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Forums » General Roleplay » The Lupileum Pack (Just jump in.)

Cynder Shadows (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows) Topic Starter

The wolf goddess trotted to the center of the glen. She sat down and raised her face to the moon. She then let loose a howl like no other. It was like a wolf's howl mixed with a dragon's roar. It was soon joined by two more of similar sounds. One was Lupus, who was in the glen as well. The other, which sounded more demonic, came from somewhere deep in the woods.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

I heard the howls but didn't decide to investigate. "Good Lilac, remember how I told you to sneak up on it so you aren't seen."
Wynbain (played by jpdelta)

He nodded watching the pup closely.
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Lilac nodded and went in hunter crouch. She walked forward and saw the rabbit. She waited for the right moment to prounce
Cynder Shadows (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows) Topic Starter

While they were off, Cynder and Lupus would go into the Alpha's cave to discuss the matters at hand.....or 'paw'. They would deliberate for seemingly hours on what to do before finally coming up with a solution.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

(Anyone for reviving the RP?)

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