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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The odd hunter (open)

Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Chat chis it?'' They asked, whining. The pendant was starting to hurt again, burning the skin underneath.
Sterling squeezed enough onto his hand that it would cover the wounds on Kori's hand. "Is that the only place you were scratched or bit?" he asked, gently taking the injured hand into his larger one.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

They nodded, cringing as he touched the injured hand. The scales were jagged but the bite mark could be seen where scales were bit clean through. It looked weeks old, but still infected a bit and glistned with fresh blood from movement. The movable fingers were human-like, but skinnier.
"This is probably going to sting," he told the creature, "but it'll work wonders." Without much further ado, he smeared the goop across the entire surface of the back of the hand and even a bit up the arm, just to cover the bases. He didn't want to miss anything, otherwise it may not work. He kept his hand tightly around Kori's, just to make sure that it healed completely, as well as to provide maybe some reassurance through the pain.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori cringes in great pain, teeth gritted and eyes shut tightly as the goo was spread. ''Hisss...'' They said in pain, shaking a bit. It seemed even being part dragon couldn't keep the pain away.
Sterling watched critically and then relaxed as the wound began to heal. Only a slight mark indicated there had been anything there to begin with, and he gently released Kori's hand.

"Very good, you took that very well. You should be okay now; nothing to worry about. Are you hungry? I'm sure I've got something I can spare if you are."
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Chi'm hungry cherp cheep chmeat.''
Sterling grinned in spite of himself and dug out some ham. "Will you eat this? I've got some cheese, too." He dug more deeply into his bag where he kept the better food out of danger's harm.

He pulled out an apple and bit into it with relish. It was still unbruised, miraculously.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori took the ham and devoured it hungryly, teeth razor sharp. ''Cham?''
"Ham," Sterling repeated. "And cheese." He produced a round hard crumbly white ball of the stuff he'd picked up not two days ago. It was still fresh, though it wouldn't last long enough to spoil.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kor finished eating the ham and such, using winged hands to hold it still.
Sterling waited until Kori finished eating and then stood up. "So, I should ask you then, have you noticed any signs of weres around here? Any place where Hunters don't usually travel?"
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori nodded, and told him loosely about an abandoned house where human Weres lived.
Surprise flickered across Sterling's face. "Really?" The surprise turned to contemplation as he thought about the best way to get there. "I'm going to have to pass the word onto" he made a face "my group." They were jerk hunters, hardly worthy of being called Sterling's group. He didn't run in groups and preferred not to tie himself down with one. But in any case, facing a were by himself was difficult. Facing multiple weres would be impossible.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Chat cham chi cherrrpose to cho?''
Sterling glanced up at the sky. It was late afternoon though not quite evening. "How far is this building where the weres are holed up? Can you show me there and back before night falls?"
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori nodded and darted off to the house quickly, flying. Or trying. The trap rope makes them trip from being tangled still.
"Hey, wait up!" Sterling grabbed for his knife and attempted to cut what was left of the rope away. And then he was hefting his pack over his shoulder, grabbing his crossbow and following after Kori.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori eases through the thick woods until stopping at a huge mansion that seemed deserted, and surrounded by carcasses.
Sterling didn't quite cover his nose at the sight of the corpses, but only because he was holding his crossbow at the ready.

"Alright, thank you," he said softly, and then turned to head back to find his group. He could find his way back, he was sure.

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