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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Across the Sea [closed]

Nidar (played by DarkElf06)

"I'm a creature of the land; seas and storms aren't what I'm made to deal with," Nidar said as he tied down crates, "give me an earthquake or a sandstorm any day."

He looked at Sendara in her dragon form. Drakes weren't nearly as elegant or majestic as their dragon cousins, they were much more like larger animals, hunting and prowling in the dark for their next meal. This animalistic side was probably what drove Harrishim to recruit him; he needed warriors in his group and what better warrior is there than a draconic creature?

Despite the dragon's majesty, he still found it hard to believe that someone like her would ever be tamed. He sighed at the display and went back to work on the ship.
Ryiah Sendara Bet'Lu (played by BreezyDawn) Topic Starter

Sendara 's reptilian amber eyes didn't miss the look that Nidar gave her, and more jets of steam misted from her nose, drops of scalding hot liquid dripping from her maw as she let it gape slightly, revealing polished white fangs.

In only a moment she had moved across the deck after the man and pinned him to the planks, glaring downward in draconic style. "Is there something you wish to say, oh Drake of the land?" she asked, her voice a low growl, one talon pressed against Nidar's chest, threatening to dig deeper. To her, it was infinitely worse to be so tied to the earth, than to share one's heart with a single man so that man, and an Empire, might survive. Hers was no tameness, but a willingness to do what she had to for her people. Nonetheless, she could not be contained, nor commanded, should the willingness be absent.
Nidar (played by DarkElf06)

Nidar's eyes narrowed and turned amber as he spoke, "If I wanted to say something, I would have. Do you honestly think now is the time for this? You do realise that everyone here could die because of that storm and here you are picking a fight. if you want to carry this on on land, go right ahead, but for now, I have to make sure this ship isn't going to go on a trip to the seabed."

Nidar wouldn't win in a fight with Sendara, land or sea, he just needed a reason to stop the provocation until they were at least safe.
"Nidar all you need is to talk to Taff. He commands over nature too, he can tame the weather and calm the storm if it so worries you. With him on board the ship will not sink" shrugged Calico coming to pat Sendara.

"And my lady, you should return to your quarters to rest, you are a slave at his service after all.. else let's take gold to your nest uh?." Murmured Calico softly staring at her meaningfully and tossing a pouch of gold for her to catch, sure such treasure would encourage her to release the man
Nidar (played by DarkElf06)

Sighing, Nidar ran over to the dragonlord and said: "Taff, I need you to calm that storm with your magic as quickly as possible." He had no idea how capable of a warlock Taff was, but if Calico had assumed his abilities were strong enough to quell a force of nature, he might as well attempt it.
Taff paused staring Nidar at length.

"Yes... of course..." nodded Taff tightening his fist grasping thin air out of which he summoned his druid staff, the tip of which contained a blue glowing crystal.


He made his way to the railing leaning a little forward and facing the strong raging winds that were indeed picking up force and speed, the choppy rough sea splashing salty water over Taff's face more often than not.

Taff took in a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice, in a celtic druidic language akin to dragon´s own to cast the spell and take command of the wild nature.

"Lluoedd natur
gwynt a storm
ufuddhau i'm gorchymyn
dod yn dawel ar unwaith

Forces of nature
wind and storm
obey my command
become calm at once"

Taff voice was serious, the grasp upon the staff firm and steady, extending his other palm forward to cast the spell over the waters and dispell the furious threatening storm, a soothing breeze countering the rage till it became a calm and peaceful voyage again.

"Well... you can never say your dragonlord doesn't care for you, drake..." smiled Taff lightly patting Nidar as if he had but spoken soft words and made his way to the kitchens to prepare supper
Nidar (played by DarkElf06)

Despite his views on dragonlords and their power, he had to admit that Taff's display of power over such a storm was impressive. He watched as the dragonlord made his way down to the kitchens like a lowly servant as if he didn't just complete an advanced spell on a force of nature itself - Nidar shivered at the thought.

To attempt to take his mind off of the spectacle, he climbed the rigging and made his way to the crow's nest to relax since the crisis was averted and the crew could afford some free time. He sat and thought about his power and how limited it truly was compared his own kind, and a human no less. He hated to admit it, but there were forces he could easily fall to.
Ryiah Sendara Bet'Lu (played by BreezyDawn) Topic Starter

Sendara had eventually left Nidar, forsaking the gold Calico offered, and stalked toward the cabin that the crew had prepared for her, but found couldn't fit through the door given her larger size, Caesar's ships not being equipped to handle a dragon’s size.

Curling nearby, she eyed the skies and coming storm as she watched Taff prepare his magic. She had known the warlock was capable of dissipating the force of nature, though, she did wonder how he could wield such power without even breaking a sweat. Surely his power came at some cost? She brewed over this for a while, listening to the creaking of the rigging on the now peaceful ocean, as the ship moved onward toward Falgaron.
Deciding to stay in her draconic form for the time being, Sendara would spend much of the rest of the voyage pacing, or taking to the skies to scout ahead, overall avoiding most of the other people aboard. Eventually, she would land on deck for the last time and declare that she could see Falgaron land only a days and a night's journey ahead.

With that, she went to find Calico, bending her head down to his level as she spoke into his mind."I would like your services as I change form, back to my human state. As you know, my clothing will not shift with me, and there are no quarters which fit my size aboard. Therefore I need you to shield me until I am decent once again. It would not be wise of me to arrive in Falgaron as a dragoness."
"I think you look fabulous with and without any attire" teased and grinned Calico, taking off his cloak and holding it open all the same to offer her some privacy and decency at least till she was able to get dressed.

"When you are ready my dearest..." trailed off Calico patiently waiting for her and waiting on her every need and want.

After she was well wrapped in the cloak he would make his way to the captain's quarters to serve the man his tea to perfection, well acquainted with palace life and the nomad's preferences as well.

He placed the coconut, dates, olives, assorted nuts, exotic scented tea that had cynnamon and spices mixed in. One could tell Taff had gone beyond line of duty for a friend.
Taff on the other hand came back on deck a whole hour later, holding a large tray with tea and assorted biscuits and finger food like carrot and cucumber sticks ready to deliver that to the captain's quarters.

He let himself into the chambers saluting Harrishim briefly before placing the tray on the table, as he would have done for any other lord or master.

"Tea is served... sir..." informed briefly gazing towards the man with certain curiously wondering what he was upto seeing he had spent most of the journey locked in his captain's quarters.

He lowered the sight politely, so as to not be caught staring and scurried away, leaving it to Calico to actually serve the man his food, given he had chosen a slave already.

He hurried his way to the kitchens and came back on deck with a tray of nibbles for Nidar, his eyes gazing towards the sleeping quarters for Riyah to come forth and send the second in command, unless the man wanted to help himself to it before she had a chance to make it there
Ryiah Sendara Bet'Lu (played by BreezyDawn) Topic Starter

((Sorry for my delay))

Ryiah had shifted soon after Calico held up cover, and slipped into the bedouine garb, readying herself for the short duration of the voyage remaining. After giving Calico a short hug, offering him soft thanks, and smoothing her wild red ringlets, she made her way back to the main deck, seeing Taff waiting there for her.

Taking the tray with a sigh, she offered him a light smile. "Thank you for disbanding the storm.. " she murmered to him before turning to knock at Nidar's quarters, tray in hand. Lifting her voice she announced herself, and the sustinance.

Harrishim had been sequestered away for nearly the whole duration, due to his nausea in being at sea. He did nibble at some of the food brought forth, yet mostly just focused his gaze on the maps and documents before him. He tried to distract himself from his misery by reading aa much about Falgaron and its layout as possible, but very little seemed to be common knowledge.

He had been aware of the goings on on deck, but had seen the capabilities of Nidar in his command, and had known his intervention was not necessary, and thanking the stars inwardly that it was so for his stomach was still churning.
Nidar (played by DarkElf06)

Nidar climbed from the crow's nest and down to the main deck; he reckoned that he should prepare for disembarking in his quarters for the next few hours.

When he reached his door, he saw Ryiah standing there with a tray in hand. "What are you doing?" he asked quizzically. This encounter had surprised him considering the amount of pride and wrath her dragon persona possessed, even going so far as to pin him down in human form with her talons. "If those are for me, I will eat them once the ship is prepared to enter Falgaron; I don't want us going there without having prepared for the worst."
Ryiah Sendara Bet'Lu (played by BreezyDawn) Topic Starter

Ryiah sighed, her gaze a bit flat as she turned to set the food down nearby. "I was given these by Taff, and yes, they are for you." She didn't seem to care much for the task, yet had undergone it for the sake of appearances. She knew well that when they reached Falgaron, no none could know she was the dragon empress. Her bedouin cowl would help hide her distinctive hair, and she rarely wore form fitting garb such as many of the bedouine harem women wore, so she would be fairly well disguised. She only hoped she didn't cross paths with the Falgaron ambassador, who would no doubt recognize her despite her attempts.

"I don't really care when you eat," she mused aloud to Nidar, "and I agree that preparations are most important right now, so if I can help in any way, please say so."

For a moment it seemed she would leave, then she sighed. "Pardon my hot temper as a dragoness. It does tend to simmer more strongly when I assume that shape. There should be no ill will between us as we embark on this venture, so that we are not distracted by petty rivalry."
Nidar (played by DarkElf06)

"I know a dragon's fury is as heated as their breath. Hopefully, once you mature it will cool with experience." He picked up his scimitar by the bedside and eyed Ryiah, "Do you know how to fight as humans do? It will be better for all of us if both you and I keep our draconic forms to a minimal appearance whilst in Falgaron."
Taff sighed coming over to the draconic beings, standing among the two of them, speaking to them in confidence, using celtic language that if anyone else overheard none may understand but these two, extending a previously concealed stone and showing it to the both of them.


"Listen to your dragonlord and take heed. Falgaron is a kingdom that has developed strong weapons from dragon's magic as its source of power. The power is harvested from shards of warriors of old killed by dragon breath and from dead dragons remains. Of course, none of it compares to the raw power of a living dragon. I need not remind you how treacherous and deadly such land can become if... they were to find out either of you two are living dragons" warned Taff in a no nonsense tone,


"Should the hour of need arise, Nidar, take the stone into your hands and whisper your name at it, it will lock up the magic within the crystal, safe, beyond others reach. You must not let your dragon essense be taken from you, regardless. Best it is locked up and consigned to oblivion than it fall in the greedy hands of Falgaron's king." explained Taff extending a stone at the man

"As her master, you are to take care of the empress... do not force my hand to act among those in Falgaron for I dread to think what my fate might be if they were to somehow guess my inner nature." murmured Taff taking the tray and bringing it to Nidar's room, leaving the stone into his hands for the worse case scenario and proceeding to make the bed and prepare the room as any common servant would do for their lord and master, folding clothes, tidying up, cleaning up and what not.
Ryiah Sendara Bet'Lu (played by BreezyDawn) Topic Starter

Ryiah smiled at Nidar then, true and almost as wild as her draconic form. "Do I? Oh yes. Though... my own sword was left aboard our own ship unfortunately. I do enjoy facing off with a good opponant. I was taught by my father's captain from a young age."

As Taff approached with the stone, Ryiah shifted uncomfortably, not wanting to be near anything that could strip her of her draconic essence and heritage, eyeing the thing with distaste. She wondered what Taff meant when he said Nidar needed to "take care" of her, unsure if she liked the sound of that, either, and felt the need to add, voice a soft mutter, "master in name, only, for never has anyone, nor will anyone ever truly be my master. I can care for myself, and Calico as well, if it comes to that." Prideful her words were, yet she couldn't avoid the feelings as the thought of being ruled struck a nerve deep within her, one she couldn't bear the thought of. Even Taff having any kind of power over her made her uneasy, and increasingly wary of him.
Nidar (played by DarkElf06)

Looking at the dragonlord with the same unease as before, Nidar answered to him, "As the empress said, I am her master only as a part of the bargain between her and Harrishim; if she gets herself into trouble, I will not help her unless it is necessary to the mission," pointing at the stone, he added "and as for that, my draconic essence will have to be pried from my cold, dead corpse before I allow myself the disgrace of enslavement to those pompous humans."
"Your pride may yet become your downfall... do not let it cloud your judgment for many lives and freedoms depend on your survival and success" warned Taff bucket to hand and scrubbing the floors as any other common slave would do, whistling and humming a tune
Calico smiled broadly no sooner he saw the land looming closer to them, the port visible in the horizon and closer the further the ship advanced.

He came to Harrishim and knocked the door sharply. "Land on sight... we should prepare to disembark" informed Calico coming outside on deck.

"Nidar... you should prepare the men to disembark, you may use our ports in the Capital city to ensure you a shorter crossing and safer passage" prompted Calico seeing Riyah's empire before his eyes and, one had to admit, from the ship... the shore looked breathtaking at sunset.

The kingdom adjacent to theirs may be hostile but they had no ports of their own, so necessarily they would have to disembark and cross through their realm. Hopefully, Morgan would not bring about issues for the fact that they were travelling as captives, harem slaves no less.

This was going to be an adventure on its own already, one with many perils and victories to be hand to ensure the peace and stability of their realm. Only time would tell.

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