbled a hushed thank you.
bosephus (played by fallenwolf)

~ as he hears the answer to the question asked he writes it down in his notebook next to his drawing, he starts pondering an answer to the question for himself but couldn't come up with one at the moment, so he just sat listening as class continued his interest in the class peaked he pays close attention. he looks around at the class examining the different types of creatures around him taking notes on each of them. the teacher was an odd one to him as he had never seen a sphinx before his head tilts slightly as he ponders quietly to himself~
Jayce continued walking throughout the halls, trying to find the rest room. He was out on a bathroom break, there was so many vast corridors, old victorian era paintings in this particular section of the school. He still hadn't had much exploring time, he only was in his room for about five minutes before he had to run out too class. When he eventually made it too where the rest rooms were. He noticed it was rather desolate. Minding his own business he walked in. Too his surprise, there was three more students in this seemingly hidden bathroom, in the back corner of the school. "No-o ple-ase no" a small tiny kid pleaded, while the other two continued laughing. Jayce heard what sounded like an object splashing water, then the deep air suction of the toilet. Jayce thought for a moment, realizing that was most likely the kids head he heard.

(Okay, I guess just keep doing miscellaneous things)
Icarus Eden (played by veiledprophet) Topic Starter

"Now, how could the staff do such a thing? While it unfortunately happens everywhere we look, discrimination is strictly against the rules here." Icarus frowned. "I will accompany you so we can speak with them together. Come, let's head upstairs."
Sangris (played by Ezeker)

He shrugged, "That's what happens when you're a CrowBorne..." He mumbled, then nodded. "O-oh,it's upstairs? Okay..." He said, and followed Icarus, a small blush on him. Why am I blushing.Oh my god, I'm so- he shook his head, shoving all those thought away.


The teacher only nodded and sighed. "Can't blame anyone on the first day for that, I suppose. Name?"
"Jo. Um, Josephine McConnell."
"Right." He scrawled something on a sheet of paper and walked to the front of the room. Jo got out some paper and her textbook as the lesson began, tapping her pencil absentmindedly against her desk. She glanced around the classroom. It seemed to her that there were very few humans here. Even fewer than she'd initially expected. Near the back of the room, a boy who looked more like a bat than a human shot her a look, curling his lip belligerently. Jo quickly turned around, feeling a prickling discomfort as she tried not to pay attention to him.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

I was in the very back corner of class taking notes.Well taking notes until i started to get bored of the teacher droning on and on.Why Was of history so boring.Why couldn't i get like a combat class or an explosives class do they have those here.I'm pretty sure they do.I don't think the teacher will notice one student sleeping in her class.Well i hope she doesn't.
Silentdusk (played by Shadow13)

She stayed quiet and payed attention to the teacher.
The Makina Family (played by robinnrose)

Until class starts, the whispering continues before the teacher announcing the start of the class. Some basics of chemistry were taught first and continuing to solutions. Some demonstrations were done and they were asked to do some classwork. Daren and Raisa obviously worked together but...a few whispers were seen this time.
Icarus Eden (veiledprophet)
Sangris (Ezeker)
Josephine McConnell (Vermilion)
Zero Omega (PrinceOfChaos)
Silentdusk (Shadow13)
Daren Makina (robinnrose)
Maralie Spheare (GlitterKitten96)
Arianna Chevalier (Kawaii-Pocky)
Nia Enoki (anonymously)
Jayce Connor(TheCrownedPrince)
Also feel free to make NPCs fight my character)
Maralie Spheare (played by GlitterKitten96)

She glared at her teacher because Ms.Leo had no room to talk about being a fur ball. Maralie turned to face the so called "fur ball". Nia was trembling and had tears sliding down her pale skin. With a smile she hugged Nia, sniffing at her skin.
bosephus (played by fallenwolf)

~as he sees one student brought to tears, his eyes darken to an almost black color he lets out a growl as he didn't approve of what he was seeing, but remained to himself until someone had something to say to him, he continues to draw in his notebook growing less and less interested as the day progressed,he glanced over seeing the one who was in tears being comforted, relaxing a little but keeps a cautious eye on the class.~
(ill go after arianna)
Arianna hurriedly ran down the hallway of the school. She hadn't cared one bit about the rules, as she was fixated on reaching the School's office on time. Her mother had enrolled her into the district later than usual, which had led to her not recieving her schedule before the year started. "Excuse me! Sorry!" She squeaked to the students, whom had given her glares for bumping into them, as she passed by. She passed two peculiar people as she had ran, one with distinct crow feathers on himself, and one whom had his silver hair in a ponytail which led down his back. 'I hope I can be friends with the one that looks like a crow, yet the Silver hair man looked quite friendly too.' She thought as she raced down the halls.
After trying too ignore the serious misconduct going on the bathroom stall next too him. Jayce tried determined too stay out of it. Then on the third flush, the water trickling down from the boys head hitting the toilet had sparked something inside Jayce. It had reminded him of the chinese water torture he had been put through recently. Torture for being different, I am sure many at this school would understand what happened next. After the two boys proceeded too laugh, shoving the freckled, red headed boy face first in the toilet again. Snap! The door too the stall had swung open, breaking the lock, they had initiated. The two boys, one looked rather like frankenstein, and the other looked like a buff regular human like himself. "You too have this coming." he scolded them. His eyes sparkled, and the two boys had become encumbered in an illusion. Jayce had cycled through their mental psyches. Finding the worst memory he could possibly find. The worst both had experienced, in their life's until now. After replaying it on repeat for a few moments in their heads. He picked the scrawny kid up, out of the toilet. "Tha-nk you" he said with relief. "Get out of here, I didn't do it for you" Jayce responded coldfully. After washing his hands, and leaving the restroom shortly after the red head. He snapped his fingers, and two had immediately began screaming on the top of their lungs. "AAAHHHHHHH!" they screamed together. Jayce left the restroom, adjusting the hair from his eyes as if he had seen nothing, heard nothing, continuing about his business.
bosephus (played by fallenwolf)

(sorry thought I was after maralie and nia o,o)
Sangris (played by Ezeker)

He nodded, "I...o-okay..." he mumbled, following Icarus up the stairs. "Wh-what year are you?" he asked, making sure he didn't trip. A quiet rustling was heard, and Sangris' black wings folded away from view. "I-I'm a sophomore, but really, I should be senior," he mumbled, blushing, "But I don't mind that mix up."
The teacher looked over the attendance list one more time, then set it down on his desk and walked to the front of the room. Jo scrawled the date on the top of her notes paper and listened to the lesson. She didn't want to be off to a rough start academically.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

I woke up and luckily did not get caught by the teacher.As i looked around i saw some girl crying a little and another one comforting her.What happened while i was sleep.I opened my notebook and began taking notes so i would have something for tests.
Silentdusk (played by Shadow13)

(Sorry for the late response!)
She sighed. She looked at the person next to her and then looked away...

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