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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Dying Threat(Closed)

Arkden was a massive city, which wasn't surprising considering it was the Human capital of Amestra. The city had a massive wall surrounding itself. Dozens up dozens of miles of land were held within the walls made up of homes, farms, shops, and various other buildings. As expected, the population of the city was almost exclusively human, but an occasional Elf, Orc, Dwarf, or some other race could be seen living in the city.

At the center of the city was the Emperor's Castle. It towered hundreds of feet into the air and was easily the tallest structure in the city. Second to it was the Paladins' Temple. All the Paladins throughout the Human Kingdoms had at one point been there, either to train, be knighted, or some other ceremony. Wilhelm and Jackie just arrived at the Temple. It was a two week journey back to Arkden from Edinborough, and the pair had healed a bit from the injuries they'd sustained.

"So what are you gonna tell the council?" Jackie asked as they went to the Council's chamber. "Y-You're not gonna tell them that Necromancer got away because of me right?" Jackie asked. Once she and Wilhelm had gotten back into decent shape she'd gotten quite the stern talking to and would be stuck on armor polishing duty for at least two months when she and Wilhelm weren't out fighting for the Human empire. The Council though wouldn't be as forgiving, and there'd be no telling what they'd do to her.
Melstrum (played by Dreath)

It felt good returning to the capital. Guards patrolled on their usual routes. The walls had thousands of soldiers across them. Gunmen and crossbowmen on top. Cannons and mortars place in towers. The city was a fortress and next to the greatest Dwarf keeps one of the most fortified points in the world. The Paladin and his apprentice made a direct route to the council located in the Paladin temple. The temple was a massive building. It stretched out with a large dome like structure in the center. This branched off to many halls and rooms. Four main towers were around with the connecting walls housing many more rooms. The council was located in a private room on the top floor of the dome. The halls were adorned with gold and artwork from the Paladins over centuries. Many years of wars and training to show their greatest accomplishments.

As they approached the large building Jackie started sounding nervous. Wilhelm comforted her.
"Don't worry I don't think you're specifically to blame. I shall inform them of his escape and that we're investigating. That Chimera creature is something we must get on top of. I don't trust this." He says anxiously as they approach. When they reach the building a young man of about seventeen comes out. He wears an insignia of the Paladins and would appear to be a serf of sorts.
"Paladin Wilhelm. The council are awaiting you in their chambers. They wish for a mission report." He says bowing. Wilhelm raises an eyebrow.
"Convenient. Very well thanks for the message." He looks to Jackie. "Come Jackie. You could be needed for this." He says as the two wander off inside the vast halls.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"But he only got away because of me...." Jackie said, before they moved on wards. It wasn't much longer before they got to the council chamber. It was a large room. In the center sat the Paladin Council. There were thirteen Council members from all around Amestra. "Paladin Wilhelm." Spoke one of them. "We're glad you were able to arrive." He added. "We've heard reports from Edinborough's soldiers that the Undead Horde that was fought there was the size of an army." Spoke another. "Alongside that we've received reports of a grotesque abomination that was nearly unstoppable." Added another. "Has the necromancer responsible for this attack been apprehended?" The Paladin asked.
Melstrum (played by Dreath)

Wilhelm looks to Jackie just before they walk in.
"Stay quiet and I'll explain it all. Unless you're spoken to of course." He says as they enter and the council speak to him. They sat on a rounded table. The councils questions came next. Wilhelm stood stern and answered.
"The size of the force was large but considering what they were an army is a bit much. The threat was not as large as an undead army but it was a horde of considerable size. We however were able to completely exterminate it and the host of other corpses within a crypt." He explains looking to the councilman who asked. He turned to the next. "There was a large creature which was able to kill several soldiers and wounded me. However the beast was taken down. What it was exactly is unknown though when we were pursuing the Necromancer I learnt that it was called a Chimera." He explains. Several council members look to each other. "As for the Necromancer. He was able to escape with the help of some more undead. He managed to sneak away and used some form of magic to escape.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Jackie did as ordered. She didn't even open her mouth whilst they were in the council room. The council members listened as Wilhelm explained everything. "This 'chimera'." Spoke one of the council members. His name was Heinrich. He was a brute of a man, and judging from his slightly pointed ears, and the two small fangs that poked up from his lower mouth, he was clearly half orc. "Do you know of its origins?" Heinrich asked. "Did the necromancer make the beast? Did he find it?" Heinrich questioned. "Though, I feel more importantly, was its body recovered?" Asked another council member.
Melstrum (played by Dreath)

"It's origins are unknown. Though if it was a chimera in the theoretical sense it is an alchemical creation. However the beast was different to those I've seen before. I had seen small chimeras the size of dogs and cats which bled like normal. However this creature bled a black almost tar like substance. The creature's body however. Didn't make it. It seemed to melt away and degrade rapidly after it's death." Wilhelm explains as Chimeras as an alchemical practice were created but usually smaller and fairly accurate but took decades of research. "As for the Necromancer I don't believe so. It would seem as if the Necromancer had an accomplice." He states concerned.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"Who was this accomplice?" Heinrich asked. "Did you see them? Did you get their name?" He questioned. Jacke stayed quiet, but quickly found herself inching behind Wilhelm. Most of the council members barely seemed to notice her, and if they did they paid more attention to Wilhelm. Some glared at her when she'd move. Clearly not all the owunds from the Human and Y'Kish war had healed yet.
Melstrum (played by Dreath)

"I don't know anything about the accomplice other then there was one. He spoke to them through some form of portal. A communication spell it would seem. Though we were detected and they fled. All I know is there was atleast one other person he worked with. He seemed to be in charge as well." He explains leaving out Jackie's specific involvement.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Jackie was relieved when Wilhelm hadn't mentioned her involvement with the Necromancer escaping. There was a bit of speaking between the Councilors before Heinrich spoke up. "We do not seem to have anymore questions for you at this time." He said. "We thank you for your efforts, and you are dismissed. Though, I would like to speak with you later, Wilhelm. Meet me at my chamber in three hours." Heinrich said.
Melstrum (played by Dreath)

Wilhelm bows in respect. "As you wish councilman." The council nod and they are allowed to leave. When outside the halls with Jackie he looks down to her. "You were afraid I would say something weren't you?"
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Jackie nodded. "A little yeah." She added. "Why?" She asked. Part of her was worried that he'd make her punishment worse. Another part began to fear he'd mention it to Heinrich. Though most of her was sure he'd just asked out of curiosity.
Melstrum (played by Dreath)

"Because it's not your fault. He had an escape plan which worked as I was attacking. He was long gone before we struck in that case." He said calming her. "Stop beating yourself up over it. That'll only harm you in the end."
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"Yeah, but if I didnt just charge out like that wem ight've been able to catch him before he escaped!" Jackie said.
Melstrum (played by Dreath)

"And who knows if he had a back up plan or not." They wander to the main grand hall. "But needless to say you do need to think more. Not rush too quickly into it."
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Jackie nodded in response.

A few hours passed before the two headed to Heinrich's chambers. The Councilor's chambers were in the same section of the building as the Meeting Chamber, though they were down a few more halls."Do you want me to stay out here?" Jackie asked as they walked up to Heinrich's Chambers. She wasn't looking forward to the meeting. Heinrich never seemed to like her, always criticizing her performance when ever she was training in the Paladins' Temple, regardless of how well she did. He certainly wasn't afraid of calling her a number of embarrassing nicknames, and whenever he was directly involved with her training, it was always far harsher than it was for others.
Melstrum (played by Dreath)

"You can wait. He only wanted to see me. Feel free to go back to your quarters for anything. I'll come for you when done." He says patting her on the shoulder. He enters the councilman's quarters. "Councilman Heinrick." He says bowing as the door is closed with a heavy thump.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Jackie let out a breath when Wilhelm said she could leave. She immediately turned and headed back to her quarters.

Heinrich had been putting his armor on. It had a very clear bear motif in its design. Heinrich glanced over at Wilhelm as he entered. "Hello, Wilhelm." He said. "I believe that Necromancer you fought may have fled the province." Heinrcih said, indicating a table with a number of papers on it. "I've received numerous letters from Taryl, a trading outpost on the boarder of Quahriil and Edelaire, detailing sudden un-dead attacks on trading caravans." Heinrich explained. "The letters also describe a few beings similar to the Chimera you told us about." Heinrich said.

"The rest of the Council felt it would be wise to send one of us to deal with the Necromancer. A few undead and corrupted Chimeras wouldn't be much to a High Paladin like us in the Council." Heinrich explained. "I elected it would be best to get someone with me whose had experience with this Necromancer and his abominations." Heinrich said. "I wish for you to accompany me on this journey." He added.
Melstrum (played by Dreath)

Wilhelm stands tall and salutes. "That is troubling news. If the reports are correct those Chimera will be causing some major trouble. for the area. Causalities could be incredible given there seems to be multiple and one nearly killed me." He says nervously. "We can't confirm it's the same one but I can help in the analysis. The creatures were brutal but not the smartest thankfully." He pulls back and looks to the high Paladin. "When do we depart?"
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"Once you're ready." Heinrich said. I have all my necessary belongings packed already. I suggest you go to pack as well." Heinrich said, as he grabbed his helmet, which was molded into the shape of a snarling bear, and his war ax, which was a good two feet larger than Wilhelm was.
Melstrum (played by Dreath)

"Sir before I go I must ask. When did these reports start coming in?" Wilhelm felt something was off. Their foe moved quickly and this unknown ally was concerning.

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