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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The odd hunter (open)

Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori kept close, their tail missing most things. Minus the group of familiar hunters that got hit with the dull end and made Kori snicker lightly. The wings stayed folded close, though Kori itself crushed a trash can.
Unfortunately those hunters gave a shout and began to pursue.

"Argh, run, Kori. The edge of the city is just beyond that corner of the alley!" Sterling pointed and then turned to stop the Hunters from following. "Guys, stop! Kori doesn't mean any harm!"
Monric Eldeas (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori ran to the city edge quickly.

''Oh really?'' An older hunter sneered, pointing a bow at Sterling.
Sterling felt his body freeze at the bow being leveled at him. He didn't even bother to raise his hands. A hunter only ever aimed to kill.

"Honest, he's a hunter himself in his human form." Okay that wasn't going to make sense even to him, let alone to the other hunter but it was the best he had. "Look, why don't you take the left and I'll take the right and maybe we can figure out where it's going? I bet its aiming for the Hunter's guild..."
Monric Eldeas (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Eldeas scowls, looking at the group. ''You heard him.'' He scowled, lowering the bow and heads left, scowling still. ''I'll kill it either way.'' He growls, flinching.

Kori arrrives where Sterling had said to go and waits patiently, watching out for any other hunters.
Sterling would wait until they're sufficiently scattered before slipping into a crowd and heading for an alternative route to meet up with Kori at the location he had pointed out.

He glanced over his shoulder as he headed out of the city limits, and then headed for Kori.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori was still waiting, as their tails spike grazed the backside of a hunter by accident.
Sterling arrived just in time to see someone creeping up behind Kori.

He didn't even have time to yell a warning; he merely raised his crossbow and fired, before picking up his pace and running towards Kori.

"We need to get out of here--you can fly now that you're out of town."
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori snatches up Sterling in their talons and shoots off into the air, the ground below looking like a map zoomed out too far. High up in the clouds, where birds flew past along with smaller wyverns.
Sterling lost his composure when the wyvern pounced on him and swept him into the air. Only by some miracle did he not lose his crossbow

"Kori! Kori! What are you doing?!" He clung to whatever he could grip, which really wasn't a whole lot. Mostly he prayed he'd be set down somewhere firm somewhere soon.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori chided him, using their tail to set him on their back as they headed to the warehouse, hiding within the clouds. ''Chirp.'' They said, looking at him while watching the air.
He clung to Kori's back as he was relocated--not that he liked this any better. At least in Kori's talons he felt Up here if he held on wrong he could slip and fall. No. Must not think about that.

"Okay, okay," he muttered after Kori finished scolding him; or what he figured was a scolding. At least the wyvern hadn't eaten him. "Just let me know when we're close."
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

They nodded, snorting.

After several hours they'd chirp loudly, and swoop down. They perch on a powerline pole, and nudge Sterlig to look ahead where the heavily guarded warehouse was.
He braced himself for the landing; his hands were numb from clinging so tightly and he lurched forward a bit as the wyvern perched.

He peered in the same direction Kori was and made out the heavily guarded warehouse. "Oh good, now we just need some way of...getting in." His eyes fell to the Kori's neck and back. "Actually, you would provide a magnificent distraction. If you drop me off down below, you can lure the guards away to the north and I'll sneak in and grab what I can. Sound good?"
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori lunged off the pole with ease, and leaned down for Sterling to get off once they were at the warehouse door as the tail flicked left, hard enough to jar loose the spikes hidden it. The spikes slide loose from the wooden holder in the tail, givng guard a glance at the overfriendly Wyvern of sorts. ''Chirrrrp?'' Kori asked Sterling, nudging him slightly as guards rushed to the scene.
Sterling grimaced as he slid to the ground. "We'll meet west of here; make sure to lead them as far north as you can and then circle around to throw them off. Don't get hurt." He patted the wyvern's side and then ran for a hiding spot.
Monric Eldeas (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori nods and flew off to distract the guards.

Meanwhile, Monric returned to the warehouse to get some more supplies. He saw someone run, but scowled and headed in, the door briefly opening as he entered to get some more arrows. His scent drifted to Sterling, and smelled of Were blood from a scar and the blood soaked crossbow he carried at all times.
He didn't need to have super smelling to smell blood. He wrinkled his nose in disgust and quickly slipped into the building. He held his crossbow ready to shoot in case he encountered any problems. But then paused to let his eyes adjust.

If he could find the tranquilizers he could nullify any threats. And really, he didn't even need to take anything; he could just dip his current bolts into the mixture and then run. But he wanted more for the future. And he wasn't planning on leaving without some.

He ventured deeper into the warehouse.
Monric Eldeas (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Monric was hiding behind a box of rejected bolts. He jumped out, and aimed his crossbow at Sterling with a snirk. ''Ah, do I sense a trespasser?'' He said jokingly, bow still pointed. ''Surely you only came here to go back, right?'' He joked, eyes narrowed. ''I'm afraid you shall not pass. I saw your friend distract the other guards, but I'm not easily fooled by tricks.''
Sterling jumped and very nearly squeezed the trigger on his crossbow. Monric should be pleased he wasn't dead yet.

"You. I only came to see what you were up to." He scowled, eyeing the rejected bolts. They didn't have to fly straight to be effective; they just needed a sharp tip and preferably dipped in some sort of tranquilizing drug. "I don't suppose you know where the tranq stuff is, do you?"

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